I use a flexible pad on my core that emits red light and near infrared light for 20 minutes alternate days. I haven't needed to have bedrest in the middle of the day for the first time in 30 years ...I have ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)....and I've been good energy-wise for over 4 months now. Absolutely life changing. 😊 update: Now only using it every third day.
I'm particularly intrigued and hopeful about your experience, as I too have ME/CFS. It sounds like you've had it for 30 years? What level of severity are you/were you? (Regardless of which, my heart goes out to you in knowing the challenges with ME/CFS at all levels). As for myself, I'm in the severe category, primarily bedbound 23+ hours a day, for the last eight months. (and similar to the other commenter, I'd be intrigued to hear what brand and model you use - I was hoping the Dr. would have gone more into that, as the market is definitely saturated with lots of devices - many of which I'm sure are not effective or worth the money.) Much appreciated.
I've been "moderate" over the years (not continually bed bound)... but bad enough and unable to work. Had regular repeated runs of days on end when I struggled to even shower or make a meal.
Please provide a list of manufacturers who produce good red light therapy devices. Many of us have been through a lot and have spent a lot of out of pocket expense to no avail. Most of us have no way of knowing and deciding which device is actually producing the wavelengths we need. We have spent so much on supplements and treatments already we need a reliable review of red light devices out there to not waste any more time and money. Please and thank you so very much.
I founda lot of good information on the Light Therapy Insiders website. He also does reviews on various red light panels and devices on his youtube channel (Red Light Therapy by Alex Fergus) :)
I am pretty new to the red light therapy , and when you’re in a bit of desperation for pain relief you will try anything. I had a piriformis damage issue in the butt and for 8 months I was in constant pain unless I was laying sedimentary. Which we all know is not good either. A friend mentioned red light therapy and I went in with the attitude “ another internet scam”. Jump forward 6 weeks and the purchase of a red light belt, this therapy has done what anti inflammatory tabs couldn’t ! I started low about 4 mins a day adding a minute every day until I was at 15 mins full strength. I am walking 40 mins a day to get my body back to physically somewhat fit again. In short the red light therapy has been a game changer !! Very highly recommended for anyone mid research , do it !
@thewodworker1703 Hi. I highly recommend the YT channel Bob and Brad. These are exceptional physiotherapists. They have specific therapy for piriformis injury. If you can't get to red light. I'm going to look into getting one!
What brand is your belt? I’ve been looking at LifePro. I think that’s what I have also! I’m not sure how I got it. I’ve been limping for a year and it’s only getting worse. Now having nerve pain point down my right leg and into my foot!
Have been using two wall IR/NIR panels to cover the entire body while standing. I use it 10 minutes for one side and 10 minutes for the other while doing at the same time tummo breathing exercises. Have been doing it for over a year. Can't say it is all magic, but these sessions do help with increased energy level, overall feeling of well-being and improvement of the skin. Never regretted spending these twenty minutes in my daily routine, always found it to be beneficial. Handheld lamps work wonders with local pain and even problems like toothache. Sore neck, injured knee - red lamp to the rescue! Easy and reliable way to fix the problem. The biggest problem that red light lamp helped me to fix was intercoastal neuralgia that normally is very difficult to alleviate. It takes a couple of weeks of consistent use, but problem goes away.
Been going for morning walks between sunrise and up to 10:00am. That when infrared light is at its highest and ultraviolet light is at its lowest. Infrared light goes through clouds and clothes so no need to expose your skin for the benefit.
Yes!!! When I was waiting around at PT, they would let me use the red light on my feet. I used to have a lot of inflammation, but I changed my diet, and I rarely have inflammation these days.
I got my Biomax 900 6 days ago. After the 2nd treatment, I found I could reduce my pain meds to once a day, instead of twice. I can't wait to see what improvements I see after a month and with long term use. I hope to avoid double knee replacements using this awesome device and I'm implementing pemf soon. If we all share this info like the Dr does, we can help others greatly improve their health and likely save lives. ✌️💜
Thanks for your info, my 15 yr old was injured in gymnastics, will need surgery and hoping for a miracle for her...LMK how you progress...she tore up ACL,meniscus, & knee femur fracture 🙏🙏🙏 good luck with yours..pls reach out
02:57 ➡ Dr. A mentioned that red and near-infrared light can penetrate the skin and affect immune cells in tissues. Can this therapy help with chronic inflammation like arthritis? Has anyone tried it and seen results?
Excellent as usual. My family used a red/infrared lamp to help with injuries and back pain in 1950s. I did not know that this had penetrated medical practice so much.
