Our first DRAMA storage unit - $50,000 found and they want it back….
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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There's gotta be drugs involved ...
Wonder if there trailer was stolen and they threw everything in a storage unit trying to figure out what to do with it?
Hey guy's, have you ever checked with Bunker Branding about Merch. You probably have because the owners of it is also a content creator. Matt from Demolition Ranch and Roman Atwood of Smile more. They work with other content creators.
Yea my daughter played travel ball and Collage softball. We went to Nationals in Myrtle Beach back in 2016 and 2017 and we were back for Collage ball 3 times in a row 2020 2021 and 2022. They sell that stuff at booths we played at a fairly new facility in between Conrad SC and North Myrtle Beach. Different teams also trade off pins at the opening ceremony for their games.
If your looking for someone to make hats I and a small business that makes hats if your would be interested I can send some samples of a few hats I make and design
Another YT channel that I follow, called Tucker Upper, had a similar thing happen. He bought a storage locker that contained custom couture dresses and handbags. He posted some of it online and was immediately contacted by a woman who had been a model for the designer. She explained that he was very ill and wasn't even aware that the locker had been auctioned off. After confirming that the woman's story was legit, he gave all of it back (except for a couple of handbags that was agreed upon) for the amount of his costs. Tucker also felt that it was the right thing to do even though he could have sold all of it quite easily. You can't put a price on honesty and integrity. Well done!
Yeah true , but I bet if the same woman owned property,s and people living there fell on hard times she would just evict them , just because you do the right thing doesn't mean they will , they don't get rich by being generous that's for sure ,you will find that people that's got hardly anything give the most us my experience
Yeah I found that to be complete b******* good on that guy to do that but most likely she conned him into doing that and just like the comment above me said I bet she owns property and if somebody got on bad times and needed a little time she would have victim she wouldn't give out the same kindness as that was given to her you can't expect what you would do and how you act out of other people because it doesn't work like that the world is a terrible place the people around us are not good people. I ain't giving s*** back they can buy it yeah I'm not doing it
@@WilliamButler-k5z Punctuation doesn't cost anything so there's no need to be stingy with that as well. You managed to spew four lines of mean spirited vitriol with only one period and it wasn't even at the end of your comment.
@@WilliamButler-k5zWhy didn’t she help the sick guy? The story is weird
Yes people will do some shady Stuff. I don’t think I would have been quite as generous as Tucker. I love their site. Been following them for many years
We took our 12 year-old baseball team to the Youth Baseball Nationals back in 2017. The organizers and group that run those tournaments in Myrtle Beach are top-notch and really put on a great tournament for the kids. Your good deed really helped a good bunch of folks - congrats for the high integrity!
They have that in Taylor Michigan too, pretty big event, cool to watch and it's free !
The care you took to replace the totes and boxes more neatly just proves your integrity and class. Bravo!
Big ups! 👍👍
Yeah. My buddy's son played in this tournament last year at Myrtle Beach.
Here's what happened IMO.
Tournament wrapped up, all of the leftover merch got thrown in a trailer and hauled over and unloaded in the storage unit. They person responsible for the MB branch left the organization The organization and no one else knew where the stuff was. As a result no one played the bill and it went up for auction.
Something similar happened to my youth sports organization. An entire concession trailer went missing for 10 years. It shows up randomly at an abandoned softball field. I get a phone call that it's there and no one in the current organization knew anything about it. Look in the records and sure enough, there's a title for the trailer in our files. We got it moved, freshened up and made $5,000 that next football season with it.
Today was my first time watching your channel. How nice it was to see 2 honest people with great integrity. I just , i dont even normally watch these kinds of channels ! What great people! Glad i found you!!
These 2 do so much for people! They’re amazing people I love watching them! ❤
First time watching your channel. Actually, you could have repurposed some of the stuff and marketed it Washington Nationals MLB fans.
I was a 10 year customer of the company it looks like they rented from, and if you don’t pay by the 30th of the month, your stuff is going to be auctioned in 10-15 days. It only happened to me once in 10 years and I had to pay fines and two months in advance to keep my unit-but that’s because they could get in contact with me. If something happened to the person responsible for the unit, they are not gonna go out of their way to notify next of kin or even know that an organization‘s stuff was being stored there. You guys are special for doing that for them!
The integrity and kindness that the 2 of you portray, gives me hope for this world after all….❤️
It's always good to do the right thing. What goes around comes around. Great job.
