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Solo Leveling
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Mar 10, 9:30 AM
May 2017
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me.

Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime.

The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime or not. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.
PoisonSamuraiMar 11, 11:11 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 10, 9:39 AM
Dec 2020
*rates 9/10, proceeds to list 9 bad things and 1 good thing about the anime*
Mar 10, 9:41 AM
Jul 2020
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

who is reading this entire essay of a forum post lmfao

Mar 10, 9:41 AM
Jan 2025
Welcome to the anime community almost every Popular Shounen anime has fans like that you're just gonna have to get used to it.
Mar 10, 9:43 AM

Sep 2016
Some SL fans are toxic because some SL haters are toxic.

Some SL haters are toxic because some SL fans are toxic.

Welcome to the internet.
ZarutakuMar 11, 4:42 AM
Mar 10, 9:48 AM
Mar 2024
I agree with the statement but saying the fan base is worse then DBZ and jjk fan base is just a stretch
Mar 10, 9:52 AM
May 2021
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

Valid take, it’s a good anime but yeah I can see it being in the top 20. All really depends on a person’s preference 🤷🏼‍♂️
Mar 10, 9:57 AM

May 2021
Every series which passes a certain threshold of popularity develops a toxic fanbase, just the nature of how fandoms work, it is what it is.
Barely catching my breath!
Lay my eyes on the crest!
Gonna square up to all of the heat that is left!
So I carry the torch! To Inferno! Inferno!

GENERATION 45: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Mar 10, 9:58 AM
May 2024
stg so freakin true
Mar 10, 10:10 AM
Dec 2024
Linx_0 said:
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

who is reading this entire essay of a forum post lmfao

me I literally read it 😅😅
Mar 10, 10:17 AM
Jun 2023
nahh, every anime has that ,,, i haven't seen much of sl toxic fans but I have seen soo many hates tho,, i don't know what made you post this tho,, did something happened with you??

how about this have you seen DBZ?? because of Goku literally 6 universes were destroyed, were fighting for survival,and it happened because of Goku and you know everyone celebrated gokus ultra instinct and Goku beating jeran( i forgot his name) , when jeran was a good guy, and Goku was in the wrong,, but whole world loved that genocide tho?? do you consider everyone toxic just because of that? and call them immature??
in context they are , story wise they should hate Goku but all they care about is power and transformation,, and you calling sl is more toxic then Jjk and db is just too much.

and jinwoo is not self insert mc, he literally fights to save his mom for 4 years despite being the weakest hunter.. i don't think you would do that.
Mar 10, 10:33 AM
Jan 2022
You rate a show 9/10 and then complain about the characters, plot and even call it 'overly overrated'? If you didn't know, 9 means 'Great'; It's a rating for a show that you think is one rating away from 10 - 'Masterpiece'. You can either complain about the show or dont give it an high rating, otherwise no one will take you serious you stupid clown.
Mar 10, 10:38 AM
Jan 2022
keinboesewicht said:
*rates 9/10, proceeds to list 9 bad things and 1 good thing about the anime*

Like seriously how can someone complain about the plot and characters of a show he himself rated a 9/10? You deserve to get clowned and roasted if you do that.
Mar 10, 10:42 AM

Jul 2017
It's pretty standard tbh. Having been deep in all those mentioned fanbases and worse, SL fans are just about what I expected.