Intriguing video, but I wish you would have gone into what to look for (and what to look out for) in buying a device. The market is completely saturated with lots of products - many of which I'm sure are a cash grab and don't actually do anything (and are probably not more beyond a novelty red light bulb you could buy at Home Depot). And on the flipside, brands that do have a solid reputation but scare consumers into overpaying an extraordinary amount for that peace of mind. With a bit of solid knowledge of what to look for (the way a company like Consumer Reports might address), you could empower your viewers in having a sense of confidence in choosing a reputable device that's right for them. I hope you'll consider this and make a supplemental video addressing these points. Thanks.
Can't think of his name right now, but he's got a great Channel here on RUclips. He reviews dozens of different red light therapy devices. Yes he gets a commission, but hey that's capitalism right?
Alex Fergus has a website which compares red light products, mostly panels and includes numerical data regarding power and milliwatts. Keys to buying are companies that have been around and offer reasonable warranty and return policy. Hooga, mito, Bestqool are more budget friendly with offerings for wearables, pads and panel. In general efficacy will be 660 red light and 850 NIR. Price varies according to feature, power, light density. Clinical grade devices will be more expensive, but you can find reliable sources for modestly priced devices like knee wraps or targeted hand held devices.
I've used low cost led mats for resolving a number of issues. Strongly recommend the foremost clinical researcher Dr. Michael Hamblin for everyday language on selecting using end effectiveness of photobiomodulation. Too much can be detrimental.
Amazing information Thank you Dr A. I just ordered a red therapy lamp. After covid it keft me digestive issues i had to go gluten fres. My husband had covid 2xs all his test came out normal so he feels he has long term covid.. So we will both use the red light theraoy lamp. My digestive issues are stable long as i stay on gluten free and i lost 135 pounds. My husband has lost muscle, loss of appetite, tired all tge time.
I am mould toxic and I need to leave and seek a detox integrative doctor I know they use infra red combined with sauna sometimes .., I get horrific pain in various joints My body is a ball of inflammation .
Google red light and near infrared and cancer with study. Apoptosis, programmed cell death to the sick cells. Stay hydrated. He mentions this in the video. All positive results that I can see except for once study which they combined it with blue light (ultraviolet). UV is known to be a catalyst for cancer. So, I would not use any blue lights with this. Blue light is the opposite end of the spectrum.
Thank you Dr Paul for sharing this valuable information with us, there’s so many things that we can do to help ourselves healing in a safe effective way without the toxic side effects of pharma . Blessings 🙏🏻
I've had an infrared pad for 25+ years that was developed at the University Of Calgary in Canada. I've used it for sore back, injury etc. for a long time. When I got Covid I used it on my chest. It would make me have sneezing spells, made me cough & spit out yellow mucous for days & would also make me quite sleepy. I diagnosed myself with MCAS after I felt like I was drifting into long Covid & I used it over my pelvis & lower body too thinking it might help repair my microbiome. part of my healing strategy. It has a low & high switch. You are only supposed to use it on high for 15 minutes max & then you can switch it to low for another 30 minutes. I'm guessing the low setting is near infrared & the high being far infrared perhaps. I will wrap the pad around my head & eyes(closed) for two minutes on high from time to time. I'm eagerly looking forward to your video on far infrared as I'm lacking info on that, if the high setting is that. I suppose it could be mid infrared too. IDK.
@@carlor.s.4742 DO not use over even closed eyes without wearing special goggles provided....the light penetrates right through your eyelids....and can be harmful
Thankyou for sharing did it help you with mcas symptoms also with Covid Did you have any symptoms like headaches head pressure dizziness or orthostatic symptoms like tachycardia etc Thanks
A beef steak and lamb meat diet with some pickles flashed out all my inflammation in just two weeks. I could not walk before that, I was so inflamed I could not sleep, my spine, neck, legs, muscles and joints were in constant pain with pins and needles pinching and poking like feeling.
@devinredmond1121 My diagnosis was fibromyalgia if that's what you are asking. I have suffered from it since my childhood, it got severe in the last 8 years.
I bought THE DEVICE expert 4.0 from MITO... A PANEL and a horizontal standard..Hopefully this will be a good device...Looking at the technical description of this device, it has a wide spectrum of nm waves. Again : hopefully this is the right device to shine and do something good for my (older) body !!
I use a red-light bed at a medical facility. However, they only allow 8 minute increments . I drive 2 hrs for the apt. it's worth it. However, is 8 minutes really beneficial?
