They really should be releasing a new Atari+ cartridge every month to keep people engaged. They could keep up that pace for a couple years and end up with an impressive library.
@@chfgn I would agree. I'd love to see a consistent flow of releases rather than bunching them all together. People would be more likely to have money to buy them all too if they were spread out.
Maybe the produce them in bunches because it's cheaper from a manufacturing point of view but I'd still spread them out a little bit. 1 or 2 at a time and increase the frequency at which their released
While that is certainly true, where will this continuous flow of games come from? There are certainly a number of homebrews for both the 2600 and 7800 that have been released that would fit the bill, but it's not an infinite supply. What I'd really like to see is an increase in developer interest for those same consoles, as well as for the Lynx and Jaguar. It might be in Atari's interest to start focusing on that.
@@saurondpthis is what I think would be a smart move. Tap the homebrew market for talent and grow the plus line's catalog. Some ways they could do this is leveraging current hardware that expands the possibilities of the 2600, and building on neglected hardware to reissue it (TouchPad, driving controllers..etc). I'd pony up for Indy 500 and some new driving paddles. Especially if new releases are on the way.
I still remember taking a 10$ roll of quarters to the arcade and met with friends. I paid for the games, my buddy paid for the pop and we'd goto war. It was loud and bright with neon everywhere. When we finished, we'd find a payphone and call our rides, go home, and play moon patrol on my Atari. Those were the days.
Long Time Atarian, since my early childhood. I was born in 1985 and I got my first 2600 Jr in 1991 and Atari was freakin' popular here in Italy, even during the years of the north american console crash for what I know about. Seeing Atari back in action sent an exciting shock on my spine: modern reissues of old classic consoles, a partnership with the indie heroes and, of course, cartridges! Real ones, not like the SD powered things that Evercade is making (they're almost good, but Atari is doing that in a more old school way which sounds perfectly fine). Atari must continue to support their plus line of consoles with a constant addition of new games every three months, a move very similar to what Evercade team is doing. They own Atari Age, tons of brand names and obviously classic games that need to be released at a popular price, plus new outstanding indies and fresh new games created by Atari itself. The official re-release of classic games that were impossible to buy on eBay was a smart move, but they need to improve. This year must be the year of Atari. Now or never.
@@rameybutler-hm7nx the controllers look awesome! I can't wait to talk about it this Sunday at 7pm Eastern time on the Atari Network podcast! Tell your friends! Lol thanks for the support!
I am excited for what Atari has done in the last few years and hope they can really build on it. 30 years ago, I certainly did not anticipate Atari would be putting out new stuff. I think they need to catch up on any back orders first. I see people on social media sites venting on delayed orders. (not Atari Age last chance). And yes, I would like to see more 2600 and 7800 games released.
@@Jolt7800 yeah this whole pre order thing and announcing things before they're ready and selling them is killing Atari and AtariAge. My recommendation is both entities have enough information now to anticipate and build a stock. Then list and sell. If you sell out produce more. Repeat. DOWN WITH PREORDERS!
@@TheAtariNetwork Preorders aren't necessarily a bad thing. A big benefit that they bring (for Atari) is that they help give a number of anticipated sales, so they know roughly how many consoles or carts to make. What they really need to fix is their shipping and support infrastructure, which is sorely lacking. People who preorder shouldn't be waiting on their orders while others who purchased after released have already had theirs for some time. Nor should people be waiting a week or more for replies from Atari when checking on the order status. That all needs to be fixed, and yesterday.
The game station go is the way to go. With SD card and wifi have a collection you can buy and download, as well as supporting other systems like the Gamestation pro does now
I said it on Atari Age and I'll say it here, 2025 is going to be the year of Atari. All the hard work Wade and his team have done since taking over the company in 2021 is finally going to pay off in a big way. By the end of this year Atari will finally be a major force in gaming industry once again mark my words.
Can you explain how they will be a major force in gaming? By selling bleep bloop 2600 games and missile command to millennials? Sorry just trying to understand your thought process. Take me through it…
@@nikopro6462 Number one Atari made allot of other consoles and computers besides the 2600 ( and they were all better than the 2600 ), there's a lot of demand right now for Lynx, Jaguar and Atari ST games for example. Secondly Atari isn't only making compilations of old games : - They are coming out with brand new hardware ( Gamestation Go ). -They are making sequels to many of their iconic IPs ( Yars Rising, Fatal Run 2089, Food Fight Culinary Combat, Lunar Lander Beyond etc ) - And they're creating brand new IPs for the first time since the 90s ( Kombinera, Mr Run and Jump, Days of Doom etc ) So yeah Atari has a big chance of returning to the big leagues this year, and there are still many new projects that have yet to be officially announced so there's always something new to look forward from them in the near future.
I think it's cool that Atari finally figured out something that works. Still I think they would benefit from having some freshly made games to add to their catalog. There are a bunch of modern games being made for old consoles, and with modern styles of programming, I think they could get some amazing games that plays on the 2600. Like the old games sold like hot cakes back in the days, still forking out 60$ on a game that was written like 50 years ago, feels like milking it a bit too dry. Like the charts are cheaper to make, the IP have already earned millions of times the money initially invested, so paying the same as a fresh game that cost tens of millions to make makes no sense. Like my flashback really messed up the controller scheme, so I'm dragging my feet to spend twice the price of an original console on a brand new one, if they are not taking the task of reproducing an autentic system seriously. I haven't looked much into it, so they might have fixed it on these consoles, however I'm not spending 150$ to find out. I just wish Nintendo would smarten up and just do some more runs of their most demanded retired products, instead of milking in such a cringe fasion with ROMs and emulators who simply ain't the real deal. I gave up on Nintendo because their paid subscription service to use the products I have paid for as advertised. Like it's nice that the switch plays N64 games and whatever, but it's not the autentic feeling, and if I want to emulate, I use a computer for free. I think Atari wins all day long, by delivering an autentic feeling, even if I would expect those devices to be slightly cheaper with modern ways of production
Only atari 2600 games i wanna see released is space invaders, missle command. 7800stuff I really am holding out for centepede, maybe a millipede hack, ms.pacman. dark caverns. Or whatever else they can license from homebrew community. Not really into multi cart but darn it. Im close to it. Fingers crossed baby pacman cartridge
@@claytonmiller3754 I think they could get the rights to release a run of pacman carts IF they can convince Namco that there's quality to be had in it for them. Mainly money. These ports are excellent and maybe we as a community could let Namco know that these ports are something we'd love to see given an official release!