I hate comments like this.
They serve zero purpose.
They unloaded a potential problem getting rid of all the merchandise , they got their money back and walked away. No integrity or kindness at all. Just a good business move.
@@craigpearce4667what do you mean-they could have easily added up the retail value of everything in that unit (well over 100k) and made them purchase it from them for say 20k. That’s what unkind or unhonest person would do. Not to mention the time they have spent in the whole deal.
Really??.. the guy was making a joke about getting in a U-Haul at their expense and being paid to go deliver it.. no, there’s no real integrity. Here he saw a means of unloading stuff that was unsalable for him. He’s lucky that they actually wanted the stuff.
I got your video as a feed suggestion. I've been a reseller for over 40 years both off and online. I've always had mixed feelings about storage units for reselling, as I've been in the position of losing one due to finances at one point. Some reseller storage unit videos leave a really bad taste in my mouth because of their general attitudes. However, your video popped up with this incredible example of your business ethics. You are someone I am definitely interested in watching to see if maybe my opinion on this vehicle for reselling would be a fit for me. If nothing else, you gained a new subscriber. The world needs more resellers like you. At one time long before reality shows and RUclips, most of our reselling community was like this. Here's hoping your followers follow your examples and realize that having an ethical business model will bring you much more success than money alone. Looking forward to catching up on your videos!
I've been following your 2 "channels" for about a year now. You both have always shown your honesty and ethics, but what you did with that storage unit was off the charts wonderful! You have restored my faith in humanity 😊 I truly hope your kindness will be returned to you 10 time over. God bless!
This is why GOD gave you the big unit with all the art and gold in it! You sowed a good deed into the lives of these children, so GOD blessed you in return.
Good on you, kids!
Getting the merchandise back to them is the ethical thing to do. Kudos to you both.
How? You literally have no idea why they lost it to begin with and that much merchandise and money in a unit doesn't just accidentally get mixed up or forgot about. Oopsi folks would you look at that $50,000 mistake I just happened to make right there,sorry fellas!
He’s in business so no that is not the ethical thing to do
In part , But it's a company and they are making money of that merch and they as a company screwed up. Bearded invested the money on a gamble, they invested their time and took the steps to contact and cut a deal. I think fair and ethical is $1000-$1200 just to walk way from after investing $600 as it's value is much more. More money if Bearded needs to do more work.
Someone is gonna get chewed out, expensive mistake here.
@@noblenessdee6151💯 Agree 👍👍
I just wanna say respect. This is the most honorary thing I’ve seen anyone has done. Respect to you!
My daughter used to play in a softball traveling team. That yellow rag is a towel for the kids to put those pins you found on. They go to tournaments every weekend and pick up a pin for each tournament. God bless you both. The merch is to make money so they can continue to put on tournaments for the kids 😊 Glad it all worked out for everyone especially you two 😊
My boys also!!!!
My brother used to have a job trashing stuff in storage units. He always tried to find people if there were very personal items like pictures etc. So kind of you to return the items.
Bought a unit a few years ago had 5 fireproof filling cabinets in it. Paid like 100. for it. They were filled with homeowners policies. Local company went out of business. Contacted parent company in Texas. Paid me for the unit and to help them load when they showed up.
Why though??😬😬🤔🤔🤔
@@LONEWOLF-rq5tl Personal data for one. That info being out in the wild is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
@@SAMarcuscould have made them pay a lot more than just unit cost tho
@@Rwgmusicgallery Possibly, but then you also risk the a lawsuit for "holding personal data hostage" or some other crap. Also, it's technically worthless paper, so getting your money back is a pretty good deal really... unless you "know a guy."
I would have done the same thing, in fact, I have!
Bought a unit once that had birth certificates, a lifetime of family photos and keepsakes, and through diligence was able to locate family of renter and give the important things back to them as that was all they wanted.
My father owned a moving company back in the 1970s. He would rent out empty trailers or sections in his warehouse to people for storage.
My dad would try his best to work out a deal with renters who didn't pay their storage rent. If they still didn't pay, then he would sell their items.
It was my job (at age 11 - 13) at $5 an hour to go through everything to sort out. Kitchen, trinkets, toys, bedding, clothes, jewelry, etc. My dad would also have me find all personal papers, photos, etc, and put them into a box. He would contact them to pick the boxes up at no charge. These papers/photos were of no value to pay the bill, but they were of personal value to the client.
