Boyfriend Goes Too Far And Snaps At You [SPICY] [Deep Voice] [Boyfriend ASMR] [M4F]
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Boyfriend Goes Too Far And Snaps At You [SPICY] [Deep Voice] [Boyfriend ASMR] [M4F]
You are in love, but life has gotten in the way. You haven’t had much time with your boyfriend and when you do, it’s simple, small and easy… You’ve hit a dull patch in the relationship and you both feel it. He goes out with some friends and didn’t tell you, seeing photos of him with someone else hurts you… You both want to fix it, but is it too late?
Find the full 1-hour audio along with over 400+ other boyfriend audios on Best Kept Secret Patreon
Audio name on Patreon: Make It Up To Me
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#boyfriend #audio #asmr
Along with the valid points the other comments were making about his behavior, his circle of guy friends is a toxic environment. They tried to pawn him off to some other girl and cheat, knowing he was in a relationship, those are not good people for him to be surrounding himself with. And just because he doesn't cheat doesn't excuse him from the other behaviors like he's a great guy, cause that's the bare minimum tbh. I just hope everyone out there would know to expect better out of any guy they're in a relationship with. In any case this is in no way hate to the VA or script wrighter! Just an observation and a message, but great voice acting regardless, and great video!
This feels like a real argument and it made me so mad because he just keeps talking _at_ her instead of listening. Drove me nuts
his friends are trashy for wanting to set him up with that girl, knowing that he's with someone and knowing that he lied to said person to go to the party. no wonder listener doesn't like these friends.
She needs to DTMFA, this ain't gonna work as long as he shifts blame, negates her feelings and opinions, and then tries to manipulate her for his own comfort. It's not just the lying, it's that he refuses to recognize that he hurt his partner. He doesn't apologize or own up to his mistakes in the conversations, he tries to justify his actions with a "I did it for your sake" mentality. He's gaslighting like he's got the last ticket on the Hindenburg.
@l.m.d.4084 am I the only one who feels the listener was doing to much cause I was like oh nah she gotta go when he was trying to talk on the couch with the wine, am I too naive
@@noploxq5593you are lmao
@@noploxq5593100% yes, listener wasn’t doing enough
Girl no restricting your partners social development is 100% abuse if your partner feels the need to hide around and tiptoe to see their friends it's time for a narcissism check up with the local psychiatrist.
And for all the people reading this the first step of the cobweb that threads to form severe physical abuse is gaining social high ground and control by forcing you to only do what they like and isolating you from friends and family so beware of the little first steps.
The fact he was more willing to lie then tell the truth and just communicate his needs wtf
He didn’t even bring the food back 😂
I love that that's where your priorities are at😭
I love when they shred my heart into pieces lol
Same. Like it happens in real life too.😊
You're so real for this😭😭
As long as it's fake 😌
This one made me mad ngl, dude didn’t even apologize or feel guilty about it he was caught that’s what he was upset about. I wouldn’t have cared if he went to the party he’ll that’s me time AS LONG AS HE TOLD THE TRUTH. saying “hey few of my college buddies are getting together im gonna go too ok?” BETTER THAN SAYING IM JUST GOING TO EAT AND GOING TO A WHOLE PARTY. if he legit went and texted me every now and then he’ll even a pic or video every hour so I know he’s safe is fine.
the manipulation and gaslighting 😨
It is precisely cheap moves like this that make me avoid dating.
fr fr
um excuse me 🤨. no way you’re leaving us on a cliffhanger. there better be a part two good sir 🤨
my favorite part is the guy going RERRRR in the background every so often
Omg that almost made me cry cause of how mean and manipulative he was and didnt even apologize.oh but imagine if you make a part 2 and secretly were pregnant and we dont like going out cause of how bad we feel like sick just an idea if you dont have a script already i just think it would be cool if he find out were pregnant cause we have an accident at work and he goes to the hospital and they say the babies fine and hes all shocked and we tell him thats why we didnt want to go out and was tiered i know long shot but still ❤
Sadly wouldn't make sense concidering we are straight up drinking wine at the end
I’m gonna sleep with an angry face rn
Anyone else feel like this was a setup?