They have the full body red light at a gym I would go to I used it “I don’t want to get in a tanning bed. I didn’t really see a difference. But I was in it 3 times a week for a month. Might try it again. We moved and it was no longer convenient to get to that gym. Also was starting to get very sick. I feel like I have made significant progress on my chronic illness. Might need to try again.
@@danidaydreaming919well actually photobiomodulation has a biphasic dose curve. There is an optimal range of light exposure (intensity and duration) that produces the most significant therapeutic benefits. When the dose is too low or too high, the positive effects may be reduced or even become detrimental. It’s a bell curve. I’d follow the time and frequency recommendations of the [reputable] device.
I'm interested in trying this. I'm a little hesitant due to a study I found where mice with skin tumors enlarged with red light therapy. They claimed that cell proliferation of unwanted/tumor cells. I'm not a doctor, but I would love to hear thoughts on this. Trying to weigh benefits vs risk.
How does this work for treating whole body inflammation when there is an autoimmune disease( particularly MAST cell or thyroid hypo/budding Hashimotos(
Hay doc, my sister-in-law has MS, and she passed out, hit her head (had slight amnesia), and messed up her Vagas nerve. Due to the fall, she has stomach problems and eating problems. In your opinion, would the light therapy help her. Which therapy or pad should she think about using. Debbie Jay thank you for your caring.
What about red light therapy post surgery for broken bone. My dog just fractures her tibia and the Dr. recommended red light therapy at home. Unfortunately I don't know for how long I have to use it on her. I have a 630/660/880nm hand light. Daily, 5min? The info in the booklet is unusable. Very confusing ...
Thank you for the invaluable information - i have severe wrist pain (RA) and a mini panel - I just wondered if the one you strap onto the joint brand Kineon would be better? - I already have a panel, I won't waste money if not a necessary investment. Many thanks
Hello Dr A. Only in your opinion as you are not my medical doctor. With having spinal surgery with hardware S1- L2 pain as well as numbness down both legs which affects my mobility and use a walker. Q: in your opinion, would the metal frame hardware heat up to a point of internal discomfort? I’m also being slated for SCS spinal cord stimulation, and wondering if the red lights would affect the performance of that? I found your podcast very informative. You have a new follower. Thank you and happy new year 🎉
try brands which have lots of good reviews, good websites with plenty of information, professional recomendation without sponsorship, which provide all the technical / mechanical details on their products, medically certified
@@jw6180 its not an approved medical device by the FDA. It is registered, big difference. That is the Mito marketing, it's deceptive. More importantly is the EMF of these products. I wouldn't purchase anything made in China.
All times, purigied (mot tap or bottled) more important than food.8-12C day. Caffeine & alcohol dehydrate you, so must vompensate w 2 x that amount! Lots of veggies & fruit is essential also.
Do MCAS patients react to red light? I just bought a device and I'm so disappointed, started reacting in 30 seconds. Not sure whether to push through or return it.
Thank you, helpful info. I have a lamp. Be grateful to feel more confident about how long to do daily eg on feet - neuropathy & skin rashes And how close does it need to be? - I realise that depends on strength of lamp (mine has 6 brightness settings ?!) & likeky i need check out / review other videos youve made - with fuzzy CFS brain it gets hard absorbing & kerping track of info.. 🙏🩷✨
I just ordered 2, one with just the light and the 2nd one with a heat massager + the light, but I did see the reviews and people were happy with it. One cost under $40 and 2nd under $60.
Amazon USA have the bulbs or the pad, theres a brand called inia that has good quality bulbs 850nm and they have more led chips in them than other brands.
My sons dermatologist used narrow band uvb which was amazing, total remission of severe almost total body eczema. Have to have skin checks for skin cancer but totally worth it.
@zakyvids6566 Torch devices are normally used for very small, defined areas of body. If it's just a red lense to make it look red then that's obviously useless. It has to be specifically a therapeutic device.
Why can't I simply get 1 hour or more of sunbathing in? Maybe go for a walk with my shirt off and wearing shorts? I'll be getting critical vitamin D as well.
For therapeutic needs (where there is problem inflammation or specific health problems) it's nowhere as intense as using a device....I use a flexible pad and is amazing.
@@phubblewubbphubblewubb I would think infrared is present all the time (while I know it's best at sunrise/sunset). If it warms me, I'm getting IR is my take.
saying that the choice of a device "depends on one's need" without specifying that most devices on the market are unregulated and their specifications of irradiance etc. cannot be verified is highly irresponsible.
