John Mulaney on the Best Intervention Ever, Living with Jimmy After Rehab & Seeing Usher in Vegas

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • John talks about his new comedy special “Baby J” on Netflix, his star-studded intervention, his friends packing terribly for him, being in rehab for two months and living in Jimmy’s guest house for a few weeks, working out in Jimmy’s gym, spending time Vegas and going to see Usher perform, and being disappointed people didn’t recognize him in rehab.
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    About Jimmy Kimmel Live:
    Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy®-nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” is well known for its huge viral video successes, with over 15 billion views and more than 18 million subscribers on the show’s RUclips channel. Some of Kimmel’s most popular comedy bits include “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets,” “Lie Witness News,” “Unnecessary Censorship,” “Halloween Candy RUclips Challenge,” and music videos like “I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum.”
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Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @dee_dee_place
    @dee_dee_place Год назад +4391

    It is so lovely to see all these comics coming together to help one of their own get clean. That is one hell of a good group of friends. Seth Meyers was one of the people at Mulaney's intervention. Bravo to all for your sincerity & compassion.

    • @nightsgrow6575
      @nightsgrow6575 Год назад +23

      I was wondering if this was a different intervention from the Seth one but maybe not?

    • @TheRAH1
      @TheRAH1 Год назад +61

      In person or on zoom? IYKYK 😂

    • @abbiegood25
      @abbiegood25 Год назад +38

      @@dee_dee_place it was both actually hahah i believe nick kroll was on zoom

    • @dee_dee_place
      @dee_dee_place Год назад +47

      @@abbiegood25 Jimmy Kimmel was at the intervention also? Wow. I remember when John was on Seth's show, you could see how worried Seth had been about his friend's well-being.

    • @cholosoy8511
      @cholosoy8511 Год назад +148

      @@dee_dee_place no, the intervention was at Nick Kroll’s apartment, and not sure who was where, but Seth Meyers, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Natasha Lyonne and Mike Birbiglia were the comedians there. Marika Sawyer (his former SNL witting partner), David Miner and Cara Masline (the Netflix producers of his last 2 specials) and “Berk” aka Mike Berkowitz (his agent) were there too. The other 2 was Joe (friend from college and his son Malcolm’s godfather) and Kevin (another friend from college). Erica was the therapist who lead the intervention.
      Edit: Pete Davidson also was invited to be part of the intervention, but schedule conflicts prevented him to be there. As John said in the special, Pete called him as soon he found out he was in rehab.

  • @deedeej6410
    @deedeej6410 Год назад +2000

    John Mulaney and Jimmy together having a casual conversation is absolutely hilarious and authentic. I could've just listened to them for the entire show.

    • @raymondtorres-gy8uj
      @raymondtorres-gy8uj Год назад +13

      Totally, i was just thinking about the same thing
      & It was one of the best interviews i've seen in a long time

    • @Javier.M.
      @Javier.M. Год назад +2

      he was carrying the usher money so, at least the vegas part wasn't casual 😂

  • @laurab1105
    @laurab1105 Год назад +477

    Him being honest about his addiction and sobriety is really helping the recovery community and reducing the stigma held around addiction. I think this comedy special is so great in so many ways.

    • @ll7708
      @ll7708 Год назад +14

      Honestly hearing he was in rehab just before I went for my 3rd time made me feel okay about it all over again. I love that he's so open about it like you said, reducing the stigma a little ❤

    • @laurabennett-et2jp
      @laurabennett-et2jp Год назад

      @@ll7708first of all Congrats!! And you are so right !

    • @laurabennett-et2jp
      @laurabennett-et2jp Год назад +4

      The way he covered his relapse, intervention and recovery in Baby J was brilliant. He was honest, vulnerable and still hilarious. I think he helped a lot of people

  • @za2963
    @za2963 Год назад +1333

    When we treat addiction like a health issue rather than a criminal issue
    we see people get better ❤
    I'm happy John is still with us.

    • @ilsazzi
      @ilsazzi Год назад +38

      i wish people thought the same when it comes to demi lovato, cause they're always making fun of her and sometimes wishing she had died

    • @tricursor2481
      @tricursor2481 Год назад +66

      ​@@ilsazzi it's because sadly, for whatever reason, women are judged a lot more harshly than men. I say this as a man. It's hard not to notice.

    • @justinmayfield6579
      @justinmayfield6579 Год назад

      Unfortunately that health issue leads to a lot of criminal issues :(

    • @jbudlo2
      @jbudlo2 Год назад +2

      well he is rich and right.