I remember finding albums of this lady's wedding and kids, and I found an old teddy bear. I put it in her box. My dad said that when she picked up her boxes, she cried at the bear. It was her deceased child's favorite teddy bear. I am so glad I thought to pack the bear. I had a favorite stuffie named Clem at the time, and maybe that's why I thought to save it.
Incidentally, I still have Clem at age 58.
Y'all did the right thing in calling the company. So glad you're getting your money back and they get their stuff back.😊
@@bouncerslabrealnature9143 greed indeed is
Yeah,if they repeat that all the time then they'll get pretty wealthy and never lose the roof over their heads, never not be able to pay the bills and will never starve,MORE PLEASE because you guys are onto something. SAID NOBODY EVER!!!
Aw not really he’s in business to make a profit not to give everybody’s stuff back
Dude lost his time and some money on trasportation etc.
Lots of people would have charged them big money. You were ethical and honest. You guys earned my sub, thank you for being real
One of the greatest videos on problem solving and integrity 🤗 Bearded Thrift Machine show in’ ‘em how it’s done !
I agree, Sometimes it's just the right thing to do.
Lots of good karma your way guys😊
@@speedfreak8200YUP 😂😂😂. It would make my ❤ happy
Thank you for mentioning giving things to homeless people. I live in MN. I know folks would be thankful. 💜💜💜 I am 58 and no longer worry about fashion (not that I every really was.) I would purchase a "new" sweatshirt anyday!. . . . . WOW! Thank you for the effort to return it!!
Y'all have integrity. It means a lot. This is why I watch.
i feel warmth in my heart, knowing there are brave souls on youtube willing to be their authentic true selves amidst so much fakery! I love watching content that inspires my faith in humanity, and this guy is straight doing the work that we all need to be doing in our own lives. Just being real, honest and ethical. You do what's right in life, so we don't accumulate bad karma energies and diminish our own natural inner shine. We all can treat one another better in this life, and I'm just beyond happy this channel was recommended to me today. Thank you for braving this online media environment. I'm sure you folks have seen all sorts of comments.
You did the right thing, this video just landed on my You Tube suggestions, and for what you did, you just landed a new subscriber. Great job for making this situation right. Things are too often going off in the wrong direction now a days, and you just help to nudge it a little closer to the right direction. Thank you.
I am very impressed by your integrity! A lot of people would have tried to get as much money as they could have out of these people as they could. But, as you said, people make mistakes. They were fortunate that good people like you found this unit. You have restored my faith in humanity! Well done, and God bless you!
That's good that ya'll are the ones that bought that unit. Those kids need that merch to be returned to the business it keeps them playing every year. That business needed that merch back ... they definitely would have suffered from that loss. The league next year would have had to feel the loss😢
❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤ A true Bless Ya'll for being great human beings
I have saved family stuff from storage units and contacted the families. Unfortunately no one has ever wanted their personal items back from deceased relatives. Very sad. But sometimes the items have historical value and I've found collectors that will preserve it with their collections.
I lost my storage unit after divorce and wish someone would have tried to contact me for the things I couldn't replace.
We have been in a similar situation we bought two 10x30 sister units like this but it was all name brand factory boxes but they were all screen printed, embroidered, etc. Hats, shirtts, coats, tumblers. We paid over 18k for the 2 units. We reached out as it was worthless to us. It took a week before anybody reached back out and the guy Dan explained that accountant never got the required approval to issue the checks. He already knew what we paid as it was well over what storage company was owed and they had already received a check from them for the difference. Before we could even bring up money he did and offered a hefty price to recover the merch.
This was one of the best "Christmas specials" I've see all season! Thank you both for being wonderful role models for the young, and hope for the future for the young at heart!
God honors honesty. Y’all are good people. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
It’s so refreshing to see honest people. You all are wonderful!!
Who are the Dishonest individuals out there.... do tell Laura
Honestly doesn’t pay bills in reality
I haven't watched yet, but if you're calling them honest because they give the stuff back. Does that mean if they didn't give it back they are dishonest? Cause that's just plain wrong.
@adammonahan687 You seem like a sad individual. You've commented something patently negative on nearly every positive comment. You alright?