@@NINJA_INVESTORS got any devices to suggest that are "regulated?" FYI: this "industry" isn't regulated (check what "regulated" actually means), hence all sorts of devices can claim whatever.
@@NINJA_INVESTORS again, that doesn't mean the industry is "regulated" and not everyone can buy the same products you buy. You obviously do not understand what it means for an 'industry' or 'product' to be regulated. Enjoy your panel. Gawd.
egg whites, dairy . . . all these inflam responses are individualistic - but grains/casein-milk proteins/egg whites (among others) are likely culprits. Eliminate for three months is ideal to test reactivity (anti-body response levels)
I use a flexible pad on my core that emits red light and near infrared light for 20 minutes alternate days. I haven't needed to have bedrest in the middle of the day for the first time in 30 years ...I have ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)....and I've been good energy-wise for over 4 months now. Absolutely life changing. 😊 update: Now only using it every third day.
What brand and model are you using?
@@irenag3994 Rohs "Lightforce Led" Red & Infrared light 40 x 20 flexible pad.
I'm particularly intrigued and hopeful about your experience, as I too have ME/CFS. It sounds like you've had it for 30 years? What level of severity are you/were you? (Regardless of which, my heart goes out to you in knowing the challenges with ME/CFS at all levels). As for myself, I'm in the severe category, primarily bedbound 23+ hours a day, for the last eight months.
(and similar to the other commenter, I'd be intrigued to hear what brand and model you use - I was hoping the Dr. would have gone more into that, as the market is definitely saturated with lots of devices - many of which I'm sure are not effective or worth the money.)
Much appreciated.
@@Tom_from_Midtown Rohs Lightforce Led Red light therapy flexible pad 40 x 20 cm
I've been "moderate" over the years (not continually bed bound)... but bad enough and unable to work. Had regular repeated runs of days on end when I struggled to even shower or make a meal.
Please provide a list of manufacturers who produce good red light therapy devices. Many of us have been through a lot and have spent a lot of out of pocket expense to no avail. Most of us have no way of knowing and deciding which device is actually producing the wavelengths we need. We have spent so much on supplements and treatments already we need a reliable review of red light devices out there to not waste any more time and money. Please and thank you so very much.
@@charlepan8626 Joov is an expensive but good, reputable one. I have one panel- it’s about 4 years old.
I founda lot of good information on the Light Therapy Insiders website. He also does reviews on various red light panels and devices on his youtube channel (Red Light Therapy by Alex Fergus) :)
Check out Alex Fergus, he does a great job testing a big number of panels.
@@Schnelllllthanks for this info. ❤
Have heard EMR Tek is best with lowest flicker on the market
I am pretty new to the red light therapy , and when you’re in a bit of desperation for pain relief you will try anything. I had a piriformis damage issue in the butt and for 8 months I was in constant pain unless I was laying sedimentary. Which we all know is not good either. A friend mentioned red light therapy and I went in with the attitude “ another internet scam”. Jump forward 6 weeks and the purchase of a red light belt, this therapy has done what anti inflammatory tabs couldn’t ! I started low about 4 mins a day adding a minute every day until I was at 15 mins full strength. I am walking 40 mins a day to get my body back to physically somewhat fit again. In short the red light therapy has been a game changer !! Very highly recommended for anyone mid research , do it !
Hi. I highly recommend the YT channel
Bob and Brad. These are exceptional physiotherapists. They have specific therapy for piriformis injury. If you can't get to red light. I'm going to look into getting one!
What brand is your belt? I’ve been looking at LifePro. I think that’s what I have also! I’m not sure how I got it. I’ve been limping for a year and it’s only getting worse. Now having nerve pain point down my right leg and into my foot!
Have been using two wall IR/NIR panels to cover the entire body while standing. I use it 10 minutes for one side and 10 minutes for the other while doing at the same time tummo breathing exercises. Have been doing it for over a year. Can't say it is all magic, but these sessions do help with increased energy level, overall feeling of well-being and improvement of the skin. Never regretted spending these twenty minutes in my daily routine, always found it to be beneficial. Handheld lamps work wonders with local pain and even problems like toothache. Sore neck, injured knee - red lamp to the rescue! Easy and reliable way to fix the problem. The biggest problem that red light lamp helped me to fix was intercoastal neuralgia that normally is very difficult to alleviate. It takes a couple of weeks of consistent use, but problem goes away.
Been going for morning walks between sunrise and up to 10:00am. That when infrared light is at its highest and ultraviolet light is at its lowest. Infrared light goes through clouds and clothes so no need to expose your skin for the benefit.
That 's exactly what I thought myself. It should be usefult at sunset too.
