Aug 7, 2017
The glory hole coding have been there, which is called RemtairyKarrynGlory.js .
However, there are still many works to do (image, test play, debug....) I think.
Also I havn't found anything about the level 3 defeat event inside the coding.

Hope that we can see V.7 before Nov.
I thought stripper club was the lvl3 side job not the defeat event? I hope so too that we can see new stuff before Nov


Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
I would take him as a lover, give him more creature comforts and personal luxuries.

Yeah, sorry for the mixup. Doesn't change my desire to actually give him some because he's been helpful.
Here's hoping you can actually do stuff like that. Can kinda argue that you already can with the office guards though.

Let's assume you have the "Hire Inmates" edict and now you have inmates as office guards, this alone boosts the office invasion chance by quite a lot if you don't have a lock on the door. Now if Karryn is horny and masturbates they will enter, if she happens to be a slut she won't be against it and will even like it, if she loses all of her energy they will carry her to her bad and continue there. If you can keep your energy up you can imagine that she basically chose to fuck them instead of struggling.

I mean, the whole thing becomes a far more interactive version of giving you the two choices of "don't fuck/fuck", but only if you can keep your energy up. It's nice but at the same time it will never feel like you actually really chose to just fuck them because things can always go sideways.

But maybe they can work around it if they add some sort of prevention from using attack abilities, it's already a thing in jobs anyway. Like, if you had Tonkin sitting there, and you could talk to him to start a "sex battle", the "battle" starts with Karryn naked and she can only use sex skills. Think that could work nicely.

Edit: Honestly they could tons of stuff post game, like in the shower room for lvl 3 for example, have Karryn be able to take a shower there, it seems like a public shower room so the more merrier aswell. She could fend them off or just let herself be gangbanged.
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New Member
Apr 9, 2020
I thought stripper club was the lvl3 side job not the defeat event? I hope so too that we can see new stuff before Nov
Yes, this coding is for side jobs.
The defeat scene is called levelX_defeat or something like that.
What I just want to say is that the road to v7 is still long as the coding of level 3 defeat is still not implement.


Mar 30, 2018
Stop reporting things as bugs when you broke your own fucking game by modding it without knowing what you're doing.

The passive required to unlock the skill has a requirement of 25 (_recordPussyFuckedPeople). The limit as defined in the game for that record is 15 (LIMIT_PUSSYFUCKED_PEOPLE). The only way you get that is if you changed it yourself or did something dumb like add every single passive (because many of them don't work yet).
I didn't mod shit. Why assume something and berate me? I loaded a save file of another person in this thread.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
That person most likely modded the game then. At this point if u wanna avoid issues with the game better just start a new game.


Jan 17, 2018
Started a new game without any saves in 0.6h. First thing I noticed - loading time was singnificantly improved since 0.5. Enemies on first lvl now try to strip Karryn comletely, while in earlier versions panties were untouchable untill some sexual act started.
Jun 25, 2018
Here's hoping you can actually do stuff like that. Can kinda argue that you already can with the office guards though.

Let's assume you have the "Hire Inmates" edict and now you have inmates as office guards, this alone boosts the office invasion chance by quite a lot if you don't have a lock on the door. Now if Karryn is horny and masturbates they will enter, if she happens to be a slut she won't be against it and will even like it, if she loses all of her energy they will carry her to her bad and continue there. If you can keep your energy up you can imagine that she basically chose to fuck them instead of struggling.

I mean, the whole thing becomes a far more interactive version of giving you the two choices of "don't fuck/fuck", but only if you can keep your energy up. It's nice but at the same time it will never feel like you actually really chose to just fuck them because things can always go sideways.

But maybe they can work around it if they add some sort of prevention from using attack abilities, it's already a thing in jobs anyway. Like, if you had Tonkin sitting there, and you could talk to him to start a "sex battle", the "battle" starts with Karryn naked and she can only use sex skills. Think that could work nicely.

Edit: Honestly they could tons of stuff post game, like in the shower room for lvl 3 for example, have Karryn be able to take a shower there, it seems like a public shower room so the more merrier aswell. She could fend them off or just let herself be gangbanged.
Among the shower room, there are lots of areas for events to be added as some kind of post-release addition. Or, they take ideas for a Karryn's Prison 2, if the game legit sells like hotcakes on Steam. I don't blame them for sticking with 4 side jobs because how would they know if the game would sell/be popular with real numbers. I think one thing we need to remember is the real sales numbers will have a big effect on anything for the game post-release. All the posts in the world on a website mean nothing if the game does not actually sell.


New Member
Mar 19, 2019
The game gives me black screen when I launch it, plus it give me this error screen

"[ERROR (1598102361030) 8/22/2020 03:19:36pm] TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolution' of undefined
at WebGLExtract.canvas (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/libs/pixi.js:29556:40)
at Function.Bitmap.snap (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/rpg_core.js:936:49)
at Function.SceneManager.snap (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/rpg_managers.js:2109:19)
at Function.SceneManager.snapForBackground (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/RemtairyMisc.js:2836:35)
at Scene_Title.terminate (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/rpg_scenes.js:465:18)
at Scene_Title.terminate (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/YEP_CoreEngine.js:1781:37)
at Function.SceneManager.changeScene (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/DKTools.js:36306:25)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMainNoFpsSynch (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/YEP_FpsSynchOption.js:209:10)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/YEP_FpsSynchOption.js:203:12)
at Function.SceneManager.update (chrome-extension://gnbgpokkjioakhobagoofbeeejhnfcpj/www/js/plugins/YEP_X_CoreUpdatesOpt.js:7860:10)"


Oct 12, 2016
I'll admit I'm far from an expert on this, but I've raised it an obscene amount (1000+) and it doesn't really help. That value is only used when initializing a new enemy (i.e. when starting a new game, I believe).