Mar 10, 10:47 AM
May 2017
Reply to Ripperdoc
You rate a show 9/10 and then complain about the characters, plot and even call it 'overly overrated'? If you didn't know, 9 means 'Great'; It's a rating for a show that you think is one rating away from 10 - 'Masterpiece'. You can either complain about the show or dont give it an high rating, otherwise no one will take you serious you stupid clown.
@Ripperdoc I wanted to give SL 2 a 8.5 but sadly mal doesn't have a .5 or decimal system. And I'm rating it that high because I enjoyed it, ignoring it's flaws. But I'm just frustrated of it's Fandom and it being overrated. I've even given some animes 10/10 which are 5 or 6 in mal, just because I've liked them. Not because they are flawless and aren't shit, but because I enjoyed them and turned off my brain. Sometimes I judge the anime before scoring and sometimes I don't. And this time I'm doing the both.
Mar 10, 11:00 AM
Jan 2022
PoisonSamurai said:
@Ripperdoc I wanted to give SL 2 a 8.5 but sadly mal doesn't have a .5 or decimal system. And I'm rating it that high because I enjoyed it, ignoring it's flaws. But I'm just frustrated of it's Fandom and it being overrated. I've even given some animes 10/10 which are 5 or 6 in mal, just because I've liked them. Not because they are flawless and aren't shit, but because I enjoyed them and turned off my brain. Sometimes I judge the anime before scoring and sometimes I don't. And this time I'm doing the both.

It’s honestly wild how some people rate Solo Leveling Season 2 a 9/10 while also admitting that it has a weak plot, nonexistent side characters, predictable storytelling, and basic power scaling. Then, they turn around and complain that others call it overrated. Like, bro, you’re the one making it look overrated by giving it such a high score despite recognizing its flaws.

You complain about how the fandom acts like it’s the best anime ever, even though you’re contributing to that perception. If you really think it’s just fun action and fan service with nothing deep, why rate it like it’s almost a masterpiece? That’s exactly why people call it overrated—because fans ignore everything but enjoyment and still score it like it’s a top-tier anime. I don't even know how someone can enjoy a show they think is overrated so much.

At the end of the day, if you enjoy SL, that’s completely fine and I am happy for you. But if you recognize its flaws, acknowledge that others might call it overrated, and still rate it a 9/10, you’re just proving their fucking point.
RipperdocMar 10, 11:28 AM
Mar 10, 11:16 AM

Jul 2015
Don't make me tap the sign.

Mar 10, 11:18 AM
Nov 2024
All fan cultures are always toxic like it or not, that is why I avoid fans and discussions most of the time. It's because people are so obsessed with what they like is the best and push it to others. They love to treat it like a cult when it's just entertainment and fun to enjoy. The haters will also always hate something they don't like and also blab to others. All you have to do is stop seeing it like some sort of competition and you will see the immaturity of it all. Arguing something like this is a waste of time like grade 8 syndrome.
Gilgamesh-71Mar 10, 11:25 AM
Mar 10, 11:25 AM
Jul 2024
Remember the RWBY fanbase? You want toxic? ROFLMAO
Mar 10, 11:38 AM
Aug 2021
It’s far easier to enjoy a 9/10 anime, look forward to the next episode, and ignore the written diarrhea. It’s MAL, it’s normal.
Mar 10, 11:49 AM
Dec 2020
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

Why someone should care? It’s not like I should be loving it because it’s better. Why don't you guys just love the ones you want and ignore the ones that you hate? Get a life.
Mar 10, 11:51 AM

Apr 2022
bc theyre all in middle/high school lol
Mar 10, 12:03 PM
Jun 2022
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

If something is popular it doesn’t mean it has to be good. It might be the fact that anime are more mainstream now a days and most anime with a good animation gets way too popular mostly because it can captivate the audience especially the young viewers or the people who are new to the anime and also because of social media. The depth of story and characters are not a standard nowadays to rate something good or bad. You just have to stick to your personal preference and ignore the opinions of the others 😌 and arguing with fans that have no justification for their arguments is a big NO ( learned that the hard way 😅) . But criticizing something and then rating it 9/10 seems a bit hypocritical. Like I agree with all the criticism you wrote about SL but I rated it accordingly which was a 5.
Mar 10, 12:17 PM