UV light has benefits too if you learn how it works- uvb stimulates production of vit d among other benefits
But is it good for people who have had Melonma skin cancer
Yes!!! When I was waiting around at PT, they would let me use the red light on my feet. I used to have a lot of inflammation, but I changed my diet, and I rarely have inflammation these days.
Lower inflammation, normalized cells, and helping healing.
I got my Biomax 900 6 days ago. After the 2nd treatment, I found I could reduce my pain meds to once a day, instead of twice. I can't wait to see what improvements I see after a month and with long term use. I hope to avoid double knee replacements using this awesome device and I'm implementing pemf soon. If we all share this info like the Dr does, we can help others greatly improve their health and likely save lives. ✌️💜
Thanks for your info, my 15 yr old was injured in gymnastics, will need surgery and hoping for a miracle for her...LMK how you progress...she tore up ACL,meniscus, & knee femur fracture 🙏🙏🙏 good luck with yours..pls reach out
02:57 ➡ Dr. A mentioned that red and near-infrared light can penetrate the skin and affect immune cells in tissues. Can this therapy help with chronic inflammation like arthritis? Has anyone tried it and seen results?
Excellent as usual. My family used a red/infrared lamp to help with injuries and back pain in 1950s. I did not know that this had penetrated medical practice so much.
I use a poultry lamp, it seems to help the inflammation and promote sleep whilst costing a fraction of those marketed for humans.
Thank you!
Do you leave it on all night or for only 20 minutes or so?
Best not to use white light with MB. Google DNA strand breaks
Careful not all lamps are healthy
@@Grace-Upon-Grace. MB❓ sorry, it’s hard to know all the abbreviations… please explain.
Those are Infrared light lamps. They don't have the lower red light wavelengths AFAIK but they do have health benefits.
Intriguing video, but I wish you would have gone into what to look for (and what to look out for) in buying a device. The market is completely saturated with lots of products - many of which I'm sure are a cash grab and don't actually do anything (and are probably not more beyond a novelty red light bulb you could buy at Home Depot). And on the flipside, brands that do have a solid reputation but scare consumers into overpaying an extraordinary amount for that peace of mind.
With a bit of solid knowledge of what to look for (the way a company like Consumer Reports might address), you could empower your viewers in having a sense of confidence in choosing a reputable device that's right for them. I hope you'll consider this and make a supplemental video addressing these points. Thanks.
Can't think of his name right now, but he's got a great Channel here on RUclips. He reviews dozens of different red light therapy devices. Yes he gets a commission, but hey that's capitalism right?
Alex Fergus reviews different brands of red therapy panels.
Alex Fergus has a website which compares red light products, mostly panels and includes numerical data regarding power and milliwatts. Keys to buying are companies that have been around and offer reasonable warranty and return policy. Hooga, mito, Bestqool are more budget friendly with offerings for wearables, pads and panel. In general efficacy will be 660 red light and 850 NIR. Price varies according to feature, power, light density. Clinical grade devices will be more expensive, but you can find reliable sources for modestly priced devices like knee wraps or targeted hand held devices.
I've used low cost led mats for resolving a number of issues. Strongly recommend the foremost clinical researcher Dr. Michael Hamblin for everyday language on selecting using end effectiveness of photobiomodulation. Too much can be detrimental.
@@cpntexas_xI like you said everyday language, I have Long Covid brain and I can't handle alot if technical stuff....
Amazing information Thank you Dr A. I just ordered a red therapy lamp. After covid it keft me digestive issues i had to go gluten fres. My husband had covid 2xs all his test came out normal so he feels he has long term covid.. So we will both use the red light theraoy lamp. My digestive issues are stable long as i stay on gluten free and i lost 135 pounds. My husband has lost muscle, loss of appetite, tired all tge time.
Okay im going to follow this man
mitochondria so important ! GOD BLESS YOU
Great vid. Comprehensive and very helpful. I just found my lamp after a move, and have 2 joints that are begging for some help😊
I am mould toxic and I need to leave and seek a detox integrative doctor
I know they use infra red combined with sauna sometimes ..,
I get horrific pain in various joints
My body is a ball of inflammation .
If it does all this good stuff for healthy cells, what effect will it have on cancer cells?
I hope we get an answer to your question.
Google -
Google red light and near infrared and cancer with study. Apoptosis, programmed cell death to the sick cells. Stay hydrated. He mentions this in the video.
All positive results that I can see except for once study which they combined it with blue light (ultraviolet). UV is known to be a catalyst for cancer. So, I would not use any blue lights with this. Blue light is the opposite end of the spectrum.