    • @GIBBO4182
      @GIBBO4182 Год назад +2

      @@tricursor2481judged more harshly by other women…men tend not to judge each other anywhere near as harshly

  • @JayTee553
    @JayTee553 Год назад +2644

    i will always appreciate john mulaney as one of the most effortlessly funny and unique faces in comedy. thank god he’s alive and sober today. i’ll always be rooting for him.

  • @cilliastilesbrumblecadenas6943
    @cilliastilesbrumblecadenas6943 Год назад +1301

    I have always admired Jimmy's heart. Seriously, when he feels strongly about a human injustice he's not afraid to speak up, and it's genuine and sincere and always from his heart. Finding out he put John up, just adds another layer of character of who he is behind closed doors. Like seriously, young boys should look to him as a role model. As for John, 😂 he's one of the funniest characters out there... Up there with Jimmy, himself.🎉

    • @antonwooldridge2233
      @antonwooldridge2233 Год назад +24

      could not have said it better myself.

    • @douglasusrey
      @douglasusrey Год назад +7

      jesus loves you🍇🍓🫐🍉🥝🍊🥥🍒🍑🍐🍏🥭🍍🍌🍎🍄🫒

    • @collegebro85
      @collegebro85 Год назад +37

      And best part is John brought up what Jimmy did for him instead of it being something he bragged about, which goes to show Kimmel does the right things not for the fame or glamor, but because they are indeed the right things to do!

    • @nadiamccall4311
      @nadiamccall4311 Год назад +1

      wait what human injustice? You mean a rich guy doing drugs and not having to be homeless to get into recovery?

    • @veggito13
      @veggito13 Год назад +17

      @@nadiamccall4311 2 separate points buddy try and keep up lol

  • @___beyondhorizon4664
    @___beyondhorizon4664 Год назад +4210

    John is lucky to have friends who care, otherwise we could have read some terrible news

    • @avidnongetit8710
      @avidnongetit8710 Год назад +37

      Amen Beyond. Thank you

    • @douglasusrey
      @douglasusrey Год назад +10

      jesus loves you

    • @FlavioCamus
      @FlavioCamus Год назад +66

      remember the sad end to other talented comedians, this is refreshing

    • @dk_dk_
      @dk_dk_ Год назад +75

      Sure but now he has to pick up the tab for 12 friends

    • @christianmhanley
      @christianmhanley Год назад +3


  • @NativeIntelligenceCheckMyDJmix
    @NativeIntelligenceCheckMyDJmix Год назад +899

    Got totally sober about a month before John went to rehab and so far so VERY good. Glad we are both alive and able to laugh about the super rough struggle when one is in the throws of being a slave to chemicals/alcohols. My sister struggled and didn't find her way out of the dark cave of heroin and died. But I digress....So excited, Finally got to see John's new special yesterday. So funny and pro and mature. There are few comedians I wait for on the edge of my seat for new material, he's one of them. Finally "Baby J" is out and totally delivers. Nice work Jimmy on being a supportive friend.

  • @talon9924
    @talon9924 Год назад +3293

    Makes me happy to hear that Jimmy Kimmel is a genuinely decent person. Supportive of others.

    • @MarsCapone
      @MarsCapone Год назад

      And he’s an enemy of the MAGA. Coincidence?

    • @patriciamay6396
      @patriciamay6396 Год назад +10

      But his serious Trump hatred doesn’t reflect well on him. He was unwatchable then. Stop the hate!

    • @veggito13
      @veggito13 Год назад +485

      @@patriciamay6396 it reflected phenomenally actually

    • @spicyirwin5835
      @spicyirwin5835 Год назад

      ​@@patriciamay6396 Jimmy spks for all of trump's victims. SO MANY! He still hasnt paid restitution for fake Univ still!

    • @agenciasimplify2591
      @agenciasimplify2591 Год назад +62

      Always was, his whole family works on his show too

  • @M0NSTER_r0n
    @M0NSTER_r0n Год назад +312

    There’s an insane interview he did with Seth Meyers on RUclips where he was in a coat and shades and rambling on about all sorts of things and I could see the worry in Seth’s face and I asked myself if John was ok. Months later I found out he went to rehab and was like “Ah. Makes so much sense now.” Glad to see he’s doing so much better. He looks good and happy. The new special is also hilarious. A lot of his stories I related to my own struggles with drugs. Thank you John for being so open and keeping your humor intact throughout. Humor is really the best medicine for everything.

