User descriptions:
A mischievous cat and her friend group attempt a summoning ritual. When her friends bail on her after the first attempt at the summoning, a magical toothbrush mage appears. With no way to get home, the mage summons another mage to get himself home. However, this new bath brush mage, looking for entertainment, sees two perfect subjects in front of her...
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Has anyone realized that the highlighted letters make "somnium aeternum"? And, according go Google, it means "eternal dream"? Cool.
Wait this was based off A Night in the Woods this whole time?
...I'm confused as fuck now-
coin card xiao lol
How are you posting pictures of memes? I'm not egedacated with that yet.
throuh my anchient wisdom i have figured it out all you have too do is press the rectangle with the arrow facing up to upload an image
for example
Oh, thanks, but this is a old comment from, like, 3 months ago. So I know how to do it now. Thanks though!
This is NOT what Night in the woods is about
depths of MY ASS
how does this... thing have a 4.1 rating
Is that Freddy fazbear
Oh cholera! Czy to freddy fazbear. Hur hur hur hur hur.
Har har har har har har har har har haaaar
holy hell what did i just read
this is confusing as hell, can barely keep the characters apart
exactly.. i got confused so much LMAO
Intruder Alert! A RED Spy is in the base!
A RED Spy in the base!
Hut Hut Hut Hut Hut Hut!
Protect the briefcase!
We need to protect the briefcase!
Yo, a little help here?
Alright, alright, I got it. Stand back son. One, one, one, uhh, one?...Incooming!!!
AAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhh... hey it's still here!
*clears throat* gentlemen,
i see the breifcase is secure
yeah it is! safe and sound!
tell me, did any of you happen to kill a red spy on the way here?
no? then we still have a problem
And a knife
oooooooo big problem i've killed plenty of spys. The dime a dozen backstabbing scumbags.... Like you! *ouch* No offense.
If you manage to kill them I assure you they were not like me... And nothing, nothing like the man loose inside this building.
What are you, president of his fanclub?
No, that would be your mother!
*meet the spy titlecard*
Puck doesnt need a dream to be gigantic so he wins by default
Mobile task force Alpha-1 Designated "Red Right Hand" along with O5-9 has entered the facility through gate B. All personel level 3 clearance and below please remain in your offices until further notice, all personel above level 4 please refer to your foundation issued emails for further instruction.
Cool name and all, but all I think about when I see it is male to female, lol
The chaos insurgency is clearly the superior faction.
The fucking what?