Thank you Dr Paul for sharing this valuable information with us, there’s so many things that we can do to help ourselves healing in a safe effective way without the toxic side effects of pharma . Blessings 🙏🏻
Thank you and that was very useful ❤
I've had an infrared pad for 25+ years that was developed at the University Of Calgary in Canada. I've used it for sore back, injury etc. for a long time. When I got Covid I used it on my chest. It would make me have sneezing spells, made me cough & spit out yellow mucous for days & would also make me quite sleepy. I diagnosed myself with MCAS after I felt like I was drifting into long Covid & I used it over my pelvis & lower body too thinking it might help repair my microbiome. part of my healing strategy. It has a low & high switch. You are only supposed to use it on high for 15 minutes max & then you can switch it to low for another 30 minutes. I'm guessing the low setting is near infrared & the high being far infrared perhaps. I will wrap the pad around my head & eyes(closed) for two minutes on high from time to time. I'm eagerly looking forward to your video on far infrared as I'm lacking info on that, if the high setting is that. I suppose it could be mid infrared too. IDK.
@carlor.s.4742 low and high switch is to do with the intensity of the wavelength...not different wavelengths.
@@carlor.s.4742 DO not use over even closed eyes without wearing special goggles provided....the light penetrates right through your eyelids....and can be harmful
Thankyou for sharing did it help you with mcas symptoms also with Covid Did you have any symptoms like headaches head pressure dizziness or orthostatic symptoms like tachycardia etc Thanks
@@TrustInJesusChrist-John3.16 OK thanks for the info!
@carlor.s.4742 closed eyes have no effect...MUST wear special goggles !!
A beef steak and lamb meat diet with some pickles flashed out all my inflammation in just two weeks. I could not walk before that, I was so inflamed I could not sleep, my spine, neck, legs, muscles and joints were in constant pain with pins and needles pinching and poking like feeling.
Tell us more. What were your “diagnoses”?
@devinredmond1121 My diagnosis was fibromyalgia if that's what you are asking. I have suffered from it since my childhood, it got severe in the last 8 years.
We re not carnivores inflammation-will build
Carnivore with fermented food(?)
@@kidvision564Ask the carnivores who have completely gotten rid of illness, inflammation, etc for years
I bought THE DEVICE expert 4.0 from MITO... A PANEL and a horizontal standard..Hopefully this will be a good device...Looking at the technical description of this device, it has a wide spectrum of nm waves.
Again : hopefully this is the right device to shine and do something good for my (older) body !!
Thanks. I pllan to use red/near infared light in the winter. In other seasons i go out in the sun almost every day to get infared/near infared light.
Very informative and effective at explaining every point which i couldn't find in any other content
I use a red-light bed at a medical facility. However, they only allow 8 minute increments . I drive 2 hrs for the apt. it's worth it. However, is 8 minutes really beneficial?
They have the full body red light at a gym I would go to I used it “I don’t want to get in a tanning bed. I didn’t really see a difference. But I was in it 3 times a week for a month. Might try it again. We moved and it was no longer convenient to get to that gym. Also was starting to get very sick. I feel like I have made significant progress on my chronic illness. Might need to try again.
It really helps! use it as frequently as you can
@@danidaydreaming919well actually photobiomodulation has a biphasic dose curve. There is an optimal range of light exposure (intensity and duration) that produces the most significant therapeutic benefits. When the dose is too low or too high, the positive effects may be reduced or even become detrimental. It’s a bell curve. I’d follow the time and frequency recommendations of the [reputable] device.
I LOVE my MITO Red Light pad!
I'm interested in trying this. I'm a little hesitant due to a study I found where mice with skin tumors enlarged with red light therapy. They claimed that cell proliferation of unwanted/tumor cells. I'm not a doctor, but I would love to hear thoughts on this. Trying to weigh benefits vs risk.
You’re not a mouse
@@iitslukey cancer cells in mice are exactley the same as cancer cells in humans.
Depending who "sponsored" the study...cuz if it was a Big Pharma study...of course they don't want to promote the more natural remedies.
How does this work for treating whole body inflammation when there is an autoimmune disease( particularly MAST cell or thyroid hypo/budding Hashimotos(
I believe methylene blue enhances the benefits of red light therapy. What’s your opinion on this Dr. A ?
It is the other way around
Wonder if dr A will make another video on how nir stimulates melatonin production
Worth using on skin cancer on face?