@@AnimeKing-r7ofacts I know that’s right and doing this is to make money not to just give everything back
I’m grateful you were able to get this stuff back to the original owners! I had a similar situation when I was in the Army, storage unit sent out monthly bill statement as a reminder for payment. Company changed management, new management stopped sending bill notices, and as saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. I was about 1000 miles away at military training when I had my mail forwarded and in it was a certified letter stating the unit was being auctioned off on a Sat at 10 am, and this was a Thursday afternoon. I had a friend back home try to make it there on Friday before they closed, didn’t make it, and Sat at 10 am, my unit was auctioned off for $50.! I lost many very personal items, including military awards and plaques etc, high school diploma, not to mention professional mechanics tools worth about $2000., furniture, silver, crystal, etc etc. To this day, about 25 years later, I still have nightmares that I didn’t graduate high school because I don’t have my diploma. I still feel very bad for losing so much of my stuff! And I’m sure, all the military stuff and personal items of no value to anyone else, went into the dumpster!
It is my understanding they are not legally allowed to auction off a unit of an active military person even if payments haven't been made. you should have sued them and demanded to know the info on who bought it.
I hear ya. I lost a lot of stuff when the storage facility we were renting from changed ownership. We lost tons of pictures of my daughter she was a baby, a bunch of other family items, furniture, heirlooms, etc.
It’s a lesson, and this is a locker full of work, so honestly it is a gift that they will take it back. It would’ve taken gas and time to try to disperse this stuff. And very generous of you two to not hold it hostage and take advantage.
That was really kind of you and Kayla to work with the company who owned that unit before you bought it. Not everyone would have bothered. You are good people, which is why I love following your channel!
You are an awesome couple! Honesty is hard to come by these days and is so great to see good things happen! Be proud of yourselves! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!
I'd call like y'all did ,and if they didn't want it, donate to the homeless totally . Y'all did the right thing for sure .
You did a great job! That company should be grateful that the two of you are the ones that got the unit. Great video.
WOW! Can you imagine the folks they have on that show, Storage Wars, doing that? You guys are AMAZING!
This is one of the reasons I started watching your channel. You just seem like genuine people. Nice to see in the world today. I've almost caught up watching all the older videos and will start on the older Flipzquad after that.
Im in the UK & usually these storage hunters are pure greedy people, what you have done for those original owners is amazing.
You guys are the best, so honest we need more people like you in this world. May you always be blessed.
Good for you. I was hoping you’d say they could just pay you what you paid for it. You are good people! Restores my faith in goodness, rather than just people always trying to get one up on another person. Right on you two! Bless you! We need more people like you!!!
I don’t typically follow channels like yours but I am now! You just got a new subscriber!
You did exactly what I'd expect from two honest people. I'm sure you'll get great things in the future for doing the right thing!
Thank you for showing how much integrity you have by contacting them & arranging for them to get their items back. Kudos!!
Amen! You two will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams for your kindness.
I lost a storage unit and to this day I wish someone would/would have reached out to me. I would have even paid them for just a few very sentimental items that they probably just threw away. I wish someone would have reached out to me so badly. I was going through a terrible time , my sons dad passed away, I was a single mom and couldn't afford the late fees and everything that went with the unit. I know this is a different kind of situation but I commend you for reaching out to these ppl.
I just want to say thankyou for being good ppl , everyone would not have done what you did. Thanks from Kentucky!
Your integrity is above and beyond, nice to see there is honest people in this world. Kudos to both of you. ❤❤😊
When I went on a mission trip to India, I took the local soccer leagues leftover tournament shirts. The kids at the orphanage were so excited to receive their shirt from Canada. Maybe some of these could be shipped overseas?
That was so kind of you guys. Not everyone would have made the effort to get this stuff back to the owners.
Yes. As a fellow storage locker buyer I'd of been hoping and praying too get my money back and get rid of that junk!!!
I would have done exactly what you did. It is very refreshing to see honesty and integrity these days as most people are cutthroat.
I truly admire how you handled this situation. You are good people.
That was amazing. Glad you were able to contact them and it all worked out well. Hopefully you asked them who did their merch so you can get good quality products. Y'all are super sweet and I'll have to watch some other videos and look for your boss, Willow. 🐾
Glad you got all your money back Julian. I was nearly crying in the beginning of the video,thinking how you were feeling at the thought of not getting anything for that unit. Alls well that ends well to quote the bard of Avon. Goodnight God bless you both and Willow too,from me and Molly moo in a very cold Wales 🏴. Catch you on the next one.xxxx
I just click on the odd storage post. Just happened to click on this one. Kids are our future and what you just did is just awesome. Most organizations that work for youth sports are non profit organizations being run by normal family members trying to pay for their youth sports. What you just did may have supplied equipment and some transportation for quite a while from the proceeds they will sell with what you just donated. We need more people like you.