    • @faemac6502
      @faemac6502 Год назад +17

      I had this exact experience

    • @TheMonroemomma
      @TheMonroemomma Год назад +28

      Yep, I saw the interview when it was first released, and the expression on Seth's face along with the fact that he opted not to air the segment on TV, was my first clue that John was in trouble. I thought he was so "weird" because of being in lockdown. That's tough on performers. Seth even hired John on his staff as a writer to give him some structure and something productive to do with his time. But I'm sure it was that crazy interview that got Seth and Fred motivated to intervene.

    • @josephshipley5214
      @josephshipley5214 Год назад +9

      @@TheMonroemomma They spoke about that interview, John said he was more sober at that point and that whole bit was written up by the writing staff. People keep pointing to that as a drug thing but they have said Seth didn't think he had anything wrong at that point.

    • @cleargreen123456789
      @cleargreen123456789 Год назад

      Seth actually said he didn't notice anything wrong with John.

  • @believeripley13
    @believeripley13 Год назад +737

    John seems healthier and happier here than I've seen him in a long time. Even the last time he was on Seth post-rehab, I was concerned. I'm rooting for him.

    • @dtschuor459
      @dtschuor459 Год назад +44

      It’s amazing you can see how much more relaxed he is…he’s still funny, but not as frantic/frenetic

    • @eolsunder
      @eolsunder Год назад +7

      it was funny i saw an interview that really had me laughing, he was talking about actually looking his age now, with the grey hair and such and that his earlier life of drinking and drugs kept him immortal and young ! and then he stopped and now look at me !

  • @rudranil06
    @rudranil06 Год назад +414

    I really hope he finds continued support and maintains his sobriety.
    Selfishly speaking he's my favourite comedian and would like to see him perform for years and years!

  • @DelightLovesMovies
    @DelightLovesMovies Год назад +549

    I love Jimmy. He always makes me smile and comes off as a genuinely nice guy and John Mulaney's story confirms that.

  • @TheKidYT
    @TheKidYT Год назад +67

    John's brutal honesty & ability to make it comedic, without a hint of shame, is inspiring.

  • @rdowning60
    @rdowning60 Год назад +213

    I've always loved jimmy..especially a few years ago when he did an opening about his infant son go thru heart surgery and the health system corruption that doesn't want to help people of lesser means ..the emotional part and how he appealed to Congress to do more when life threatening issues come up..really showed what a caring person he is...the John mulaney thing continues to prove how much he cares.

  • @shannessa21
    @shannessa21 Год назад +296

    True story: his September show was so funny I went into labor 😂. My son now has two middle names; we added John

  • @amun1040
    @amun1040 Год назад +418

    The first time is saw Jimmy Kimmel, I didn't think much of him, just a normal talk show host, but the more I know about him, his generosity, how he interacts with his staff and friends, my respect increases for him, he is a great guy and I hope the best for him everyday.
    Also John Mulaney is one of my favourite comedians. I hope he stays sober and have a very long career and happy life with his family.

    • @savage_skirt5386
      @savage_skirt5386 Год назад +12

      he has improved, as a person, over the years

    • @sadhbh4652
      @sadhbh4652 Год назад +15

      He also stood up for Conan against Leno, which I liked. Although that might have been more motivated by hatred of Leno haha

    • @idkalan00
      @idkalan00 Год назад +5

      ​@@sadhbh4652 The thing about that was that Kimmel sided with Conan on Leno's show.

  • @aileenburke4667
    @aileenburke4667 Год назад +145

    My daughter saw him live a few years ago and I she met him and got me his autograph. It says, “Hey Aileen, your daughter misses you. John Mulaney.” ❤️❤️❤️

    • @_death2me
      @_death2me Год назад +9

      That’s the sweetest thing

  • @Bene_Gesserit
    @Bene_Gesserit Год назад +636

    Fatherhood seems to be treating John well. He seems to be in good spirits and nice to see him be able to make fun of what he went through like a real comedian.

    • @TrinityDarling
      @TrinityDarling Год назад +2

      he has a kid???

    • @amandamendez6608
      @amandamendez6608 Год назад +12

      @@TrinityDarling he mentioned it. 18 months

    • @edithputhy4948
      @edithputhy4948 Год назад +20

      ​@@TrinityDarling knocked Olivia Munn up right out of rehab before he was even divorced

    • @rooroob
      @rooroob Год назад +2

      Yes VERY good spirits and looking very slender 😉

    • @lospolloshermanos5659
      @lospolloshermanos5659 Год назад +10

      @@edithputhy4948 Yup. I hope munn and mulaney get the bad karma they deserve. It's such a morally despicable thing that they did.