They have a lot of cool direction they can go and believe they should move in many of those directions. Like the 3d software that can make 2d games 3d. They should by this software and add it as an option to provide a unique experience for older games. I believe this would attack younger people as well. They should also sell mini sd cards with libraries on them. Also the ability to update the devices without having to hook it to a computer etc. Also adding a rumble feature to these old games offering a money emersive experience. As for the key bad that had overlays. Id be cool if each number stayed technical but also were color paper screens so when playing a game that used overlay that overlwy would boot up with the keypad.
Rather than rehashing the old games, why not make new remakes? Wont get anywhere if they just keep recycling old stuff. They need to push to not only retro gaming communities but the younger generation
I have really been enjoying Atari this past year. I'd love to see more "new" games released multi-platform - like how they did a 2600 version of Mr. Run & Jump, but also released a much more graphically complex version for the Switch - both are GREAT FUN! I've also thoroughly enjoyed a ton of their "Recharged" collection, particularly Berzerk & Centipede (which I can't get enough of). I can't wait for more! There are several classics that I'd love to see get 7800+ sequels, too... so many unmined IPs!
It's very tough to predict what 2025 will be for Atari unless you are in the head of Wade Rosen, The 7800+ was cool to have in 2024 but was not a great novelty because this + console is about the same as the 2600+ , they have to come very soon with an intellivision + and a jaguar mini or + , The recharged games were good in part, some were no so great like Berzerk, Fatal Run 2089 look to be a promising game, I don't know what they will do with the VCS .... Thanks for the video Jon !
This was a great video, you nailed it, value. This is what Atari needs to create, I think producing more games for the + line is the most important thing they can do for the year, in addition to making sure the go is a great product.
Whoever owns the ATARI and Commodore properties could make operating systems that could take full advantage of any computer or laptop to replace Windows . Then again local independent programmers could make independent software for them . Just an idea
The VCS really should have gotten the Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story collection. I was very disappointed about that not happening. As well as the Karateka Collection. If the VCS should be home to anything it should be these kind collections. Wade Rosen should really be talking to Phil Spencer about a 2600 Activision collection project for Digital Eclipse - God knows there were plenty of Atari IP’s bolstering the fledgling Xbox Live Arcade on 360 - it’s gotta count for something. An Intellivision collection is also a must, but why stop there - see the eclectic mix of software that Evercade collate for their cartridges. Atari could be doing Amiga, C64, Spectrum Compilations, or simple idea’s like making the collection bundled with the 400 mini available on other platforms like, I don’t know, the New VCS! If they have so much capital to spend on buying IP’s why dont they buy back their old arcade IP’s from Warner or whoever owns them now - then they could release the originals on compilations and then ‘Recharge’ some of them too. Atari are dropping the ball here on simple idea’s for revenue and I don’t like it because a lot of us not just gonna keep buying new hardware for the same damn games over and over even when it looks as cool as the Gamestation Go.
The 5200 plus would be great with a redesigned joystick. A two joystick analog/digital joystick to support the whole library. A 5200 version of Indy 500 would be great. The same top-down look, but with enhanced graphics.
It’s really always the same thing, same games. How many of us have a “flashback” laying around collecting dust? Love a Jaguar mini, probably never happen. Could not afford one when new.
Atari certainly did the right move with the release of the 2600+ and 7800+ based on their sales (well at least the 2600+). But now they need to keep the tens of thousands of + console buyers engaged by constantly releasing good games, otherwise they will move on and said consoles will be gathering dust. As far as modern games like Yars Rising or Fatal Run 2089, I would love to get my hands on financial information. Producing such games is quite expensive, and there is a ton of competition on modern platforms such as Xbox, PS5, let alone Steam (15,000 new games released on Steam in 2024 alone). How many copies of Yars Rising do they need to sell to break even? How many did they actually sell?
@@TheAtariNetwork actually I was able to find some Steam state about Yars Rising, although I don't know how accurate and recent those stats are. 3450 units sold for $80K profit. I have no idea how much money it took to produce Yars Rising but I would say way more than that (I'd personally think closer to $1 million)
@@cryptocoffee13 I just don't think the VCS is a priority for Wade Rosen and his Atari. He inherited it and has always had disdain for it. I think he wants to focus on other things. But who knows! Anything is possible!
When the classic mini atari jaguar console comes out I will buy it right away. But intill then they wont get a cent from me. Tired of atari 2600 again and again and again 😑😑😑😑😑
I would of course like to see more games come out for the Atari VCS 800. Both Atari IP and more indie games. I can vouch for at least 1 more in the future
@@ObsidianContraption it just feels like the VCS isn't a priority to them. I suspect they'll continue supporting it but I don't think it'll ever be the forefront of their strategy. Unless something major changes ... Or is released! But I do agree with you! We need MORE VCA SUPPORT!