That's what I love about you guys. Integrity, honesty and caring ❤❤❤
What you said at 29:17 caused me to Subscribe to your channel ... Great heart and looking after each other is the only way to be... Safe journeys Brother
You two are amazing people and bless you for contacting the organization. Both my kids were in youth sports and now all 5 of my grandsons play T-Ball and Soccer, and uniforms are expensive.
I used to do these auctions like 20 years ago before storage wars brought attention to it. You could usually get full units for like $5 cause no one wanted to move all that garbage. A few times we did try contacting previous owners to try and get them their pictures and other personal items back to them and each time they weren’t interested. Ive actually seen someone who owned the unit show up, let someone else buy it and then tried to buy just a few things off of them made the buyer really uncomfortable.
I'm so sorry this wasn't a huge win for you two. You deserve that. But, I had no doubt you would do the right thing and try to get these things back to the organization. I'm just glad you are the ones that bought the unit. Sadly, like you said, had someone else ended up with this unit, all that stuff would've probably ended up in the landfill. So, at least you ended up without loss and you also learned a lot from buying it, and the best thing, it all ended up back with the right people. A win, win for all those involved. You two are just the best human beings, so genuine, which is hard to find in this day and time. This is why I love your channel and love watching you.
You have a lot of integrity, something that sadly many people today are lacking. Hopefully your next storage unit will be a gold mine.
What a great Christmas story, with a happy ending for all! Good luck on your next unit buy.
I’m in the merch space. I appreciate your honesty and integrity to do the right thing with this unit. Very respectful.
It looks like you experienced a divinely distracted vision of the unit that caused you to not notice all the NEON colored stickers tagging all the boxes. And although you didn't get the outcome you were expecting, you got some great ideas and information on where and what kind of merch you want to make in the future, while also becoming the modern day Holiday Special Show this year! This was like a real life Christmas miracle - a heartwarming story, that could have been very different if you had passed on the unit - everything would have ended up in a landfill I imagine. You two are a blessing to your viewers and community, and I wish you a Merry Christmas, and God Bless Us, Everyone!
Many of us who have been in the storage unit and clean out business have had a story or two to tell. I’ve got one. I would like to hear some of the other stories out there.
I’ll try to be short and sweet :
Cleaning out a 300-year-old section of the house (attic.)
Three old ladies in their 90s lived on the first floor and have never been up in the attic and they were in their 90s .
I was hired by the executor of the estate who is referred to me by the president judge and the county so I had to follow the book exactly. Regulations you know (as a licensed regulated Waste hauler.)
So what was in the attic I won’t tell you the gross part tell you the interesting part.
Civil War Ledgers Listing costs of equipment, etc. over 100 of them. They look like Notre Dame university yearbooks, large and heavy and I open them up and they print was beautiful. You know how they wrote those days they didn’t have any white out so they had to make it perfect.
Law in Pennsylvania regulations state that regulated waste haulers when working on an estate clean out Must manifest items of value collectibles antiques. If they are going to sell it, they must have the approval from the executor and the beneficiaries. I know it’s a crazy law but it’s the law.
So I said to the executor when she asked me what’s up there I told her Civil War ledgers. She told me I should take them (it wasn’t that simple) I explained to how the regulation I’d have to manifest it and get her to sign everything over to me as well as the relatives and beneficiaries of the estate. She thought I was crazy.
She didn’t realize the value easily in the six figures
I had to get an auctioneer on the speaker phone to convince her that she should auction it off. She told me she was going to donate it and I told her that the historical society has enough. That she should auction it off and distribute it to the relatives if that’s what the will indicates. I know what you’re thinking. You must be crazy Steve.
If I were to sell it without her permission and trust me, everybody wants proof of ownership and title. The law says that I’m being hired to take it to the landfill not to sell it. so I had to comply with the law and if I didn’t, that could be at least one year in jail and class a felony.
I’ve had the same thing happened to me with a large set of collectible Lionel trains. which I explained to my client what she should do with them.
