Obama: Controversy on Memorial Day

The war was to keep the south from leaving the Union. Not to make it join the Union.


And as far as Obamas blackness...if he was tied up at a KKK rally and they were throwing the noose over the tree branch...I think his cries of "But my mother was white" would tend to fall on deaf ears.


Will E Worm



So you're saying this is controversial because he wouldn't place the wreaths himself?
I have no idea why you think ANY of this is a problem.

Hate to break it to you Will E Worm, but you really don't seem to have any idea what you are talking about. This thread and the responses within it has proved that

Will E Worm

So you're saying this is controversial because he wouldn't place the wreaths himself?
I have no idea why you think ANY of this is a problem.

Hate to break it to you Will E Worm, but you really don't seem to have any idea what you are talking about. This thread and the responses within it has proved that

The article said this was a controversy. (Read the article.)

I just made the thread.

Yes, I know what I'm talking about. :tongue: :hatsoff:
They will want to join. We will restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

For the people who don't care to join the new South...Frankly my dear....:tongue: :hatsoff:

Ahhh...so FINALLY...the "Master Plan" has been revealed. The Conservatives DO want to return to the old ways of white dominance. This is really what the whole Ron Paul candidacy is/was about, right? Libertarianism is just a shell wood for white power:eek:.

Well, I'm not sure how your revelation will play out with the Sarah Palin fanbase. In a typical "Master Plan" household, the wife is always barefoot and pregnant. Good luck with that:glugglug::wave:

California is about to split itself apart and collapse. Maybe you and your friends should move to California and begin the purge there WillE:rofl::dunno:
Some of the those states are pretty progressive, though.

You can have Ohio and the bottom halves of Illinois and Indiana.

California should become it's own country. It's a hellhole.

Also the American Civil war being about slavery is the second grade version of the American Civil War. It really was about federal power. President Lincoln ran on keeping slavery in the south in the 1860 election because he was afraid of secession. He was interested in the U.S.A. only.
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That was wrong and unconstitutional.
Sure it was constitutional and he was lucky the North didn't constitutionally hang Lee, Davis and the rest.

No, his mother was white. Can anyone remember this?
Its irrelevant.He is defined as Black so he is.Most people are mixed but very few are defined as mixed.

We are taking New Jersey. Eventually the rest of states in that corner as well. The liberals will just have to move to California. ;)

I didn't vote for McCain either. The red states were the Democrats and that's the way they should have stayed. Because they are Socialist Communist.

They will want to join. We will restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

For the people who don't care to join the new South...Frankly my dear....:tongue: :hatsoff:

Don't come to Jersey WillE with those ideas,you will never get out alive.Stay at Tara and don't cause no trouble or we will burn Atlanta again!:D

And since were talking changes to the union/constitution,how about this one which is even not as extreme as yours.

All the states south of mason-dixon and west of the missisippi besides CA,OR and Washington lose 1/2 their electoral college votes and 1/2 of all their members in congress?

For the record guys/girls the above paragraph is a joke ,I realize that the folks in the south and west are not a monolith of thought it is a just something as outlandish as the other proposal from WillE.


The article said this was a controversy. (Read the article.)

I just made the thread.

Yes, I know what I'm talking about. :tongue: :hatsoff:

Oh lord *facepalm*

President Barack Obama sought to dodge racial controversy on Memorial Day, sending wreaths to a monument for Confederate soldiers and other flowers to a memorial honoring more than 200,000 African-Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War

He did it to DODGE controversy, not create it. And the article only used the word briefly once.

So no, you don't know what you are talking about.
this is a the least controversial controversy i've ever heard of, oh and fuck the confederates they are in no way heroes of this nation, in fact they sought to destroy it and create a new one
Obama is a communist that wants the federal government to be controlled by the UN

But he is also a Confederate that wants to secede from the union and honor states rights of slavery and rebellion.

::Head explodes::

Personally I think that Arlington Nation Cemetery and every other cemetery should be bulldozed down and the land used to provide low income or free housing to all of the LIVING homeless people that we have in the country. Those fucking dead people, they don't need the space. Torch em or else stick their bodies in the compost heap. Why do you need to put their preserved corpse in a box in the ground to honor their memory?

You know why they bury people right? It's because Christians believe that they will all come back to life as zombies during the Second Coming. It is one of the dumbest and most wasteful things that we do.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Personally I'm against the black/white thing on this.
A war veteran is a war veteran, leave it at that.


Don't dishonor the memory of the brave who served to protect us by turning Memorial Day into a partisan issue.

I don't see why they even had to make a separate Confederate memorial in the first place. If everybody was considered an American after that why not just have one Civil War memorial for everybody. If we found the remains of some long lost Confederate soldier we wouldn't put a Confederate flag over his coffin when we buried him, would we?
I don't see what the big deal is, I think that there are more important things than him haaaving to put on the wreaths himself

Will E Worm

Spleen, I didn't say the article used the word more than once or how many times it was used. :rolleyes:

Here's something I forgot about.

But a group of about 60 professors last week sent a petition to the White House asking Obama to avoid a memorial for Confederate military members who died during the war between the North and the South.

" the petition said. "This implies that the humanity of Africans and African-Americans is of no significance."

Among the professors who signed the letter is 1960s radical William Ayers, a University of Chicago education professor who helped found the radical group the Weather Underground that carried out bombings at the Pentagon and the Capitol. Republicans tried to link Obama with Ayers during the presidential campaign; the two lived in the same neighborhood and served on a charity board together.

Another article

William Ayers and his gang actually planned and carried out bombings of the Pentagon and the Capitol.

They aren't terrorists or in prison?

Why not?
Uh, WillE, some of Ayers's "gang" did go to jail for other criminal activities. Ayers is not a terrorist because he did not target innocent civilians and nobody other than fellow Weather Underground gang members died at the hands of him or his attacks.

Do you really think the Civil War wasn't fought over Slavery? Seriously?
To say that the Civil War was fought over slavery is an oversimplification. There were many issues that caused the secession. The institution of slavery was a factor in almost all of these issues.

Back on point. We as a nation should honor our war dead regardless of color. Confederate or Union they were fighting for their country. I don't see any controversy in continuing a tradition. And :hatsoff: to all of our military men and women serving our country.
What? As most people have figure out Obama is not truly black.
His mother was white. :yinyang:

Not only should he and every President place a wreath on their tombs, they should apologize for saying the Civil War was fought over slavery.

Also, the South should seceded from the Union and elect their own President.


New states added to the South:
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, New Jersey,
Delaware, and Maryland.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about??? Are you just making this stuff up???? All those states fielded regiments in the civil war against the south.