  • @humdrumdontsuccumb
    @humdrumdontsuccumb Год назад +166

    I loved getting the confirmation that Jimmy is a generous good-hearted person. Additionally, I met Usher about 10 years ago. He is so nice and so cool that it blows you away. My staff served his crew dinner and he gave out real cash tips to everyone. He gave a hundred bucks to each server and $200 to the coordinator.

  • @jeremybabajan1811
    @jeremybabajan1811 Год назад +14

    “I’m between lives” one of the funniest people.

  • @jakemcgrath9708
    @jakemcgrath9708 Год назад +135

    We went to the same rehab. I’m glad he’s doing well

  • @William_Fields
    @William_Fields Год назад +147

    I love John. I laughed so hard throughout his delivery. When it was over, my throat closed up and I cried for 30 minutes.

  • @susan174
    @susan174 Год назад +84

    People new to recovery need lots of support. I know from personal experience how necessary and how wonderful that support is. Congratulations to Jimmy on being the good guy he seems to be and to John for beginning his new life:May you have a full and long new life without substances and other addictions

  • @NewMessage
    @NewMessage Год назад +2337

    No crazy coat or shades... good sign. Good sign.

    • @ianagtsk
      @ianagtsk Год назад +36

      I kinda miss him all coked up)))))

    • @abbycross90210
      @abbycross90210 Год назад +141

      ​@@ianagtskI never realized how sad/down coked-up John was until I saw this interview.

    • @ianagtsk
      @ianagtsk Год назад +142

      @@abbycross90210 in all seriousness, speed addiction is not funny at all when it comes to real life. I’m genuinely happy he could quit that stuff and remain as funny as always if not more. I recommend listening to/watching an episode of the Theo Von podcast with John. It’s really fascinating!

    • @lenkacfk7155
      @lenkacfk7155 Год назад +28

      Though his chartreuse suit in the comedy special raises some questions...😂

    • @michaela_xo
      @michaela_xo Год назад +12

      @@ianagtsk this is crazy

  • @RavenclawNimbus
    @RavenclawNimbus Год назад +39

    Learned about this from Seth Meyers. I heard that Fred Armisen was there.
    “He said ‘this is not a joke’ but that’s the start to all of Fred’s jokes” -John Mulaney

  • @fundifferent1
    @fundifferent1 Год назад +122

    He should really turn this into a movie. It can be with a fictional character, but with most of the same information: Comedian friends intervention, latenight talk show host friend halfway house, the trying to be noticed in rehab and everything...would make for a good movie plot.

    • @goldrush18x
      @goldrush18x Год назад +16

      Also, the pregnancy right out of rehab sounds like a crazy twist that would only happen in a movie. John had a very dramatic couple of years.

    • @babitferreira
      @babitferreira Год назад +7

      Also the way he got addicted as a teenager

  • @marykay7878
    @marykay7878 Год назад +16

    jimmy is the right kind of catholic: generous, compassionate, quick to help, slow to judge. love the irish-italians so much.

  • @ambientphotoph
    @ambientphotoph Год назад +9

    "That's questioning my character!" killed me. 😆😆😆

  • @Teamo86
    @Teamo86 Год назад +37

    He took his pain and turned it into art. That special was amazing.

  • @evenflowsteven
    @evenflowsteven Год назад +56

    Baby J was hilarious.

  • @rogerdodger-789
    @rogerdodger-789 8 месяцев назад +8

    People showing true care and kindness to someone in their rock bottom state is a beautiful thing

  • @leveluplew8355
    @leveluplew8355 Год назад +88

    The fact that John can laugh about his past addiction and tell the world about it, is a great message to young people.
    Yes, you can screw up in life.
    But its how you move forward and better yourself that is ultimately the lesson here imo.