I also found a sports collection, Notre Dame University, and Dallas Cowboys Minnesota Vikings Syracuse University that had to be returned to the owner .
Pennsylvania regulation is strict . If a person gets caught selling items of value without permission from the owner, then you lose your license banned from the industry and you have to pay restitution to the owner. For example, if I were to sell it and then the owners or ESTATE realized it was missing since I was the general contractor on the job I could be held responsible.
With a 2024 date and a current website, I would have also tried to contact the company. What you guys did made perfect sense.
You was able to see how top notch merch suppliers do business. Which can most definitely help you in your merch setup. Free class. Win win win situation! God bless you two and may you take what you learned to the next level in your company.
This video encompasses why I still watch your reseller videos over everyone else’s (who I have pretty much stopped now) I’m a reseller from the UK. Love you videos, love you both (and willow when she makes an appearance). To give this stuff ‘back to them’ and only cover your costs was an amazing gesture and show your honesty, integrity and Christianity.
We love all your videos, love how you say ‘ordaments’ and love your dynamic with ‘Kayla.
Looking forward to you going from strength to strength in 2025!
Happy Christmas x
All I have to say is they at least owe you $600 and there should be no discussion about that. They should be so thankful cuz many people would have just hucked that shit for nothing. You guys are awesome for opting to just give it to them for your money.
Aww, y'all are awsome. What a great way to settle a problem for all involved. Wonderful to have people like you around in our world.
Love how this went full circle and no unanswered questions by us. LOVE IT. Drama for sure!
You two are awesome ! You did the right thing for the company that recently owned all that merchandise for the baseball youth ! I'm very proud of you two ! Way to go ! 😊
Haven't watched your videos for a while. Now you're doing storage units. They are actually more interesting. Good choice to branch out. Blessings for the New Year.
Your a couple of good people. We need more of this in the world.😊
I also buy storage units and after the first 30 units I had about 1000 hangers. I was going to pitch them but bunded them at 20 hangers for 2.00 on Marketplace. I sold all 50 bundles the first day and had so many people who wanted them in bulk. I think three people showed before they were gone. Its not big money but better than trash.
My sister-in-law here in Florida has a small storage unit, and the storage mgr. sold it out form under her. When she asked how that happened when she paid 6 months in advance, they said they didn't' "see any activity going in and out of the unit. Some on tell me WHY that is any of their business???
Thankfully, it wasn't storing anything that important to her.
Glad everyone got straightened out and no one lost any money. Good on you guys for following thru like Champs!!
1st mistake… Florida
@@Asiram323idiot ! You know nothing about
That would be illegal. So your sister in law isn’t telling you the whole story. If the unit is paid and payments are up to date they definitely aren’t selling the unit. I never go to my unit but maybe once a year
They sell a t-shirt and hat for $25 each usually, those hoodies are $40/50 each!
Youth sports is a racket!! You saved their @$$ a ton of $$$...
The thing I don’t like about videos where people buy storage units, is the lack of thought and humility when dealing with someone else’s belongings. Often, stuff is thrown around, thrown out, called junk, with no care or respect.
THIS exemplifies care and compassion and I’m so glad it was you who bought the unit and showed true integrity and care with someone else’s stuff. Thank you for posting, it’s a great example of what people SHOULD do. Be blessed guys, for what you do for the least of these… xx
It's not someone else's belongings when you buy a storage unit. It now belongs to you.
one person's treasure is another person's garbage.
Except for deceased estate cases, if they no longer pay to store their stuff then they no longer care about their stuff, so the new owners can do whatever they want with it.
I know someone who used to own a storage unit place and got in a lot of trouble.
Everything was fine until he discovered that his new wife from China would go through units before they were auctioned off 😮.
She would look for and remove anything with real value like cash, gold, collectibles etc.
Then lock it back up and not tell anyone what she had done.
It was the people who regularly bought the units at auction who figured out what was happening.
They became suspicious because after the new wife started doing the inventory of each unit there was a complete absence of anything with value.
They used to be able to turn a profit and occasionally found something with a large value.
But then they began to lose money on every unit they bought at auction there.
Also, before the new wife from China the owner had 2 units of his own on site for his stuff.
After she got involved those 2 units became 6 units and they were full of stuff that he realised could have only come from the units about to be auctioned 😮.