Mar 2021
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

"Overrated" has lost meaning in your rant, when you said you scored it 9/10 because you enjoyed it regardless of its flaw. You of all people have no rights to call it overrated, because you are simply contributing to the problem you are complaining here.
And Istg, nobody even needs to insult you for calling it out, instead you just made yourself look like an entire circus.
Mar 10, 12:30 PM
Oct 2021
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

aint reading allat but any mainstream anime has its fair share of idiots
Mar 10, 12:40 PM
May 2017
Reply to Ripperdoc
PoisonSamurai said:
@Ripperdoc I wanted to give SL 2 a 8.5 but sadly mal doesn't have a .5 or decimal system. And I'm rating it that high because I enjoyed it, ignoring it's flaws. But I'm just frustrated of it's Fandom and it being overrated. I've even given some animes 10/10 which are 5 or 6 in mal, just because I've liked them. Not because they are flawless and aren't shit, but because I enjoyed them and turned off my brain. Sometimes I judge the anime before scoring and sometimes I don't. And this time I'm doing the both.

It’s honestly wild how some people rate Solo Leveling Season 2 a 9/10 while also admitting that it has a weak plot, nonexistent side characters, predictable storytelling, and basic power scaling. Then, they turn around and complain that others call it overrated. Like, bro, you’re the one making it look overrated by giving it such a high score despite recognizing its flaws.

You complain about how the fandom acts like it’s the best anime ever, even though you’re contributing to that perception. If you really think it’s just fun action and fan service with nothing deep, why rate it like it’s almost a masterpiece? That’s exactly why people call it overrated—because fans ignore everything but enjoyment and still score it like it’s a top-tier anime. I don't even know how someone can enjoy a show they think is overrated so much.

At the end of the day, if you enjoy SL, that’s completely fine and I am happy for you. But if you recognize its flaws, acknowledge that others might call it overrated, and still rate it a 9/10, you’re just proving their fucking point.
@Ripperdoc looks like you just completely ignored my reply. As I've said, just because something is shit doesn't mean I hate it. If I like something I will give it a good score even if it's shit. Though I don't want to give SL a 9, but I don't want to give it an 8 either. Also, maybe my way of scoring something is different than you or others. Next thing is, I don't like something, if it becomes very overrated. But that also doesn't mean I will give it a very low score.
Mar 10, 12:54 PM
Nov 2018
It's amazing how this topic shows up almost every week. Does it make people feel popular to keep bringing this up every week?
Mar 10, 1:00 PM

Jan 2021
make a review then? what is the point of this post?

If people are circle jerking, laugh at them and move on. You seem pretty bothered.
Mar 10, 1:50 PM
Feb 2024
Every day posts here are made like sl is overrated,mid,slop,flop, overhyped . Sl fans are toxic, they fucked my mom and girlfriend and made me cuck. Always crying seeing success of sl . Yes, for many fans sl can be their best anime. Why do you have problem with that . You can also call your favourite series best Everybody have right to have their opinion.
Mar 10, 1:56 PM
May 2017
Reply to Rohanraj21
Every day posts here are made like sl is overrated,mid,slop,flop, overhyped . Sl fans are toxic, they fucked my mom and girlfriend and made me cuck. Always crying seeing success of sl . Yes, for many fans sl can be their best anime. Why do you have problem with that . You can also call your favourite series best Everybody have right to have their opinion.
@Rohanraj21 Just proved my point lol.

Edit - are you sure you're not a bot? How tf have you watched 65k episodes of one piece?

Edit 2 - I'm sorry. I can't argue with someone whose only watched anime is solo leveling. Man your whole profile favourites are full of solo leveling. And you gave Frieren 1/10. What can I even expect from you.
PoisonSamuraiMar 12, 8:41 AM
Mar 10, 2:02 PM
Apr 2019
This isn’t an anime thing nor a fandom thing, it’s just a human thing. Where ever there are humans there will be "toxic" vocal minority
Mar 10, 2:47 PM
Jun 2024
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

This is almost exactly my personal opinion on solo leveling. It’s an extremely fun show but it’s nowhere near critically good.
Mar 10, 3:15 PM
Jan 2023
Piromysl said:
Don't make me tap the sign.