Girl walks up on him on his team and flirts hard
She "fell" on him and someone was there to instantly take the photo
Photo is sent to the gf within moments
Yeah I smell a rat 🐀
That's what I was thinking because how can you just instantly take that picture and someone immediately tells his girlfriend
Part two please ❤ also ty for all the amazing content u give us but make sure to take breaks and have some time to yourself. You deserve it! ❤
Man I love love love his voiceeeee it’s soo manly and I wanna cryyyy 😭😭😭
He could have escaped all of these had he just asked her if she would want to go to the party or not. But he just assumed she wouldn't. It doesn't matter if she wants to go or not. What matters is that he chooses to communicate with her.
Nahhh he’s so in the wrong trying to shift blame and not owning up to what HE did wrong.
i actually felt pissed the whole video
Saaame ugh
same, I really couldn’t get into it
I'm pretty introverted so i wouldn't want to go to a party but that doesn't mean he can't go just tell me first
Not watch mojo in the background 😂😂😂😂
Its not that he went out but the fact he didn't tell us. Which is a lie but in a different form.
"Us" has me rolling on the floor. 😂
that’s how it ends!!? we need a part 2 IMMEDIATELY
@@Slashwow ?
@@lovelyredacted i wrote a comment saying that you can find part two on their patreon but RUclips deleted it😭
Sorry, embarrassing lolll 😬
@@Slashwow omgg no it’s okay lol, ty for telling me too
Why shes REALLY mad
❌️ because he lied
❌️ because he was with another girl
✔️ because she didn't get her food
0:00 his voice scared the shit out out me💀
NEED the part 2 💓
I have never had my heart clinching this much before I don't think I like the way he talked 😢😢😢😢
somebody bout to get stomped on, cuz wtf .
Oh Mr Gallo...what have you done???
First ASMR I've heard of yours and I loved it 👏🏻💖 new Sub❤🤗
The deep voice caught me off guard
Oh nah we gotta go immediate break up 🏃♀️💨
Fr like they are the best
Our poor babygurl😢😢😢💔
y'all should listen to the full audio
I'm a fish or cut bait kind type. If someone doesn't respect me enough to listen or meet me half way, it's time to cut bait. Enough said.
It’s all about you sweetheart! Just keep me in the loop 🩷
What I wonder is if he would have been ok if the roles were reversed? Some men say they’d be fine with it cuz it wasn’t like that, until it ACTUALLY happens. I’m sure he would have been to the point of wanting to going to the bar to kill the guy. Men if you want to go do something that you think don’t know she’d take it, think of her doing it. If you’d really really be fine with her doing the exact same thing, then more power to you. If not, then do the right thing and take YOURSELF out of the situation.
Break up, no need to talk even
I keep hearing “VROOOM” in the background 😂
Guys he sounds like morgan from criminal minds
im not even mad about the girl or going to the part im mad bc he lied abt it. like if he said "yo bae imma head to a party w sm guys from college." id have been fine w it
I love if when a man begs for my forgiveness
I am so mad omfg but at the same time i kind of understand where he is coming from- but did you have to lie about a party? Was it so hard like be so fr. Not only that but the gaslighting is crazy because why would you lie for my own good when you couldve just said so.
Every time.i look these up on patreon I can never find them😢
probably not looking up the right name, name on yt is diff than patreon. Look in the description & try again
Part 2
There's a distinct lack of "I'm sorry" in this script.
Live your videos ❤️
My neck is legitimately hurting so I wouldn’t be able to handle a arm around my shoulders. But legs up on your lap… that I can do.
umm excuse me sir i need a part 2 please
Why is this shit kinda funny how she slams the door 😂
I ripped off my nail while watching this on accident 😛😛
Well I love going out so I’ll be fine 😅
Yeah he would be moving out
part 2 right now
Idgaf abt any of this content the only thing I gaf is his voice🙋🏽♀️
I totally get wanting to have some fun with friends and get out of the house but that fact that you lied about it make this so much worse also when you try and invalidate my point of view makes it exponentially worse
Или я слишком впечатлительная или эта игра в бир-понг заставила меня ревновать по-настоящему 😁😁
I can’t find this on Patreon ☹️
It's called "Make it up to me"
It could be apart of the 10 dollar tier as well
@@charliwarren8917 Yeah maybe because i only have the second tier right now
I don't care about what you lied about but it is just tell me the truth and like just dont lie to me.