It was a huge mess with lawyers involved, several lawsuits and the wife from China returning to there. 😮
So glad it all worked out. Hope they offer you a reward for your honesty. You saved them Tens of thousands of $. I appreciate your honesty and realization that it was a youth organization and certainly a mix -p of some kind. I expected nothing less from you both.
Just found your videos, been wondering who Willow is. Good for you for returning the merch! What goes around comes around ♥️. Love your self-deprecating humor.
Y'all are amazing! To call them and see if it's wanted is very honorable! I hope it works out for all!❤
This if the first time I have seen you. Honesty, integrity and a nice beard - you have a new subscriber.
You’re more generous than me. I’d wait to see what they offer to get the merchandise back and at minimum I’d ask for double what I paid, just for the time spent buying and paying for the unit and then being nice enough to stack their unit in a nice manner.
They should offer some extra for the guy's trouble.
This has to qualify as one of those "Restoring faith in humanity" video stories.
Hat's off to you folks for doing the 'right' thing there.
As a tip, on Shipping labels for FedEx, the date the shipping label was printed will always be up in the top right corner. If you come across a UPS one, it'll be down at the bottom in a long string of numbers but all you get on their number-string is the last of it which shows the 'year'.
Sir, you and your wife are awesome people. Good people. You both think of others, aren’t greedy, willing to do anything thst is the right thing to do. In fact, that in itself defines you both. You’re “do the right thing” people. Period.
You both make up awesome America and special and great.
Suggestion: Keep a small, roll-up fabric bag with a small flashlite, a pair of channel lock pliers. A pair of needle nose pliers, tape (your choice), a utility knife ( that holds 5 extra blades), a pocket knife. These things together makes your your bag everything you need for your business. It NEVER leaves your truck. 😊
9:18 because your tailgate down you have to go inside and hit the button…. It will go off- circular button to the left of the steering wheel
Nursing homes always look for hangers so if you want to donate them find a nursing home or assistant living, they’re always looking for hangers
Hello, I been looking at many of these storage unit videos and came across yours here. This one- you in particular, gave me a renewed sense of humanity and self pride in one's personal inner worth. Thank you for that. I would also like to get into the storage buying business but do not have a clue how to get started. Could you please- in your next video, gave a walk through on how it works or how you got into it with tips, pros and cons of it all. I ask you because you are the first person doing this that has actually shown integrity.
You all are really good honest people God will.bless you for kindness ❤
Positive karma - Pay it forward. Great video and positive vibes.
You guys are awesome! Thanks for being good Christians. Why I watch you! ❤
Integrity, honesty, good character… excellent example
The honesty and integrity the two of you have shown in this video is so truly amazing! I hate to think what would have happened to all this merchandise had you not won this unit. Thank you and God bless you!
Lol. They did themselves a bigger favor than the owners. They didn't want that unsellable crap.
1st time viewer of your channel. L❤VE your honesty and integrity! In business... it's NOT all about money! I'm a new follower! 😊😊😊
My gut feeling is all this stuff was in the team cargo trailer and stolen. The thieves realized it's useless to them so they dumped it all in this storage unit and walked away with the trailer. So glad they got their stuff back. You and Mrs. Bearded Thrift Machine are awesome people!!!
Sadly most go through this. I lost a lot of my things in storage. It all went to auction. After battling with cancer I fell behind on my payments. Lost all my furniture and other items of sentimental value. 😢
One of my relatives abandoned a storage unit containing many irreplaceable family artifacts just because the door got stuck and the storage company refused to fix it, as her bad packing caused it to get stuck! I was sick when I learned that so many precious items were lost forever!
You both are unbelievably kind.
You could have made a substantial profit selling that merch over time, but you took the high road and cut a deal which really benefits the kids. That earns you a super Duber subscribed to the channel!
I think it was in the early 70s if I remember correctly but your "pitch" for your sponsor "What Not" brought back memories of the guy who used to sell "The Popeil Pocket Fisherman" on TV. You were so animated and hyper verbal, excited like I remember that guy selling the pole that I had to buy one for my dad for christmas. But the sound of your voice talking that way hit the memory button. I laughed & laughed. Thank you, I saved it.
Wow. This is the first episode that I have caught by you and your team. You are really amazing people and I am watching this thinking how awesome and kind hearted you guys are. Please keep up the great work and passing it on. I wish you guys the best.
They are lucky awesome people bought the unit. Hopefully they tipped yall a few hundred. You spent a lot of time solving their problem.