@@steviegrafx1616 They probably just lost money on it so abandoned it. Hopefully their retro focus will bring revenue in so they can reinvest into future products too.
Plain and simple, I want to see more 7800 games released. But they need to be consistent with it. Unfortunately the only thing atari has been consistent with is being inconsistent.
Intellivision 50 would be insanely cool. Would love to see a new Intellivision console with cart releases for Tron Deadly Discs, Night Stalker, Burgertime, Advanced D&D, Lock n Chase, and especially the sports games like Baseball, Football, Hockey, Boxing, Golf -- as kids we loved to play those sports games.
I've get a VCS. Which means I have several ways to play Tempest. 2000/3000/4000, original arcade/etc. I have several ways to play missel command... However, I'm still waiting for a true spinner controller and a good trackball. I've stopped buying anything new from Atari until they really start supporting the older weirder legacy controllers. The paddle classic joystick is a nod in the right direction, but a poor one at that. You hear me Atari? I'm gonna sit here and hold my breath...
Someone looked at the future plans for Atari and the VCS section mentions a partnership with Polymega, which makes me think they might be planning to release an updated Atari VCS with a cartridge port and/or a module to add a cartridge port to the VCS to play Atari 2600 and 7800, possibly they could be thinking of physical Atari VCS games through it as well.
I hope we'll have oneday an Atari Jaguar mini ❤❤❤ a lot of people know Cybermorph but not the best games like hover stike, battlemorph etc... Let's give another chance to the Jaguar ! 🎉
I would love to see them release Quadrun and Aquaventure as regular releases. They already put both on all their collections and flashbacks. I'd also like to see a yars Returns cart again.
I don’t think that 2025 will be a big year for atari, just the same thing like most other years🤣 But if atari really wants to be big this year, they should come with the jagduo, the 5200 mini. And make a special version of their flashback systems witn only atari and nintendo games on it and only atari and sega games on it, along with those coresponding brand names of those companies to figure out wich fanbase is bigger to buy those special edition flashback systems, either of nintendo or sega fans🤣 Yeah i know those ideas from me are expensive and risky undertakings from atari, but that’s something i would really see like to happen. Also since it is something different. If i will see a new atari flashback special nintendo edition, i will be all over it😁
I would change the title to Why 2025 _MIGHT BE_ a BIG Year for Atari. We don't actually know if Atari will release _any_ more 7800/2600 carts. They haven't announced anything. Regarding the MyArcade GameStation Go it appears that the product line does not extend beyond the 2600, 5200, 7800 Arcade and a few modern Recharge and Pinball titles. The other offerings are Jaleco holdings games and Piko Interactive abandonware, the same exact stuff as was in the GameStation Pro last year. There is no Lynx, Jaguar or any Atari PC games.
Why not rerelease the modern VCS but this time include an SD card slot for all thier recharged games and other properties? It's kind sad to see thier Atari games getting a physical release on the Switch and PS4 and PS5 but not thier own modern console.
@@mikejohnson699 I haven't heard anything about them but I'm sure a mini jag would do well right now. I think their biggest road block is having enough software to release with it.
2025 can certainly be a big year for Atari, but ONLY if they fix a number of fatal flaws that are currently holding them back: 1. Put more effort into supplying a steady flow of games for the 2600+ and 7800+. They already have the consoles out. Great. Now release more software for them! And that's only going to happen if they start up a homebrew developer outreach program that gives incentives for developers to create more games and publish them through Atari. 2. Fix their horrible support and shipping infrastructure. AA has been filled with complaints from people who have been waiting for way too long to receive their items from Atari, along with those who have been waiting over a week for a reply from Atari's customer service or who never get any replies from them at all. Customers shouldn't have to hop onto a Discord server to try to catch Atari's support manager in order to get a reply in a decent timeframe. Continuing this horrible support is only going to keep away new customers as well as drive away even the diehards. 3. Kinda like with the first one, but start an indie dev outreach program to help indie devs publish their titles for multiple systems (and tie it in with getting those games on the VCS). If they want to be a game company, they need more games, especially original ones. Otherwise their appeal will strictly remain with the old Gen Xers who grew up with Atari systems. These have all been echoed already in the comments on this video, but all of these points bear repeating, and Atari would do well to listen AND act on them.
@@saurondp I just don't understand why Atari doesn't offer better customer support and support in general for their products. Contacting them regarding anything you're unhappy with results in further frustration. Atari always feels like a company standing in its own way. I hope one day they get it all right, but supporting their new consoles and offering new games is a start...
It's always such a footnote, even in your video all about how Atari is leveraging nostalgia to rebuild the brand, but where is the love for the Jaguar (and Jaguar CD)?! Far from being the console that killed Atari, it was a marvel of its time that simply did not see any media attention as the world focused on the Sega/Nintendo rivalry. At the time, it was unknown that Sony would release a console the following year that really wasn't any better than the Jaguar. Yet as the Jaguar released to no fanfare, Playstation and Saturn became the story, with an extremely clear winner in Sony. My point being, if they really wanted to cash in on nostalgia, they should be pushing the Jaguar as the console that never was. Because it kind of wasn't. I've not only never seen one in real life, When I was a kid wanting to play the best and newest games, the Jaguar was literally a mythical device that I had never even seen on a store shelf. Not once in all my trips to Toys R Us (before GameStop, they were THE place to buy games, kids!) did I see a Jaguar or its games. No video rental had them, either. In those pre-internet days we didn't believe it really existed! They should be reminding people of what could have been. If they make people long for a world where the Jaguar had been a success, they can leverage that into interest in Atari finding _real_ success based on hype instead of nostalgia.
