50 RC Cars on GIANT ramp - Best RC event ever!!

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025

Комментарии • 641

  • @KevinTalbotTV
    @KevinTalbotTV  2 года назад +215

    Re-uploaded due to yesterdays video being corrupted and stopping half way through

  • @steveblackbird
    @steveblackbird 2 года назад +81

    Gotta say it, Claire is an absolute Angel. With RCMHAP raising awareness and no doubt you being there Kevin it looked like an awesome weekend!! Going to try to come next year and help represent Aus!! Woooo!

    • @MrSimon1909
      @MrSimon1909 2 года назад

      but she really needs to lose wait if she doesnt want to die at 50

    @BEASTMODERC 2 года назад +142

    Really nice of you given the fans a go with your build’s. Some thing they’re truly never going to forget. And for that much respect

  • @bearbrotuska
    @bearbrotuska 2 года назад +67

    Props to Claire for setting this up and it’s just so fun to see someone do stuff with RC cars that I’m too scared to do!

  • @jeremyhuml7014
    @jeremyhuml7014 2 года назад +11

    Man I absolutely love how you all have fun together and support each other! Kudos to you for letting everyone use your rigs to have a great time!

  • @HardcoreRC
    @HardcoreRC 2 года назад +2

    Great Weekend, great people, lots of fun, and the Losi's took to the air 😂😂😂😂

  • @cktennessee2356
    @cktennessee2356 2 года назад +9

    Props to all who organized and put on this epic event. Everyone smiling and having fun.

  • @Julio-jm8ld
    @Julio-jm8ld 2 года назад +7

    And that's what RCing is all about. A little for everyone no matter what your set up for. Great job 👏

  • @muhammadwafa5556
    @muhammadwafa5556 2 года назад +12

    Man Kev is a really kind hearted person , let them try his own build and collection

  • @Fatt_Tony
    @Fatt_Tony 2 года назад +6

    The only youtube rc channel that can be about any rc and I'm interested in watching. Keep going Kevin!

  • @FarmerFpv
    @FarmerFpv 2 года назад

    Anyday will be the most fantastic day if you hang out with Kevin and his crew. Such a great bunch of people playing with RCs. Sign me up!

  • @RCTVKOROPower
    @RCTVKOROPower 2 года назад +1

    Fun Events
    Thanks for the fun video.

  • @PrizelTatzeRC
    @PrizelTatzeRC 2 года назад +2

    I don't think I've ever seen so many RC cars at once, the avtion is just amazing and you'd love to be there. Greetings from Germany

  • @Ineffablemoments33
    @Ineffablemoments33 2 года назад +1

    That looked like so much fun! A little bit of everything. Man I wanted to see that huge RC tank "Ferret" thing crawl!

  • @happyhippigaming3410
    @happyhippigaming3410 2 года назад +11

    Your videos are getting me addicted to rc cars, been watching you about 5 months & looking at buying an x max for my first one 😁🔥

  • @ya_boy_dusty7309
    @ya_boy_dusty7309 2 года назад +12

    Hello from Australia, I’m loving the rc content. It’s making me want to get back into rc cars.

    • @steveblackbird
      @steveblackbird 2 года назад +3

      Kevin got me back into RC's. A lot has changed since I left back in the mid 90's and nitro power. Brushless is insane!!! G'day from a fellow Aussie!

    • @RCTNT
      @RCTNT 2 года назад +1

      Do it! Amazing hobby and the social element has played a big part in my mental health improving significantly. Plus, y'know, driving toy cars is way fun!

  • @DaVerseOfficial
    @DaVerseOfficial 2 года назад

    it's the "💥BOOM💥" transitions for me.👍🏾😁

  • @RCRoads
    @RCRoads 2 года назад

    Awesome get together with the RC gang. Sure looked like tons of fun. 👍👍

  • @jimmyneutronsimon8412
    @jimmyneutronsimon8412 2 года назад +2

    Fellow Michigander:)

  • @cameronm8264
    @cameronm8264 2 года назад +1

    Long time fan here Kev! My son and I love watching your videos. In the old days, The only way I would be able to change his nappy would be to give him my phone with your videos on it! Now he's 5 and we still watch your videos at breakfast time - that's the only way he'll eat!! 😄 😂 And he loves saying "BOOOM"!! Love you man

  • @thecatofnineswords
    @thecatofnineswords 2 года назад

    Game over, they say, game over. Not for Kevin! who rips around on three wheels. 🎉
    I love your chaotic joy. It's infectious.
    Looks like you and many others had an absolute blast!

