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Niwatari Kutaka

🇺🇸 English: Niwatari Kutaka
🇯🇵 日本語: 庭渡_久侘歌

Clerical God of Hell's Checkpoint

The third stage boss and extra stage midboss of Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature. Originally a Niwatarijin, god of feral/wild chickens, she currently sorts out humans and oni souls in Hell. She has the ability to heal throat illnesses.

Kutaka has a small chick perched atop of her light yellow-red two-tone hair. She has two large bird wings and a long bird tail. She wears a white shirt atop her orange dress. In Gouyoku Ibun, she has a whistle.

See also

Updated 2022-11-04 23:40 by Winter

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