The easiest way to get the result you want is to simply add a modifier to the postdamage creampie functions found at the end of RemtairyEnemySex, e.g. semen = semen*100 or whatever. That should give you much bigger loads whenever they creampie her. You'd have to do similar modifications to swallow/bukkake if you want them to increase as well.

That said, the way I've been working on modding the game is to introduce a "leveling up" characteristic to the enemies. The function that's used to initialize the enemies ejaculation looks like this:
Game_Enemy.prototype.setupEjaculation = function() {
If we simply snip out parts of that we can create our own little updateEjaculation function, like so:
Game_Enemy.prototype.updateEjaculation = function() {
Then simply add this.updateEjaculation(); to each of the post damage ejaculations functions found near the end of RemtairyEnemySex.js, and voila, every time an enemy cums, his ejaculationvolume increases, and every time his volume passes a multiple of 100ml his stock increases by one.

That's the idea anyway. Haven't tested it enough yet, may have misunderstood parts of the coding as I'm not used to coding in js.
There's actually an ejaculateVolume for enemies. The reason it probably isn't working is that the ejaculateVolume is limited by their Energy in this other function. RemtairyEnemy.js:
// Ejaculation Volume

Game_Enemy.prototype.ejaculationVolume = function(multipler) {
    if(!multipler) multipler = 1; 
    let value = this._ejaculationVolume * multipler;
    if(this.isHorny) value *= 1.2;

    if(this.isPrisonGuard) value *= this.prisonGuardEdictEjaculationVolume();
    else if(this.isInmate) value *= this.inmateEdictEjaculationVolume();
    let actor = $;
    value *= actor.titleEnemyEjaculationVolume(this);
    value *= this.prefixEjaculationVolumeEffect();

    let leftover = this.pleasure - this.orgasmPoint();
    if(leftover > 0)
        value *= (1 + leftover / this.orgasmPoint());
    let range = Math.round(value * 0.25);
    value -= Math.randomInt(range);
    value += Math.randomInt(range);
    return Math.min(Math.ceil(value),; // this here is the important part: it'll get the smaller of the random ejaculation volume and the enemy's energy
I tried increasing that tenfold and suddenly inmates did errrr... empty cum? But I did that through increasing the multiplier for both guards and inmates. For this one I'd just do something like
return Math.min(Math.ceil(value) * 3, * 3);
And then they started cumming half a cup of semen. I haven't tried it on the newer versions, though. Hmm I kind of want to try going crazy and swimming in semen now.


Jul 26, 2019
Then simply add this.updateEjaculation(); to each of the post damage ejaculations functions found near the end of RemtairyEnemySex.js, and voila, every time an enemy cums, his ejaculationvolume increases, and every time his volume passes a multiple of 100ml his stock increases by one.

That's the idea anyway. Haven't tested it enough yet, may have misunderstood parts of the coding as I'm not used to coding in js.
I haven't tested this but I like the idea so I'm going to once a stable version of 0.6 is out, there's an awful lot of js edits I want to make and not have to re-do. One thing that immediately catches my eye is that you have no limit for how high this can go, I would suggest limiting the number of additional ejaculation stock being added to about 3, reason being is if they're able to orgasm more times in combat they'll start an exponential growth of their own ability to increase their output and subsequently orgasm count. Eventually you'll have an enemy that cums 10 times in a single fight and next time will cum 11 times, or 12, etc. You might want to put a cap on the volume growth instead so it doesn't become some ridiculous number like 1.5 liters 6 times per fight. You could also limit the range based on enemy type, making some grow far faster than others, having a higher or lower total cap to differentiate the species, and you could set different growth rates based on where the enemy finishes as well with vaginal presumably being the highest.

On an unrelated note, I'm trying to figure out how I would go about editing the nerds so that they can do the following:
- Steal Karryn's clothes once she is stripped in combat, with a 2-3 turn delay before they flee
- If they flee, Karryn is stuck naked both in and out of battles until she gets to sleep in her warden's room
- If you defeat the nerds before they flee (either by attacking or making them orgasm) they drop the clothes back on the floor

I think it can all be done within the js of the game, I don't think it requires it's own separate skill. I'm going to keep playing around in 5q for a bit and maybe release a mod a bit down the line.

Also does anyone know how to add dialogue lines to the list for use by Karryn and inmates? I know the lines are located in RemLines.json in www/data but I'm not sure how to add more without just replacing some of the existing ones. I'm looking for the call in presumably RemtairySex or RemtairyCombat to see how it's grabbing lines from that list.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
On an unrelated note, I'm trying to figure out how I would go about editing the nerds so that they can do the following:
- Steal Karryn's clothes once she is stripped in combat, with a 2-3 turn delay before they flee
- If they flee, Karryn is stuck naked both in and out of battles until she gets to sleep in her warden's room
- If you defeat the nerds before they flee (either by attacking or making them orgasm) they drop the clothes back on the floor
I like your idea.

Oh and i'm still playing v5q2 too. When you transfer your save to v6, did you noticea change in your "daily control points" ? Say I got -9 controls per day, if i transfer it fron v5q2 to v6, it would change to -7 or -6.

I then immediately create a new save on v5q2, 60 total starting orders/ -9 control points. Transfer this to v6, I got 60 total starting orders/ -6 control points. Kinda worry it might affect something down the line so I did not touch v6 again.
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Game Developer
Aug 22, 2018
Very good game, but i think it need some event outside of combat when you talk to some PNJ if you have enough lewdness


Feb 1, 2018
Is Karryn supposed to gain Pleasure during Receptionist Job i.E. doing lewd stuff for visitors? I thought she was but somehow she doesnt get pleasure on my game/save anymore....tried other save files and such, i fear i got a bug somewhere...?
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