  • @corkscrewfoley
    @corkscrewfoley 2 года назад

    This looks like a lot of fun. That Len chap is fairly decent...😉🤣

  • @rccrazy7495
    @rccrazy7495 2 года назад +1

    I like how your share your toy's that shows your character.. looked like a awesome time and man you even had beer there.. 🍺 Michigan in the house that's cool I'm A Michigander also ..Your more than welcome to come over to see it here Kevin anytime just say so.. Great times. Great people.

  • @bryanspanjer3213
    @bryanspanjer3213 2 года назад +13

    Good on Kevin four helping the youngsters to have the best day ever.

  • @bsbigrcadventures2089
    @bsbigrcadventures2089 2 года назад

    Kev Whot a good day out that was it looked so much fun an a lot of people turned up well dune Claire for so it 👍👍

  • @DaddyMack001
    @DaddyMack001 2 года назад

    Ok, IF I can, I am DEF in. I'm from Canada, so, hopefully I can figure something out. You guys, just, WOW, SO much respect and appreciation for one another. SO glad I fell onto your channel and enjoy it more and more. Kevin, thank you for being genuine. Cheers bud

  • @stevenhertzler9901
    @stevenhertzler9901 2 года назад +1

    I really like to see all the RC you get,plus put it to the test,thanks Kevin,this is Steve Hertzler from the USA

  • @rcamateurs
    @rcamateurs 2 года назад +2

    Nice, the monster truck event was my fav!

  • @alxgu198
    @alxgu198 2 года назад

    Your RC community is amazing 😁👍❤

  • @gordonscottrc2561
    @gordonscottrc2561 2 года назад

    Good job to all of you.. Enjoying Rc and giving back to the community is the best of both worlds..God bless..🇲🇾

  • @jonfharding9429
    @jonfharding9429 2 года назад

    Just pure fun. Awesome. Jon&Denise 🧙‍♂️🦉

  • @bobboberton1841
    @bobboberton1841 Год назад

    Love it. "Arrma Tough" comment followed immediately by "Game Over" for the Traxxas. It amazes me the beatings these cars can take. I am new to the hobby, so really enjoy seeing all of this.

  • @Pablo668
    @Pablo668 2 года назад +1

    Fun vid Kev, and great work by Claire to get it all together!

  • @RavenHizonTech
    @RavenHizonTech 2 года назад


  • @Jamboliner
    @Jamboliner 2 года назад

    Fun for all ages. Keeps the families together! Awesome gathering!

  • @BlackDalek
    @BlackDalek 2 года назад

    Absolutely awesome event!! Kev you might need to take a portable powerbank with you in case your camera battery starts going flat. Loved this video so much had plenty of laughs!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @FrederikF12
    @FrederikF12 2 года назад +3

    awesome video like always 🔥🔥🔥

  • @danielhjjensen8856
    @danielhjjensen8856 Год назад

    I love when you say "let's god yes" It's awesome 😅

  • @alexymaldonadoo2913
    @alexymaldonadoo2913 2 года назад

    I love how every comes together like family n everyone knows each other 🤟💯 i wish i had an Rc Fam lol love your vids kev!!

  • @MischaESC2
    @MischaESC2 2 года назад

    "Please don't Kev' my crawler track!". LOL! What a legend! I'll make sure to use "to kev something" in the future!

  • @kurtbreugelmans1318
    @kurtbreugelmans1318 5 месяцев назад

    Kev, just got into the RC scene and gotta say i love your video's. Once i saw this one yesterday i decided i wanna come next year to this event! With my son and a co worker with his son. Hope to see you there ;)

  • @sandman6617
    @sandman6617 Год назад

    What a great group of people! I’m from Michigan, so nice to see someone traveling far to participate! Carry on!

  • @woodywoodbridge7405
    @woodywoodbridge7405 2 года назад +3

    So glad I got into RCS rather than airsoft !! ) Looked like a good family day out!

  • @yindyamarra
    @yindyamarra 2 года назад +2

    Always a good day when Kevin wants to hit a ramp,what a great day that looked like, great group of people

  • @jbirdmax
    @jbirdmax 2 года назад +4

    WOW! Props to Claire for such an amazing and complete event!

    • @appyghoulpara3095
      @appyghoulpara3095 2 года назад +1

      claire didnt, set up the event, she was just helping at the event, RCmhap done the event, which is owned by tony & alix.

    • @jbirdmax
      @jbirdmax 2 года назад +1

      To be honest I was actually suspicious about that.