I am so much happy with atari produce hardware console game anymore, we have more variation, more games. nintendo need challengers . I really want sega to build new video game anymore
If ever there was a system that needed a + it is Intellivision. Unlike the 2600 the whole base will be in the market for one because of the controllers. There are no alternatives, we need new ones. It will be a good seller.
Hey nice Vid! I wanted to ask does Atari mind if you use “Atari” in a RUclips name? Do they care if you make money with said channel with the Atari name copyright wise? I’ve wanted to give my channel Atari as part of the name. Appreciate any thoughts thanks!
Atari needs to avoid going cheap all of the time! People will complain about price no matter what! Make your products epic and the fans will come! For example, the 7800+ should’ve been an upgrade over the 2600+. It is the superior Atari system isn’t it!?? I don’t like waiting 20 seconds for my game to boot up - feels cheap!
I think this is because Microsoft could possibly be going away from the gaming industry. As far as home console is concerned, maybe Sony there’s talk of their games coming cause an Nintendo switch not to mention Carr is about to put out an awesome handheld and I hope it’s more awesome than I’ve been seeing
Yeah like Atari Brandy or whatever the hell it is 😂. Their strategy is just being a retro company which is boring to me. The only way they're making money is through retro machines. To me this company is dead there's nothing they're doing which is fresh or original. I'm glad they're making money but until they produce something other than retro machines I couldn't give a toss.
Finally got a vcs, very disappointed. Couldn't update out of box, then Atari fixed that,then did the update only to be horrified. Running at about 20 fps and bad bad controller lag. Unplayable. Yeah...I heard there are better,smoother operating systems I can try to install but for Gods sake, I shouldn't have to do all of this to play 2600 emulations! Maybe someday I will make that commitment but not today. I will keep it for Atari sake as im a collector and Atari fan.
Writing is on the wall, Atari will either be sold out or bankrupt in the next few years. The only logical outcome that makes sense is to flip it like the IP house party it has become. Which I suspect has been the plan all along. They have no solidified, foundational pathway beyond the niche legacy stuff that can only keep them afloat for so long.
@ I just don’t see it getting better. They’ve completely dropped the ball on shipping, customer support, and have quality issues just to name a few. Bare bones shell operation that’s 100% outsourced, it’s simply not sustainable. When have they been cash flow positive in the past 4 years?
What would be smart for Atari is to create a modem / hard drive to a USB port that could be plugged into the 2600 Plus or the 7800 Plus and allow for an online store to buy their games. That would eliminate any more cartridges to have to be bought it would also probably create a different user experience they can base the store off of a slimmed down version of the VCS store now how is that possible? Simply do it if they did a firmware upgrade and added another type of emulator environment that's just specifically meant for an OS with modem drivers such as like a Wi-Fi driver or something they can actually implement this. I believe having downloaded games for a fraction of the price of a physical game will inspire sales in so many ways. It also would be easier to upgrade that's specific software just in case of incompatibility issues. Some of those incompatibly issues issues do happen with cartridge-based units there's no way to reupgrade a cartridge once it's on the cartridge. The VCS storefront right now could actually handle something like that and it could be the forefront where you have a $2,67800 plus you only get a specific section of the store. Now it also help out VCS users to buy extra games that are $2,600 plus $7,800 plus because you're only posting it once or uploading it into a server once. Could that work well right now there is a modem service that a lot of aging computers use but there's no storefront.
They really should be releasing a new Atari+ cartridge every month to keep people engaged. They could keep up that pace for a couple years and end up with an impressive library.
@@chfgn I would agree. I'd love to see a consistent flow of releases rather than bunching them all together. People would be more likely to have money to buy them all too if they were spread out.
Maybe the produce them in bunches because it's cheaper from a manufacturing point of view but I'd still spread them out a little bit. 1 or 2 at a time and increase the frequency at which their released
Lack of focus, foresight care, all of the above.
While that is certainly true, where will this continuous flow of games come from? There are certainly a number of homebrews for both the 2600 and 7800 that have been released that would fit the bill, but it's not an infinite supply. What I'd really like to see is an increase in developer interest for those same consoles, as well as for the Lynx and Jaguar. It might be in Atari's interest to start focusing on that.
@@saurondpthis is what I think would be a smart move. Tap the homebrew market for talent and grow the plus line's catalog.
Some ways they could do this is leveraging current hardware that expands the possibilities of the 2600, and building on neglected hardware to reissue it (TouchPad, driving controllers..etc). I'd pony up for Indy 500 and some new driving paddles. Especially if new releases are on the way.
I still remember taking a 10$ roll of quarters to the arcade and met with friends. I paid for the games, my buddy paid for the pop and we'd goto war. It was loud and bright with neon everywhere.
When we finished, we'd find a payphone and call our rides, go home, and play moon patrol on my Atari.
Those were the days.
Yes that was fun... So bad our kids can't see that
I would love to see them make the 5200 and a Jaguar
Long Time Atarian, since my early childhood. I was born in 1985 and I got my first 2600 Jr in 1991 and Atari was freakin' popular here in Italy, even during the years of the north american console crash for what I know about. Seeing Atari back in action sent an exciting shock on my spine: modern reissues of old classic consoles, a partnership with the indie heroes and, of course, cartridges! Real ones, not like the SD powered things that Evercade is making (they're almost good, but Atari is doing that in a more old school way which sounds perfectly fine). Atari must continue to support their plus line of consoles with a constant addition of new games every three months, a move very similar to what Evercade team is doing. They own Atari Age, tons of brand names and obviously classic games that need to be released at a popular price, plus new outstanding indies and fresh new games created by Atari itself. The official re-release of classic games that were impossible to buy on eBay was a smart move, but they need to improve.
This year must be the year of Atari. Now or never.
@@retrojoe85 agreed!
