Will A GPS Dog Collar ACTUALLY Find My Stolen Dog? 🔍 🌎
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- We've all seen the advertising from companies selling GPS dog tracking products. But will they ACTUALLY work when you need it most?
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Happy Training! ~Ken
#findingalostdog #gpsdogcollar Животные
People who mentions that a real thief would remove the tracker must have misunderstood the idea behind this video.
The device is not for finding your stolen dog, but to help find it, if it runs away on it's own.
And naturally they couldn't just let the dog run away and that's why they make it a fake kidnapping.
He is such a beautiful dog. He loves his momma. He was so excited when he saw her. I love this experiment.
We had a lot of fun trying it out! Thanks for watching and commenting!
Happy Training!
I never thought this video was going to get me emotional. Loved it! Loved how excited was Berk to see Carol again. 💕🐶💕
Hey! Thanks for watching and commenting 🐾
Happy Training!
~ Dan
tractive gps not good near buildings outside with cats@@McCannDogs
This video is fantastic! I love the way so many features of Tractive were referenced -- I really got a sense of the device and app. I also love how fun it looks like The Berk, Carol, and Ken had.
So my heart was racing, until my eyes got all misty when the Berk heard his mom. Awesome video! Thank you Carole, Berk and Ken! That looked fun!!!
We are so glad you enjoyed the video, it was a ton of fun to capture and put together for our loyal viewers! Thanks for watching and commenting! We do the full review Tuesday, make sure you subscribe and click that bell so that you don’t miss it!
Happy Training!
We live in Australia and have an elderly Kelpie (Australian cattle dog). He was a nortorious escape artist and would disappear for hours on end! I purchased the older version of the Tractive and it saved us many times as we were able to find him and go fetch him! He is now too old to get out and if he does he doesn't go far. But for those few very energetic years it really gave us peace of mind!
this was a very fun video, this as well as the full review gave me a wonderful perspective on exactly how the collar works, you covered everything.
What an AWESOME video! Thank you for doing this!
Oh my goodness!! Ken! You STOLE the Berk!? Lol! 😜 Valiant effort & awesome testimony for the GPS collar. Wow! Carol, when you and Berk were reunited I got all choked up- like he was actually missing! Such a fun video to watch. :) -Erica
Thanks for watching and commenting Erica! This was such a fun one to shoot and try out! We are glad you enjoyed it!
Happy Training!
This is so well done, and super helpful tyvm! I'm looking for a tracker and find myself so lost with all the options on the market.
I recently purchased the Fi GPS collar and love it. My 7 month old puppy is 54 lbs and I worry about the off chance that she gets away from me. Better safe than sorry I suppose.
Glad to hear from you again Shannon, its been a while!
Happy Training!
Fantastic video. It is a huge help for my search for a tracker. You answered all of the questions I had.
lost my dog rhe other night, and got him back mainly. This video really should be a must see to better use the gps. Thanks
You could teach the Berk air scenting. Then use the collar beeping as a cue for "scent and find mom/Carol".
Thanks for being a long time supporter! We appreciate you watching and commenting!
Happy Training!
If someone takes your dog, they more than likely will take the collar off ASAP. I'll just keep my dog attached to my hip, literally. Just watched a video of a woman grabbing a dog from another woman who didn't have a chance. It made me cry and scared me. That's why I clicked on this video, not to come here and be negative about a product. Some people have no heart. In a situation of being lost- instead of stolen, this would absolutely work. For that reason I'll buy one since my girl tries to break and run. She's still a puppy, we are working on it lol!!!
Good for if your dog gets lost, if anyone steals your dog they are going to immediately see that tracker and dump it or disable it in some way.
OMG they had me going the entire time. A whole professional film crew with them and they're like "Surprise!" Best reality TV in a long time.
I have the apple version of the gps locating disc. It registers from Maple Ridge to Chillawack BC. 45 minutes drive away.
Happy Training!
Berk!! Love that boy❤ Those border staffy kisses in the end! Great video.
That was super fun to watch & taught me a lot about using my tracker! Thanks!!!
YEA! Carol is the winner!
Thank you for creating such an entertaining and informative video. I am frustrated, though, because during Carol's search, you're not showing us the actual cues from the phone app that she's responding to. So I really have no sense of how to use the app.
That's was really fun to watch! Great content, great editing, great trainers!! ❤
Hey, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching and commenting 🐾
Happy Training!
~ Dan
The app shows where the tracking collar/dog is but does it show the tracking user where they are on the map? Sort of help to know where the searching person is in relation to what they are looking for. Have you gone past the dog? In front or need to turn back? Up this track here or the next one?
Bought one of these recently. Works very well, can recommend.
What kind of dog is he? Gorgeous
Tractive is good but only if you have GSM Signal... in the mountains it's a fail. Mine give me lot of fails in the city too. If I keep the Tractive for GSM signal for 1 day and after I go outside... same fail... I need to power off/on this why.. I always check the application if I see my dog every time I go outside can be a fail if I put all the trust in the device... For mountains I have a Garmin Alpha 200i.
That was awesome…
Thanks 🙏
wow this got really intense at the end, great editing hahaha! amazing and infomative video, will check out the review right away
I think the FI collar is a much better option, it’s more expensive but also way more inconspicuous and I’m sure more comfortable, especially the 3rd generation collar. Battery life is also much better.
How I am only juct coming across this now! No idea, but this was s-o-o cool!
Bur if someone steals your dog they'll remove the collar. If it's running away you'll never catch it on foot on a walk. You have to have a phone signal too. I think they're too bulky and fail - is there a guarantee?