  • @br4d101
    @br4d101 2 года назад

    Looking like new seals on the manual air conditioning flaps on Andy the Landy mate! Claire’s event looked awesome 😊

  • @adrianpilbeam7403
    @adrianpilbeam7403 2 года назад

    Brilliant video!! Thank you so much for your support Kev.

  • @stevenblair9454
    @stevenblair9454 2 года назад

    BOOOOOM! In the first 50 seconds I love this guy, every single video is entertaining and teaches me a lot where would we be without you Kevin probably all still playing with New Bright toys LOL

  • @bkfracing8025
    @bkfracing8025 2 года назад

    Love from Detroit Michigan ❤

  • @tubeme4vr
    @tubeme4vr 2 года назад

    Another great vid from Kev. Amazing organisation Claire!

  • @TRXMof_PLayZ
    @TRXMof_PLayZ 2 года назад

    Kevin thank u now i can enjoy without 360p 🙂🙂

  • @thejeepinrealtor5742
    @thejeepinrealtor5742 2 года назад

    Fun vid. WTG Claire. You are very humble for all that you do.
    The bangood crawler did pretty good!
    And those were some awesome rovers!! Not quite as cool as some classic Jeeps 😜 but they’re aight.

  • @JHV166
    @JHV166 Год назад

    I coudl only wish for friends like this... What fun! YOu guys and girsl look like you're haveing a blast!

    @EXPIOWA 2 года назад

    I love the leaky truck. Lol Very British. 😂

  • @jaimeisreal
    @jaimeisreal 2 года назад

    At 4:42: "I'm not scared of you, ya big bully!" BOOM! 😂

  • @lastfanstanding999
    @lastfanstanding999 2 года назад

    10:50 "Game Over" 🫣 or Not !😳🤣😹😺

  • @michaeltaylor1985
    @michaeltaylor1985 2 года назад +1

    You have an amazing skill that you've developed through the years with editing and keeping the momentum with production... I have worked with many producers who have half your skills and make millions in network television.

  • @bassinup5184
    @bassinup5184 Год назад

    I love the hair Clair! I wish I could goto the UK to do this. Awesome sauce 😂

  • @bignbuilds3209
    @bignbuilds3209 2 года назад

    looks epic this. and Simon's rc wins for me.. haha hold my beer.. 😂😂

  • @neilsmith7815
    @neilsmith7815 2 года назад

    That's awesome hey we don't have that kind of activities in western Australia so cool I'm jealous. 😂

  • @Gnarmarmilla
    @Gnarmarmilla 2 года назад

    My dear people, be careful when you eat, and understand that over eating is evil (harmful) for us. Most the poor people in this video are so obese and I feel so sorry for them. Being obese leads to manifold miseries, so hate overeating and eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and wholesome grains, nuts and fiber outs foods. I’ll be praying for everyone to be wise when they eat, we have the same crisis here in central USA.
    Amazing cars, mate. Looks like loads of fun. Much love. Thanks for the videos, Kevin. You’re some kind of master mechanic, I love it man. I feel like i learn a lot listening to you. Props and peace to you.

  • @Masiviro
    @Masiviro 2 года назад

    very nice ! 💪👌👍
    from indonesia 🇲🇨

  • @lavender-rosefox8817
    @lavender-rosefox8817 2 года назад +1

    4:29 uh-oh its the xmaxx twiins hehehe

  • @ahhobby2527
    @ahhobby2527 2 года назад +2

    One of the most entertaining videos of yours, Kev. And genuinely kind for letting them trying out your machines. Respect.

  • @andrewschildge
    @andrewschildge 6 месяцев назад +2

    i love your vids

  • @fallout2367
    @fallout2367 2 года назад +1

    Come to Michigan Kevin! We love RC everything!

  • @chevyman5618
    @chevyman5618 2 года назад

    Love the energy like a big family reunion

  • @pigman4084
    @pigman4084 2 года назад

    Crazy that this type of video was exactly what I’m craving this Sunday! The Lord provideth lol

    @AITA-NIM 2 года назад

    Looked like an awesome event so well organized with so much variety of things to do. If there was anything even remotely like this in the US I would definitely go.

  • @radiovlogi
    @radiovlogi 2 года назад

    OH MY that MT10 gets hit hard at 6:31 :D Looks fine though.

  • @DoItWithPaulie
    @DoItWithPaulie 2 года назад

    Amazing mate just amazing,the little uns loved it

  • @Moggmodels23
    @Moggmodels23 2 года назад

    Brilliant video Kevin shame I was not there mate.

  • @BrianCairns-v6t
    @BrianCairns-v6t 9 месяцев назад

    You got some pretty crazy cars, Kevin. I like your gravedigger!