Meanwhile I got my snes in 1991.
@@marcellachine5718 you was a lucky boy!
Re releases of the better boxed games would be great. Getting Activision in on the act would be marvellous too.
Hot diggity dawg a new video!!!! Great video, i want a gstationgo and the matching console and arcade stick! Awesome video!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@rameybutler-hm7nx the controllers look awesome! I can't wait to talk about it this Sunday at 7pm Eastern time on the Atari Network podcast! Tell your friends! Lol thanks for the support!
I hope they add intellivision games to the Atari game station go
My hopes are high for 2025, great video as always!
Atari needs to keep making 7800+ cartridges I love it but some carts you just can’t afford like midnight mutants
I bet the Midnight Mutants would have licensing issues sadly.
I am excited for what Atari has done in the last few years and hope they can really build on it. 30 years ago, I certainly did not anticipate Atari would be putting out new stuff. I think they need to catch up on any back orders first. I see people on social media sites venting on delayed orders. (not Atari Age last chance). And yes, I would like to see more 2600 and 7800 games released.
@@Jolt7800 yeah this whole pre order thing and announcing things before they're ready and selling them is killing Atari and AtariAge. My recommendation is both entities have enough information now to anticipate and build a stock. Then list and sell. If you sell out produce more. Repeat.
@@TheAtariNetwork Preorders aren't necessarily a bad thing. A big benefit that they bring (for Atari) is that they help give a number of anticipated sales, so they know roughly how many consoles or carts to make. What they really need to fix is their shipping and support infrastructure, which is sorely lacking. People who preorder shouldn't be waiting on their orders while others who purchased after released have already had theirs for some time. Nor should people be waiting a week or more for replies from Atari when checking on the order status. That all needs to be fixed, and yesterday.
The game station go is the way to go. With SD card and wifi have a collection you can buy and download, as well as supporting other systems like the Gamestation pro does now
Im here for it. Lets GOOOOO!
I said it on Atari Age and I'll say it here, 2025 is going to be the year of Atari.
All the hard work Wade and his team have done since taking over the company in 2021 is finally going to pay off in a big way.
By the end of this year Atari will finally be a major force in gaming industry once again mark my words.
This will be fun to contrast in comparison to my comment below. See you end of 2025! 🎉
@@JPF_997 I'd love to see that come true! And I think it's possible for this to be a big year! I'm hopeful
I'm here for it. Wade Rosen attacked by stealth while the industry was caught sleeping.
Can you explain how they will be a major force in gaming? By selling bleep bloop 2600 games and missile command to millennials?
Sorry just trying to understand your thought process. Take me through it…
@@nikopro6462 Number one Atari made allot of other consoles and computers besides the 2600 ( and they were all better than the 2600 ), there's a lot of demand right now for Lynx, Jaguar and Atari ST games for example.
Secondly Atari isn't only making compilations of old games :
- They are coming out with brand new hardware ( Gamestation Go ).
-They are making sequels to many of their iconic IPs ( Yars Rising, Fatal Run 2089, Food Fight Culinary Combat, Lunar Lander Beyond etc )
- And they're creating brand new IPs for the first time since the 90s ( Kombinera, Mr Run and Jump, Days of Doom etc )
So yeah Atari has a big chance of returning to the big leagues this year, and there are still many new projects that have yet to be officially announced so there's always something new to look forward from them in the near future.
I think it's cool that Atari finally figured out something that works. Still I think they would benefit from having some freshly made games to add to their catalog. There are a bunch of modern games being made for old consoles, and with modern styles of programming, I think they could get some amazing games that plays on the 2600. Like the old games sold like hot cakes back in the days, still forking out 60$ on a game that was written like 50 years ago, feels like milking it a bit too dry. Like the charts are cheaper to make, the IP have already earned millions of times the money initially invested, so paying the same as a fresh game that cost tens of millions to make makes no sense. Like my flashback really messed up the controller scheme, so I'm dragging my feet to spend twice the price of an original console on a brand new one, if they are not taking the task of reproducing an autentic system seriously. I haven't looked much into it, so they might have fixed it on these consoles, however I'm not spending 150$ to find out. I just wish Nintendo would smarten up and just do some more runs of their most demanded retired products, instead of milking in such a cringe fasion with ROMs and emulators who simply ain't the real deal. I gave up on Nintendo because their paid subscription service to use the products I have paid for as advertised. Like it's nice that the switch plays N64 games and whatever, but it's not the autentic feeling, and if I want to emulate, I use a computer for free. I think Atari wins all day long, by delivering an autentic feeling, even if I would expect those devices to be slightly cheaper with modern ways of production
Release a 3/4 arcade cab with the recharged series !!!!!
Only atari 2600 games i wanna see released is space invaders, missle command. 7800stuff I really am holding out for centepede, maybe a millipede hack, ms.pacman. dark caverns. Or whatever else they can license from homebrew community. Not really into multi cart but darn it. Im close to it.
Fingers crossed baby pacman cartridge
@@claytonmiller3754 I think they could get the rights to release a run of pacman carts IF they can convince Namco that there's quality to be had in it for them. Mainly money.
These ports are excellent and maybe we as a community could let Namco know that these ports are something we'd love to see given an official release!
Great video. ! I agree with all you say !!!
They have a lot of cool direction they can go and believe they should move in many of those directions. Like the 3d software that can make 2d games 3d. They should by this software and add it as an option to provide a unique experience for older games. I believe this would attack younger people as well. They should also sell mini sd cards with libraries on them. Also the ability to update the devices without having to hook it to a computer etc. Also adding a rumble feature to these old games offering a money emersive experience. As for the key bad that had overlays. Id be cool if each number stayed technical but also were color paper screens so when playing a game that used overlay that overlwy would boot up with the keypad.