The collar can be removed though. Usually there's a GPS logo on it.
Investigating GPS collar for our 90-lb labrador. I have been comparing Tractive vs. Fi collar. Which is best?
We are doing a full review that will be posted Tuesday morning! Check it out on our channel in the morning!
Happy Training!
If a thief really wants to steal your dog, surely they would see the collar and strip it, no? It stands out so much.
That’s not the point of the video. People really need to stop being so negative
I dont think that person was being negative but realistic- i was thinking the same thing- the one that looks like a collar is $700-1k!!!! Thats seems very expensive - but my dog is priceless- im torn- 🤷♀️
It is actually the point. This video claims to help prevent theft of your dog, not if your dog ran away. If someone stole your dog theyd definitely ditch that collar asap @@GALLOPINGANGELS
@@anteem3055 It's about $50; annual basic plan about $13 a month paid monthly, premium plan paid annually is $108 per year.
@@GALLOPINGANGELSyou need to stop being so positive
Hello, thank you so much for the video. It was very helpful. I have acquired a new dog as of a week ago. He is about 3 years old. He was staying in a crate for 12 hours at a time with his last owner because she was a nurse and that was her shift work. I have a enormous fenced in yard and two other dogs. When I leave he tends to figure out how to get out of the yard. He went wandering last week and ended up in the local dog shelter who contacted me and I went over and picked him up. He was good and safe. It could have ended much different. What can one do when you have a dog who wants to get out and I think it is due to separation anxiety because when I am about to leave he seems to be in a panic to get out of the yard. When I come home. He seems to be in a panic to see me when he sees me. I have the other two dogs who entertain him. I'm not sure that that is sufficient. The last few days when I've had to go out. I have put him and one of the other dogs and the garage which he cannot get out of. I put water and food. There's blankets so it's and it's got lots of room to run around in. What should I be doing next?
This is such a well made video
I absolutely love this video
A real dog thief is not going to leave that box on the dogs neck. If the device was a lot smaller and made as part of the clasp, it might then be overlooked.
I love the idea of a tracker but I hate subscriptions. Can I just pay $50 a year and have unlimited full access to the app and features?
awesome dog! but the fact is the first thing dog thief would do is to throw away the tracker 😂
I bought three of these. They have all broken at the plastic connection. It takes very little strain at the right angle to break the bond. When broken, (only a mm of plastic needs to break off) collar no longer stays together. I really wanted to love this collar. I've paid hundreds of dollars for the service and collar over the past few years. But they keep braking. My dogs are young heelers 55lb. I never clip into their collars yet they still break off. Fi has been great about replacing the collars a few times, but the design is faulty. They really need to improve the design to make it harder to snap off. If my dog gets lost and the tracking collar pops off, it does not good. I'm sadly looking for an alternate, which feels strange since I have convinced a handful of other people to buy this collar. I hope Fi redesigns. I will forgive and purchase the new collar if it stops falling off. Please fix the design Fi. Thanks
Any luck?
Is there a smaller version for small dogs
Does it work if there’s no near Wi-Fi for it to connect to?
PS. My dog will not come or let anyone come near!
Would it work the same if you were not carrying a phone?
What kind of dog is The Berk?
But can't the thief just remove the tracker or easier yet, just remove the dog's collar!?? 🥺
If someone steals a dog, he would remove the collar. So there gos the theory of finding it.
whats the range on it, thanks
It is a good device, but in reality if some one steals your dog, why would they not just take the GPS tracker off and toss it?
Come on , where is your search dog ?
Good video 👍
Hello from Ukraine:)
Im thinking about getting one for my mom to keep in her purse or pocket. So we can find her easier. What you think
What model is it?
easy to steal a dog with a tracker. the tracker is easy to spot so u take it off then u cant track the dog lol.
Can the tractive color be bought from any pet-shop? Or can you only buy ot online?
I'm in Australia and they're available here from large electrical goods retailers.
@@naedynot1 by electrical goods retailers, are they like dicksmith or bunnings warehouse. Im from Australia too but I’ve never encountered one in a retail store, unless im looking at the wrong place
@@samuelzev4076 I got mine click and collect from Harvey Norman for $99. From memory JB Hifi and Good Guys have them too.
@@naedynot1 oh sweet, thanks mate. I should ask the employees there again. I never knew JB-hifi would sell them, always thought they were more on selling PC hardware, thanks for clarifying 🙏😀
What's the range on this tracker?
Great video. Is this device waterproof?
It sure is, check out our full review here:
Happy Training!
So when someone steals a dog there gunna leave the collar on?! You also wouldn’t know the truck the abductor is driving either…I’m lost here.
Need comments as to what you're actually seeing on the mobile app screen. Where are you? Where is the dog.
Niiice video 😄
Thanks so much!
Happy Training!
I was worried the whole time about him picking up ticks in the forest while you were walking through the brush.
No need to worry! We were constantly doing a check and did a thorough check afterward. Have you checked out our tick video? Berk and Carol are starring in it!
Happy Training!
That was so fun XD.
This seams like a great product to help find a lost dog. But of course in the event your dog is stolen they'll just discard the GPS tracker as soon as they notice it.
What gps is it?
Welp... I bought one.
Dog lovers 💞...
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Happy Training!
Any risk of cancer due to continual signal? Similar to cell phone debate?
Doesn't work. Even in the city the thing never works when I need it tho
Those collars are stupid. The first thing a thief would do is to take that thing off. Why are there no products that are concealed?
do you have a link for what tracker your using i am looking for one for my new puppy kind regards from the uk