Thank you for wonderful info ❤
Hay doc, my sister-in-law has MS, and she passed out, hit her head (had slight amnesia), and messed up her Vagas nerve. Due to the fall, she has stomach problems and eating problems. In your opinion, would the light therapy help her. Which therapy or pad should she think about using. Debbie Jay thank you for your caring.
Joey . . you are the man !! Tell it like it is brother !!
Thank you for posting this information.
Dear Dr A - could you also do a video on far infrared and how it compares to near infrared
He has a video about ir/nir in this channel. Keep scrolling, you’ll find it 😊☺️
Hey Dr. have you done a video on peptides, like BPC157, KPV etc?
I didn’t realize I could use red light therapy for that long and that frequently
Very nice explanation Dr A, really appreciated it, look forward to your others vids 👍
Hair growth? Anti aging? Helping cells to produce more collagen?
Excellent like always! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the information👍
Love your videos. Thank you soooo much!!!❤️
What about red light therapy post surgery for broken bone. My dog just fractures her tibia and the Dr. recommended red light therapy at home. Unfortunately I don't know for how long I have to use it on her. I have a 630/660/880nm hand light. Daily, 5min? The info in the booklet is unusable. Very confusing ...
Thank you for the invaluable information - i have severe wrist pain (RA) and a mini panel - I just wondered if the one you strap onto the joint brand Kineon would be better? - I already have a panel, I won't waste money if not a necessary investment. Many thanks
great video Dr Anderson, thank you 👍
And what about people who have had Melenoma and other skin cancers.?
Nooone stipulates a minimum output wattage or dangers of emf
Gemba red does extensive emf control!!
Dr. A can I use infrared pad on total knee replacement. And I have a titanium plate in my wrist, is this safe.
I have a titanium pacemaker and I used LED light for years without any side effects.
Hello Dr A. Only in your opinion as you are not my medical doctor.
With having spinal surgery with hardware S1- L2 pain as well as numbness down both legs which affects my mobility and use a walker.
Q: in your opinion, would the metal frame hardware heat up to a point of internal discomfort?
I’m also being slated for SCS spinal cord stimulation, and wondering if the red lights would affect the performance of that?
I found your podcast very informative. You have a new follower.
Thank you and happy new year 🎉
Appreciate the information!
What brands are reputable if I want to buy one?
I have a BioMax panel from PlatinumLightTherapy site. FDA approved medical device and we can use FSA/HSA funds to purchase.
try brands which have lots of good reviews, good websites with plenty of information, professional recomendation without sponsorship, which provide all the technical / mechanical details on their products, medically certified
I got a lifepro on amazon. Love it..straps on massages too. Slightly warm.
@@jw6180 its not an approved medical device by the FDA. It is registered, big difference. That is the Mito marketing, it's deceptive. More importantly is the EMF of these products. I wouldn't purchase anything made in China.
I dig ur a Tull fan
Husband has Gulf War syndrome so researching this now as a possibility 👍
Great video Paul!
I see you have Jethro Tull on your wall. Are you related to Ian? I adore him. Such talent.
Is this the same as infrared light?
What wattage of lamp is ok and do you have to cover your eyes?
Yes you need to cover eyes with goggles that should be provided but using a flexible pad directly on skin, you don't need to bother.
Thank you.
Thanks a million such good advice i love to educate myself .
So well stated, all of it!
Great lecture.
Thank you 🙏
Does red light or NIR increase brown age spots?
One important question: sun light contains both red and infrared light, so would it be healthy to be exposed to sunlight instead of those lamps?
If you can get any
Absolutely check out medcram videos. But a lot if people don’t have access to sunlight all year long
7:42 stay hydrated during the therapy or all times ?
All times, purigied (mot tap or bottled) more important than food.8-12C day. Caffeine & alcohol dehydrate you, so must vompensate w 2 x that amount!
Lots of veggies & fruit is essential also.
Do MCAS patients react to red light? I just bought a device and I'm so disappointed, started reacting in 30 seconds. Not sure whether to push through or return it.
Thnx, appreciate the high-level view. Wouldve appreciated the low-level view, too :D
Would red light therapy help with a swollen prostate
What is the range of the effective wavelength of the red light?
660 is good for skin. 880 has shown to the deepest penetrate
Is there any infrared benefit in a steam only sauna?
Exercise, clean water and plenty of sun light.
Got it.
What about blue and green light for repair of tissue?
Is this good after chemotherapy?
In the UK, one hospital ( I think in Birmigham) they started using infrared light after chemo in children. It reduced their side effects.
Do I need to use special glasses or UV goggles when using Red Light Therapy
The company you buy from should advice
I have Basil cell Skin cancer will this help with it ???