Rather than rehashing the old games, why not make new remakes? Wont get anywhere if they just keep recycling old stuff. They need to push to not only retro gaming communities but the younger generation
Exactly the retro community is dying and getting older year on year.
They’ve always been nostalgic instead of innovative.
I have really been enjoying Atari this past year. I'd love to see more "new" games released multi-platform - like how they did a 2600 version of Mr. Run & Jump, but also released a much more graphically complex version for the Switch - both are GREAT FUN! I've also thoroughly enjoyed a ton of their "Recharged" collection, particularly Berzerk & Centipede (which I can't get enough of). I can't wait for more!
There are several classics that I'd love to see get 7800+ sequels, too... so many unmined IPs!
It's very tough to predict what 2025 will be for Atari unless you are in the head of Wade Rosen, The 7800+ was cool to have in 2024 but was not a great novelty because this + console is about the same as the 2600+ , they have to come very soon with an intellivision + and a jaguar mini or + , The recharged games were good in part, some were no so great like Berzerk, Fatal Run 2089 look to be a promising game, I don't know what they will do with the VCS .... Thanks for the video Jon !
This was a great video, you nailed it, value. This is what Atari needs to create, I think producing more games for the + line is the most important thing they can do for the year, in addition to making sure the go is a great product.
Whoever owns the ATARI and Commodore properties could make operating systems that could take full advantage of any computer or laptop to replace Windows . Then again local independent programmers could make independent software for them . Just an idea
That game station go design could bring the intelivision catalog back to life, couldn’t it? With the keypad?
The VCS really should have gotten the Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story collection. I was very disappointed about that not happening. As well as the Karateka Collection. If the VCS should be home to anything it should be these kind collections. Wade Rosen should really be talking to Phil Spencer about a 2600 Activision collection project for Digital Eclipse - God knows there were plenty of Atari IP’s bolstering the fledgling Xbox Live Arcade on 360 - it’s gotta count for something. An Intellivision collection is also a must, but why stop there - see the eclectic mix of software that Evercade collate for their cartridges. Atari could be doing Amiga, C64, Spectrum Compilations, or simple idea’s like making the collection bundled with the 400 mini available on other platforms like, I don’t know, the New VCS! If they have so much capital to spend on buying IP’s why dont they buy back their old arcade IP’s from Warner or whoever owns them now - then they could release the originals on compilations and then ‘Recharge’ some of them too. Atari are dropping the ball here on simple idea’s for revenue and I don’t like it because a lot of us not just gonna keep buying new hardware for the same damn games over and over even when it looks as cool as the Gamestation Go.
Yars Rising was an amazingly solid title. I’d like to see more of that.
The 5200 plus would be great with a redesigned joystick. A two joystick analog/digital joystick to support the whole library. A 5200 version of Indy 500 would be great. The same top-down look, but with enhanced graphics.
5200+ with updated guts on the controller
I’m hoping for an Intellivision plus this year.
It’s really always the same thing, same games. How many of us have a “flashback” laying around collecting dust? Love a Jaguar mini, probably never happen. Could not afford one when new.
I don’t have a Windows computer, even if I did I’m not techie. I wish I could get Space Invaders, Frogger, and Pac Man for my new Gamestation Pro.
Atari certainly did the right move with the release of the 2600+ and 7800+ based on their sales (well at least the 2600+). But now they need to keep the tens of thousands of + console buyers engaged by constantly releasing good games, otherwise they will move on and said consoles will be gathering dust.
As far as modern games like Yars Rising or Fatal Run 2089, I would love to get my hands on financial information. Producing such games is quite expensive, and there is a ton of competition on modern platforms such as Xbox, PS5, let alone Steam (15,000 new games released on Steam in 2024 alone). How many copies of Yars Rising do they need to sell to break even? How many did they actually sell?
@@ecdhe that would be great information to have!
@@TheAtariNetwork actually I was able to find some Steam state about Yars Rising, although I don't know how accurate and recent those stats are. 3450 units sold for $80K profit. I have no idea how much money it took to produce Yars Rising but I would say way more than that (I'd personally think closer to $1 million)
@ecdhe yeah I'd love to see the numbers from all sales
@@TheAtariNetwork actually as you've bought Yars Rising, is there a credit section? If so, how many people were involved in the creation of this game?
@@ecdhe a fair amount of people but I believe most is wayforward employees
I really hope they have an updated VCS coming this year at some point.
@@cryptocoffee13 I just don't think the VCS is a priority for Wade Rosen and his Atari. He inherited it and has always had disdain for it. I think he wants to focus on other things. But who knows! Anything is possible!
When the classic mini atari jaguar console comes out I will buy it right away. But intill then they wont get a cent from me. Tired of atari 2600 again and again and again 😑😑😑😑😑
That handheld is a winner. I want it. If you can load arcade ROM then it would be the ultimate handheld.
I would of course like to see more games come out for the Atari VCS 800. Both Atari IP and more indie games. I can vouch for at least 1 more in the future
@@ObsidianContraption it just feels like the VCS isn't a priority to them. I suspect they'll continue supporting it but I don't think it'll ever be the forefront of their strategy. Unless something major changes ... Or is released! But I do agree with you! We need MORE VCA SUPPORT!
I really hope that the VCS gets more support this year. I am also looking forward to the Atari gamestation go.
@@steviegrafx1616 They probably just lost money on it so abandoned it. Hopefully their retro focus will bring revenue in so they can reinvest into future products too.
Plain and simple, I want to see more 7800 games released. But they need to be consistent with it. Unfortunately the only thing atari has been consistent with is being inconsistent.