The fact that he's trying to communicate like a good person and trying to work things out with her, and she's just making it more difficult. And then she brings up the girl that was out of his control, obviously that had to be set up by one of his buddies. I just hate that she's not willing to talk it out with him like a mature adult. Yes, he's allowed to go out and be with his friends just the same as she is. But of course it's easier to blame the man when the only thing he did wrong was not tell her(He just wanted to be with the boys).
They’re both in the wrong here, very childish couple 😂
@@PeriwinkleBWell yeah 😂 I was just trying to make a point to the people who are blaming it all on him and just ignoring her, he's at least trying to communicate with her and he admitted instead of lying some more to her
Thank you. Everyone just blaming the dude. When he asked her would she be mad if he went out still when she didn't want to go. The silence. You know she would be mad and make him feel bad for choosing to hang out with crew, and not watch the same movie for the 18th time that year. Nah baby boy you can go chill with your friends. I'm gonna be playing video games. Enjoy your night out babe. Don't forget your 'bitch be gone' spray. Better bring me back some Chinese when you get back.
@@ZombyRain 😂😂 right, enjoy your night honey!
Kardashian in the backround be like..
Nice, not sweet but very refreshing.
Lo siento pero no, hasta aquí llegó lo nuestro vv
A lot of constructive comments on the context of the audio here.
I am not siding with the context clues of the listener this time. He did what he could 😂😅
He could've apologized better and really owned up in a more direct way but other than that, i don't vibe with the personality of what the listener is supposed to embody.
I do think he was set up for sure though.
Haha this is kinda funny listener is apparently a lawyer and I have a shirt that says
Harvard Law
Lol jk
The entire time I kept saying “wow I’m such a bitch”😂
Fr I kept saying that too😂😂😂
Actually tho like damn we are miserable lol
@@Leo_TvT Why is the listener miserable … surely you wouldn’t want your partner lying to you… You may be weird like that though 😬 👀 couldn’t be me
Can you do a face reveal❤
I dont like this, you keep talking instead of just getting to the point and telling me what actually happened in FULL detail.
I actually this the listener was a jerk in this one. You’re mad about him not telling you but, you made excuses the whole time to justify him being bored. He should be able to go hang out with his friends. She also shouldn’t be cool with staying home all the damn time. Work be damned. She sounds boring, manipulative and dramatic. The fact that he came straight home is representative of him owning it.
see dont lie
Honestly if a woman ever makes her man tip toe around her like that, she’s the one in the wrong. Listener was definitely in the wrong no matter how insecure you are you should NEVER lose all your trust at a blink of an eye. And also, dude… Like isn’t the fact that he /had/ to lie is kinda concerning? Just how much shit did Listener hassle him to get this far lol
Absolutely the biggest L take I’ve ever seen wtf
The amount of people calling/him/ a jerk/asshole is actually concerning
People these days as feels so entitled-
@@harmony3493 i sincerely hope you never actually end up in a relationship like this, cause if you think he’s in the right here, I just don’t think you’re able to notice abusive relationships. Or you’re being a pick me can’t tell which one.
@@comatoseohno No man. There is too much to unpack in this
Yes lying is wrong. Yes gaslighting isn’t right. Yes communication is the key.
But in this particular situation, in this video specifically, Listener was being such a child. Not to mention, it is obvious, that they did enough damage so that /he/ is doing what he is doing.
I am not saying lying is always a result to damage. I am saying this particular situation Listener was in the wrong too, even more than him.
@@harmony3493 I am genuinely flabbergasted bro- how?? I actually feel so bad for you if this is the way you think, I really hope this never happens to you/someone you know cause wowzers you have no clue what you’re talking about
Why is the listener kinda a red flag 😭