  • @iicy3953
    @iicy3953 2 года назад

    Epic Event! Love to see the grave digger again too!

  • @harrydh213
    @harrydh213 2 года назад +1

    theres something beautiful about a man who owns a lambo, driving a leaky landrover with a crisp packet to keep the water out his shoe... :D

  • @joespafford6499
    @joespafford6499 2 года назад

    Wow, just wow. So much fun,so many smiles

  • @elliotw5918
    @elliotw5918 2 года назад +1

    How cool is Kevin? Letting everyone have a go with the gravedigger. This channel is great.

  • @raptorprolapsor
    @raptorprolapsor 2 года назад +1

    I swear I always really enjoy watching your videos but this one really made me laugh my butt off! haha

  • @MegaDmayo
    @MegaDmayo 2 года назад

    Man hopefully my hard work pays off and allows us to travel to the next event. I had a smile through the whole video I couldn't imagine being there.

  • @dangrady2938
    @dangrady2938 2 года назад

    Man that was a fun event ,was right next to your grave digger Kevin when it hit the fence ,Fam Jam 22 was amazing . Well Done Claire rc and crew . Here's to the next one Fam Jam '23 . 👍🏻

  • @taycanair4108
    @taycanair4108 2 года назад +1

    Hi Kev, would love to see you make a video turning the Arrma Infraction to a rally BEAST and take to to some dirt roads! YES!!

  • @michaelstevens230
    @michaelstevens230 2 года назад

    I absolutely love the community yalls have built up, fantastic content, hoping where I'm at in Washington US I can find a group like this

  • @Delta46boyz
    @Delta46boyz 2 года назад

    Clare nailed it with this one

  • @DK-ms4vc
    @DK-ms4vc 2 года назад

    It would have been pretty cool if you could have brought the monster truck.. Just for people to look at. I know it's a lot of work and pretty pricey to haul.. Thanks for the video look like a great time..👍✌️

  • @Buelford
    @Buelford 2 года назад

    Love your videos Mr Talbot. I discovered your channel a few weeks ago, I'm hooked. "Christmas everyday" I love it

  • @lennonjames3871
    @lennonjames3871 Год назад

    That look like a hell of a good time.👍✌️

  • @jamesrose298
    @jamesrose298 2 года назад

    That looked like so much fun😁

  • @areldcookie5581
    @areldcookie5581 2 года назад

    That banggood special is also known as FTX in the UK. Amazing video !!!

  • @nhmtrhd
    @nhmtrhd 2 года назад +1

    Sitting all comfy in my recliner watching the fun all you folks are having finds me smiling and laughing along with the rest of you, “Priceless “👍

  • @garabdorje
    @garabdorje 2 года назад +3

    This event looks so much fun! By the way Kevin, are you buying the new TRX-4M? I can't wait to get my hands on a couple of them. I have never been hyped for a rc car release. I am super excited 😃

    • @rex_s80
      @rex_s80 2 года назад +2

      I have one on preorder. I’m pretty excited about them.

  • @SLD-RC
    @SLD-RC 2 года назад +1

    Certainly a must attend event! I'm 100% going again next year!

  • @BA0701
    @BA0701 2 года назад

    Looks like everyone had an awesome day! Enjoying a day with friends is what makes RC'ing so great.

  • @Puhislayer655
    @Puhislayer655 2 года назад

    So awesome letting everyone use your gravedigger for the freestyle.

  • @justins3810
    @justins3810 2 года назад

    So cool!!
    I'd be happy if I were half the fun you are.

  • @stephenlay9580
    @stephenlay9580 2 года назад

    Good going Claire and the other guy's, looked liked fun. Redfin model's gave me a flyer to go. But unfortunately I had to work boo. So maybe next year 🎉

  • @heathsmetalwerx
    @heathsmetalwerx 7 месяцев назад

    So cool you let people have a go on your rc that's awesome

  • @noahray323
    @noahray323 2 года назад

    I love you Kevin ❤ your videos are cool. I'm trying to save up for the REVO 3.3 can't wait

  • @taycanair4108
    @taycanair4108 2 года назад +3

    Hi Kev, would love to see you make a video taking Andy the Landy to a maintenance facility and maybe even upgrade it with some off-roading mods and make it look as good as new! YES!!

  • @Deimos000
    @Deimos000 2 года назад +1

    Oh wow, looks well organised! Well done!

  • @noelwright1165
    @noelwright1165 2 года назад

    Wow that event looks bloody amazing, the organisers did an absolutely brilliant job!