@@mxoraven1 i agree
Intellivision 50 would be insanely cool. Would love to see a new Intellivision console with cart releases for Tron Deadly Discs, Night Stalker, Burgertime, Advanced D&D, Lock n Chase, and especially the sports games like Baseball, Football, Hockey, Boxing, Golf -- as kids we loved to play those sports games.
I've get a VCS. Which means I have several ways to play Tempest. 2000/3000/4000, original arcade/etc. I have several ways to play missel command... However, I'm still waiting for a true spinner controller and a good trackball. I've stopped buying anything new from Atari until they really start supporting the older weirder legacy controllers. The paddle classic joystick is a nod in the right direction, but a poor one at that. You hear me Atari? I'm gonna sit here and hold my breath...
@@JohnWindberg Atari you better do as he says he's turning blue! Atari?
Someone looked at the future plans for Atari and the VCS section mentions a partnership with Polymega, which makes me think they might be planning to release an updated Atari VCS with a cartridge port and/or a module to add a cartridge port to the VCS to play Atari 2600 and 7800, possibly they could be thinking of physical Atari VCS games through it as well.
@@jackmcslay interesting stuff. Thank you for that contribution
I hope we'll have oneday an Atari Jaguar mini ❤❤❤ a lot of people know Cybermorph but not the best games like hover stike, battlemorph etc... Let's give another chance to the Jaguar ! 🎉
I would love to see them release Quadrun and Aquaventure as regular releases. They already put both on all their collections and flashbacks. I'd also like to see a yars Returns cart again.
It will be a big year yet anything can happen.
@@Mohammed1000real I love the beginning of each year. They're so full of promise. Anything could happen!
Or most likely nothing if the CES blunder of announcements or lack thereof is any sign of what’s not to come…
Only thing I really enjoy out of Atari. These days is the recharged series. They’re blast and they’re on almost all systems to play.
@@Martin-gf1hh love the recharge series! My favorites are Yars, Berzerk, Gravitar and Black Widow!
4:14 what's that bouncy balloon game?
@@westingtyler1 super circus AtariAge! An awesome update to Atari circus that I enjoy a lot!
I don’t think that 2025 will be a big year for atari, just the same thing like most other years🤣
But if atari really wants to be big this year, they should come with the jagduo, the 5200 mini.
And make a special version of their flashback systems witn only atari and nintendo games on it and only atari and sega games on it, along with those coresponding brand names of those companies to figure out wich fanbase is bigger to buy those special edition flashback systems, either of nintendo or sega fans🤣
Yeah i know those ideas from me are expensive and risky undertakings from atari, but that’s something i would really see like to happen.
Also since it is something different.
If i will see a new atari flashback special nintendo edition, i will be all over it😁
We need firmware thst allows modern indie games to work and then official releases of those games.
i hope they either update their 50th anniversary collection with regukar updates or produce similar colldctions from digital eclipse.
I hope the new Fatal Run is good.
@@Hamdad I'm with you there brother
Rerelease more cartridges for the 7800+ and 2600+ .
I would change the title to Why 2025 _MIGHT BE_ a BIG Year for Atari. We don't actually know if Atari will release _any_ more 7800/2600 carts. They haven't announced anything. Regarding the MyArcade GameStation Go it appears that the product line does not extend beyond the 2600, 5200, 7800 Arcade and a few modern Recharge and Pinball titles. The other offerings are Jaleco holdings games and Piko Interactive abandonware, the same exact stuff as was in the GameStation Pro last year. There is no Lynx, Jaguar or any Atari PC games.
Why not rerelease the modern VCS but this time include an SD card slot for all thier recharged games and other properties? It's kind sad to see thier Atari games getting a physical release on the Switch and PS4 and PS5 but not thier own modern console.
I hope they pick up Earthworm Jim 4. That was the only game I wanted on the Amico.
What about a mini jag or mini STe?
@@mikejohnson699 I haven't heard anything about them but I'm sure a mini jag would do well right now. I think their biggest road block is having enough software to release with it.
2025 can certainly be a big year for Atari, but ONLY if they fix a number of fatal flaws that are currently holding them back:
1. Put more effort into supplying a steady flow of games for the 2600+ and 7800+. They already have the consoles out. Great. Now release more software for them! And that's only going to happen if they start up a homebrew developer outreach program that gives incentives for developers to create more games and publish them through Atari.
2. Fix their horrible support and shipping infrastructure. AA has been filled with complaints from people who have been waiting for way too long to receive their items from Atari, along with those who have been waiting over a week for a reply from Atari's customer service or who never get any replies from them at all. Customers shouldn't have to hop onto a Discord server to try to catch Atari's support manager in order to get a reply in a decent timeframe. Continuing this horrible support is only going to keep away new customers as well as drive away even the diehards.
3. Kinda like with the first one, but start an indie dev outreach program to help indie devs publish their titles for multiple systems (and tie it in with getting those games on the VCS). If they want to be a game company, they need more games, especially original ones. Otherwise their appeal will strictly remain with the old Gen Xers who grew up with Atari systems.
These have all been echoed already in the comments on this video, but all of these points bear repeating, and Atari would do well to listen AND act on them.
@@saurondp I just don't understand why Atari doesn't offer better customer support and support in general for their products. Contacting them regarding anything you're unhappy with results in further frustration.
Atari always feels like a company standing in its own way. I hope one day they get it all right, but supporting their new consoles and offering new games is a start...
I'm looking forward to what console is next for the Atari Plus series. Perhaps an Intellivision Plus
@@salsatariandretroworld396 I guess we'll have to wait and see!
7:15 what is that game?
7:37 and this?