Yes, of course. Anyone who writes posts with a trail of criticism about something popular now, does so because they want to be "different". Or it's just a rage bait. This is why I both hate and love MAL.
MemowynekromantaMar 10, 3:23 PM
Mar 10, 3:22 PM
Jun 2017
Zarutaku said:
SL fans are toxic because SL haters are toxic.

This is actually a very good point. One that I didn't think about before
Mar 10, 3:33 PM

Jul 2015
Reply to Memowynekromanta
Piromysl said:
Don't make me tap the sign.

Yes, of course. Anyone who writes posts with a trail of criticism about something popular now, does so because they want to be "different". Or it's just a rage bait. This is why I both hate and love MAL.
@Memowynekromanta You seem to mistake "constructive criticism" with mindless hate and ragebait, which is what SL faces in 99% cases just like any other popular and critically acclaimed show.
As person above stated, haters are receiving as much respect as they deserve.
PiromyslMar 12, 2:08 AM

Mar 10, 3:57 PM

Feb 2025
Reply to keinboesewicht
*rates 9/10, proceeds to list 9 bad things and 1 good thing about the anime*
9.1/10 It has a little something for everyone
Just watch whatever anime you like bro
Mar 10, 4:00 PM

Jan 2021
I don't see any Solo Leveling fan complaining and getting mad about people disliking Solo Leveling, I do see Solo Leveling haters being mad about the vice versa. The haters or the fans, I wonder which one is actually toxic.
Mar 10, 4:23 PM
Aug 2020
you literally looks like a 13 years old making his first thread
Mar 10, 4:45 PM
Jan 2023
Piromysl said:
@Memowynekromanta You seem to mistake "constrictive criticism" with mindless hate and ragebait, which is what SL faces in 99% cases just like any other popular and critically acclaimed show.
As person above stated, haters are receiving as much respect as they deserve.

Some parts could be unfortune, for example "why do some solo leveling fans thinks that it's the best anime of all time and jinwoo is the strongest character ever", of course everyone has right to think like that. But I agree, there's a lot toxic SL fans.
Mar 10, 4:49 PM
Dec 2024
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

I just went through your anime bro you gave all the gooner anime’s high scores high school dxd is not a 10/10
Mar 10, 5:05 PM
Dec 2022
PoisonSamurai said:
First of all I want to clarify I've already read Solo Leveling manhwa in 2019/20. And currently reading Ragnarok. Personally I will rate the current anime 9/10 just because it delivers what it promises to do - action and fan service. Whatever I will say now only related to the anime. I'm 110% sure that some people that reply me will definitely try to insult/harass/intimidate/hate me. Now, why do some Solo Leveling fans think that it's the best anime of all time and Jinwoo is the Strongest character ever? Other anime doesn't even exist for them. Solo leveling anime doesn't even have a great plot, character development, back story, world building. Side characters are even non existent. I can't even remember their face or names. But I still like it. But some people will just fight with you just to prove their point. Arguing with them will make you lose your brain cells. It's like they've only watched Solo Leveling and never watched any other great/old anime. The show is overly overrated. There are some good moments in the anime but that's all. The story is pretty much straightforward and predictable. Typical generic Shonen like without any mystery, suspense or over the top plot. MC is also great but his personality becomes too much chad/sigma. And powerscaling is whatever. I think people only like it because of the self-insert MC and video game like leveling. But they don't even try to see beyond that. I'm saying it again - I really like solo leveling, but I can't say it's one of my top 10 best anime. Maybe top 20 best anime. I think SL fans are most toxic fans ever, even worse than JJK, Naruto, OP, and DBZ. They won't even give the logic and justification behind their opinion.

in my opinion this anime is not even in top 10 the best anime ever but I still enjoy watching it
Mar 10, 6:37 PM
Aug 2024
all fandoms are toxic in their own ways
Mar 10, 6:53 PM
Mar 2024
Infamous_Empire said:
Every series which passes a certain threshold of popularity develops a toxic fanbase, just the nature of how fandoms work, it is what it is.