Dr Anderson,Exactly where on this page are the linked or tagged videos? Thank you.
Does red light therapy damage retinas? Do we need to wear eye protective goggles?
Thank you, helpful info. I have a lamp. Be grateful to feel more confident about how long to do daily eg on feet - neuropathy & skin rashes
And how close does it need to be? - I realise that depends on strength of lamp (mine has 6 brightness settings ?!) & likeky i need check out / review other videos youve made - with fuzzy CFS brain it gets hard absorbing & kerping track of info.. 🙏🩷✨
With regard to your eyes, is there any evidence that this will help reduce myopic shift?
And is there a risk of cataracts?
Look at the sunrise and sunset - plenty of evidence dr kruse
There are yt videos pertaining to eye issues
@ please elaborate and send links as I have not seen any
@ please elaborate I have not seen any issues
Dr Anderson - you never address whether there are dangers of RLT for cancer
Wait, pelvic organ dysfunction from long covid? I haven’t heard of this. Does anyone know what that is more specifically?
Obv he should have said abdominal, and I agree that is rather an egregious ‘misstatement’. What WAS he thinking (repeated throughout)
What's about Melanocytes?
Does anyone know if the flexible infared/NIR pads available from Amazon or ebay for about £30 are worth buying?
Yes, but make sure you know the spectrum. You want red and infrared.
I just ordered 2, one with just the light and the 2nd one with a heat massager + the light, but I did see the reviews and people were happy with it. One cost under $40 and 2nd under $60.
tissue immune cells = mast cells? among other types of cells?
Can someone recommend where you can buy an infa red machine??????
Amazon USA have the bulbs or the pad, theres a brand called inia that has good quality bulbs 850nm and they have more led chips in them than other brands.
Would this be good for rosacea?
Yes but eye goggles they provide should be worn.
@@TrustInJesusChrist-John3.16 thank you
Does anyone have any good results using red light therapy for eczema?
It is a reaction to meds, stress, environmental or foods. See a functional dr for testing
My sons dermatologist used narrow band uvb which was amazing, total remission of severe almost total body eczema. Have to have skin checks for skin cancer but totally worth it.
Hi I had a query I have a torch that has red light will that help
@zakyvids6566 Torch devices are normally used for very small, defined areas of body. If it's just a red lense to make it look red then that's obviously useless. It has to be specifically a therapeutic device.
The red light therapy I purchased said not to put it over the heart. FlexBeam
Why can't I simply get 1 hour or more of sunbathing in? Maybe go for a walk with my shirt off and wearing shorts? I'll be getting critical vitamin D as well.
For therapeutic needs (where there is problem inflammation or specific health problems) it's nowhere as intense as using a device....I use a flexible pad and is amazing.
Infra red is present at sunset, you get it from red fire glow too, it's why humans are attracted to those two things.
@@phubblewubbphubblewubb I would think infrared is present all the time (while I know it's best at sunrise/sunset). If it warms me, I'm getting IR is my take.
Absolutely but most people can’t due to seasons or living conditions
I’m going for organ detox
Anyone here in the chat room have success with VITILIGO or VERTIGO using infra red??????
Can a helmet be used with a shunt in your brain?
saying that the choice of a device "depends on one's need" without specifying that most devices on the market are unregulated and their specifications of irradiance etc. cannot be verified is highly irresponsible.
@@zzc8505 People just need to do diligent research to find reputable suppliers.
Get a device that is regulated... Problem solved
@@NINJA_INVESTORS got any devices to suggest that are "regulated?" FYI: this "industry" isn't regulated (check what "regulated" actually means), hence all sorts of devices can claim whatever.
@zzc8505 I have a full body panel by platinum LED. It's FDA approved, and it is certified
@@NINJA_INVESTORS again, that doesn't mean the industry is "regulated" and not everyone can buy the same products you buy. You obviously do not understand what it means for an 'industry' or 'product' to be regulated. Enjoy your panel. Gawd.
But this will not help probably Long Covid victums because its a on going inflamation 😔 its a very debilitating dease...😢
eliminate sugar and wheat. u wont have inflammation. thats what happened for me anyway
Not quite that easy unfortunately
Depends on the individual
egg whites, dairy . . . all these inflam responses are individualistic - but grains/casein-milk proteins/egg whites (among others) are likely culprits. Eliminate for three months is ideal to test reactivity (anti-body response levels)
I went vegan, gluten-free, and sugar free for 7 months and my markers for inflammation were still in the severe range.