Space Dungeon for the Atari 5200 and Battle morph for the Atari Jaguar CD
@@TheAtariNetwork they look awesome, gotta check them out.
It's always such a footnote, even in your video all about how Atari is leveraging nostalgia to rebuild the brand, but where is the love for the Jaguar (and Jaguar CD)?!
Far from being the console that killed Atari, it was a marvel of its time that simply did not see any media attention as the world focused on the Sega/Nintendo rivalry. At the time, it was unknown that Sony would release a console the following year that really wasn't any better than the Jaguar. Yet as the Jaguar released to no fanfare, Playstation and Saturn became the story, with an extremely clear winner in Sony.
My point being, if they really wanted to cash in on nostalgia, they should be pushing the Jaguar as the console that never was. Because it kind of wasn't. I've not only never seen one in real life, When I was a kid wanting to play the best and newest games, the Jaguar was literally a mythical device that I had never even seen on a store shelf. Not once in all my trips to Toys R Us (before GameStop, they were THE place to buy games, kids!) did I see a Jaguar or its games. No video rental had them, either. In those pre-internet days we didn't believe it really existed!
They should be reminding people of what could have been. If they make people long for a world where the Jaguar had been a success, they can leverage that into interest in Atari finding _real_ success based on hype instead of nostalgia.
2025 is the year E.T. meets its sales targets. :P
I am so much happy with atari produce hardware console game anymore, we have more variation, more games. nintendo need challengers . I really want sega to build new video game anymore
If ever there was a system that needed a + it is Intellivision. Unlike the 2600 the whole base will be in the market for one because of the controllers. There are no alternatives, we need new ones. It will be a good seller.
Hey nice Vid! I wanted to ask does Atari mind if you use “Atari” in a RUclips name? Do they care if you make money with said channel with the Atari name copyright wise? I’ve wanted to give my channel Atari as part of the name. Appreciate any thoughts thanks!
Atari needs to avoid going cheap all of the time! People will complain about price no matter what! Make your products epic and the fans will come! For example, the 7800+ should’ve been an upgrade over the 2600+. It is the superior Atari system isn’t it!?? I don’t like waiting 20 seconds for my game to boot up - feels cheap!
Is the pokey chip in the 2600+?
I think this is because Microsoft could possibly be going away from the gaming industry. As far as home console is concerned, maybe Sony there’s talk of their games coming cause an Nintendo switch not to mention Carr is about to put out an awesome handheld and I hope it’s more awesome than I’ve been seeing
What is that H.E.R.O. clone that was shown in this video?
It's A.R.T.I. by Muddyfunster.
Yiu can get it from Atari Age, and it's well worth the price of admission.
A.R.T.I by the infinitely talented Muddyfunster
@TheAtariNetwork I found it and bought it on the VCS right after I asked, thanks! This easily looks better than any NES game I have ever seen.
7800+ needs better software. I’m reluctant to buy any more games for it.
You'll have a blast this year, as there are many more new games coming to the platform in 2025.
Where is the correct Space Invaders?
GTA Vice City for the Atari 2600+ plus, ,, ,,, just sayin
Yeah like Atari Brandy or whatever the hell it is 😂. Their strategy is just being a retro company which is boring to me. The only way they're making money is through retro machines. To me this company is dead there's nothing they're doing which is fresh or original. I'm glad they're making money but until they produce something other than retro machines I couldn't give a toss.
Where is the 5200+
I almost agree that they shouldn’t release a + console every year but I would absolutely love a 5200+
Finally got a vcs, very disappointed. Couldn't update out of box, then Atari fixed that,then did the update only to be horrified. Running at about 20 fps and bad bad controller lag. Unplayable. Yeah...I heard there are better,smoother operating systems I can try to install but for Gods sake, I shouldn't have to do all of this to play 2600 emulations! Maybe someday I will make that commitment but not today. I will keep it for Atari sake as im a collector and Atari fan.
Writing is on the wall, Atari will either be sold out or bankrupt in the next few years. The only logical outcome that makes sense is to flip it like the IP house party it has become. Which I suspect has been the plan all along. They have no solidified, foundational pathway beyond the niche legacy stuff that can only keep them afloat for so long.
@@mindthreatx that's a rough take. I guess we'll wait and see!
@ I just don’t see it getting better. They’ve completely dropped the ball on shipping, customer support, and have quality issues just to name a few. Bare bones shell operation that’s 100% outsourced, it’s simply not sustainable. When have they been cash flow positive in the past 4 years?
Sorry, but 2025 needs to be the year of Linux! Atari can wait until 2049, like Blade Runner predicted. Ha!
What would be smart for Atari is to create a modem / hard drive to a USB port that could be plugged into the 2600 Plus or the 7800 Plus and allow for an online store to buy their games. That would eliminate any more cartridges to have to be bought it would also probably create a different user experience they can base the store off of a slimmed down version of the VCS store now how is that possible? Simply do it if they did a firmware upgrade and added another type of emulator environment that's just specifically meant for an OS with modem drivers such as like a Wi-Fi driver or something they can actually implement this. I believe having downloaded games for a fraction of the price of a physical game will inspire sales in so many ways. It also would be easier to upgrade that's specific software just in case of incompatibility issues. Some of those incompatibly issues issues do happen with cartridge-based units there's no way to reupgrade a cartridge once it's on the cartridge. The VCS storefront right now could actually handle something like that and it could be the forefront where you have a $2,67800 plus you only get a specific section of the store. Now it also help out VCS users to buy extra games that are $2,600 plus $7,800 plus because you're only posting it once or uploading it into a server once. Could that work well right now there is a modem service that a lot of aging computers use but there's no storefront.
For the love of pete i just want to play Pitfall and He-Man damn Activision and Mattel!