JoJo's could never be toxic
Mar 10, 8:06 PM
Jan 2024
well this has been happening alot recently. I me, JJL fans? lol. I think the younger audience is the one making it toxic since if you do notice, most r young.
the only thing I liked about SL was the art and the authors way of knowing when ti add those rizz moments.
other than that, JIWOON just like you said, becomes a sigma male who won't take his hands out of his pockets at any cost lol. what is ironic is how not a single mid or weak character is shown as the story progresses. jiwoon himself doesn't even associate with anyone who's not strong. I guess it's hype comes from this self insertion thing. and that's why I'm more convinced the fanbase is young.
with age comes maturity and taste, so obviously if you've been watching anime for some time, you'll know SL is overhyped.
most Dungeon stories r the same. if one that does deserve hype, is Omniscient Reader Viewpoint. that's the goat
Ignore haters and just enjoy watching what you want. nowadays people r more prone to be toxic and hateful so just ignore
Mar 10, 8:30 PM
Aug 2024
Piromysl said:
Don't make me tap the sign.

He did not said he is hating it. He only mentioned that some anime had better plot and setting etc.
Mar 10, 9:13 PM
Dec 2021
I don't know why you said people say he's the strongest ever, I think anybody who isn't in middle school doesn't debate "which anime protag is the strongest?" Maybe I'm just disconnected from the community or maybe you just spend too much time online.

Second, obviously there's no plot to the story and obviously side characters aren't important, that's not why the story was written. The entire purpose of the story is that it's a fan service show only meant to entertain a stereotypical dude's fantasies. If that's something you can't understand then so be it, but I'd say it does it's job very well. I don't know about the best, but definitely of the best.

The show isn't meant to give you a heart wrenching story or make you fear the future of your favorite character. It's only meant to make you feel good while you watch it and that's all, no tragedy, no complicated power scaling that's difficult to understand (hence the obvious levels that are seen and ratings assigned to the power of each character), no worrying about the next scene, no hating any characters too badly. You know he's going to win, you just want to see how cool he looks doing it.

I understand if you think it's overrated and it isn't your cup of tea, but personally it is one of my favorite comics and light novels to read because I eat up that fan service like breakfast. If you've had bad experiences with SL fans, then all I'd suggest is to spend less time online or just ignore it. Stupid people are going to stay stupid, it sucks but it's what we've got.

Sorry for typing an essay, I got bored while waiting on hold on a call for my bank. If you don't want to read it then don't lol. Cheers 🥂
Mar 10, 9:53 PM
Mar 2021
Dude you just gave it 9/10 and comparing to other great anime why....,?
i think it was great wn it released arnd 2019 , but now every manhwa copying SL, tht's y people are kind a hating it .
i just kinda like the system and Leveling and Op , when you look at logically it really falls behind cuz I'm really confused abt this show whether its isekai or Reincarnation or vrmmo type it's illogical when you think too much abt it,
but i loved it as a Manhwa as entertainment it's a good piece of Fiction And Unique compared to other show's and it's a feel hood show shoenen battle type , i like the fact
Anime Rules the world
Mar 10, 11:29 PM

Apr 2022
because otherwise, they have nothing else to talk about. not much goes on.
Mar 11, 12:46 AM
Jul 2024
Zarutaku said:
SL fans are toxic because SL haters are toxic.

no, haters are toxic it's not a SL exclusive
Mar 11, 1:17 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to yummy_W4ffle
Zarutaku said:
SL fans are toxic because SL haters are toxic.

no, haters are toxic it's not a SL exclusive
@yummy_W4ffle Didn't say it's SL exclusive, but the topic is about SL fans, some of whom are more or less toxic than some of the haters.
ZarutakuMar 11, 2:00 AM
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