  • @MelissaNgai
    @MelissaNgai Год назад +11

    I love how loved john is by his friends AND his fans

  • @markcelis_eyepopdesigngrap9988
    @markcelis_eyepopdesigngrap9988 Год назад +43

    ❤ I'm so moved and truly impressed by Jimmy welcoming and ("fostering"?) John during his post-rehab transition. He really did treat him like am adopted son! ❤

  • @guavachild
    @guavachild Год назад +43

    I love John’s comedic sense, appreciate how difficult rehab is, even more so the time AFTER rehab, glad he was able to get back to work and move forward with good humor ❤

  • @Lexandthecity8
    @Lexandthecity8 Год назад +8

    He has an incredible story. I really admire the way he’s turning it around to be more light hearted. He really seems like a great guy

  • @RAMusicRU
    @RAMusicRU Год назад +6

    3:20 wow I realized I’ve never heard or seen John Mulaney laugh like that)))

  • @Impuhlz
    @Impuhlz Год назад +11

    For someone I've never even met, I must say I love this man an unhealthy amount

  • @cshoop13
    @cshoop13 Год назад +73

    I feel like this is the happiest I’ve ever seen John! So beautiful to see. And I saw his new special live when it was recorded for Netflix, it’s vulnerable and hilarious.

    • @karmen181
      @karmen181 Год назад +3

      Was there really Henry ? That was so funny how he started like that

  • @BelleTolles
    @BelleTolles Год назад +15

    John is flat out one of the funniest people I've ever listened to. He's brilliant, and his delivery keeps right up with his mind

  • @wilmagriffeth520
    @wilmagriffeth520 Год назад +5

    I am glad everything turned out so well for John and I am hoping all happiness to his first wife!!

  • @KillerTacos54
    @KillerTacos54 Год назад +36

    What a legend! Glad to hear he's doing well

  • @zizinnnn
    @zizinnnn Год назад +28

    so happy he’s well and back🎉

  • @nicnag1
    @nicnag1 8 месяцев назад +11

    As a horse lover and a social worker, equine therapy is incredible. That was a funny joke!!

  • @cmel7841
    @cmel7841 Год назад +34

    This interview was great and he really has a lot of support, so happy for him

  • @phillylilmermaid7802
    @phillylilmermaid7802 Год назад +109

    I saw Mulaney when he was in Philly for this special. I actually pulled muscles in my abdomen from laughing. I hope John can stay off drugs because we need his comedy to stay around as long as possible.

  • @tiana1420
    @tiana1420 7 месяцев назад +6

    I'm crying. If he didn't have these people in his life we would have lost him.

  • @Charles-nj2ef
    @Charles-nj2ef Год назад +40

    Just watched his Netflix show. So funny, so honest and so brave to put it all out there. Loved it.

  • @chipgarrett3139
    @chipgarrett3139 Год назад +28

    Amazing how he came out of it with such a good attitude. This is 100% a lesson on how to act towards someone with a drug or any kind of addiction problem. It is a sickness and you should absolutely hold them so close. The addicted person is NOT the person you used to know. They're in there somewhere, but it might take a lot to bring them back out. And they will most certainly fight back. But that's not them. Thats the addiction refusing to die. Abandoning an addict to their own will is a certain death sentence.

  • @AnaAcuraErica
    @AnaAcuraErica Год назад +54

    I absolutely love that Jimmy did that for John!!! ❤️ I know my opinion doesn’t matter but wow that’s really really nice of him 🎉 that’s what’s up Jim!!

  • @lizzfrmhon
    @lizzfrmhon Год назад +28

    Big kudos to anyone who is able to overcome addiction. Glad to hear he’s doing better. Hope he continues to stay sober.

  • @hereigoagain5050
    @hereigoagain5050 Год назад +58

    Hope John does well. Kudos to Jimmy and the comedy crew for helping him.

  • @orcgoat
    @orcgoat Год назад +9

    The best you can hope from any community is that when someone is hurt, they circle the wagons around the one in need. This is heartwarming.

  • @royalnerd717
    @royalnerd717 Год назад +12

    Dude John did a good job coming back... I'm glad because he's a comedy gem...

  • @snowyrey21
    @snowyrey21 Год назад +1

    They way he says hi to people it was like he was blessing them with magnetic energy

  • @artgreig7069
    @artgreig7069 Год назад +108

    A very intelligent funny man, I always enjoyed the musical skits on SNL, has an askew, wry view on humanity, an experienced comedian, let's hope this rehab sticks.
    I'm rooting for you John!

  • @MM2PuppyDog
    @MM2PuppyDog Год назад +10

    Not many celebs would be as candid and honest as john was. Good for you John!!!

  • @kurippy
    @kurippy Год назад +11

    My favorite part about this interview is knowing that Jimmy is a kindhearted, welcoming soul. Makes me happy, man.

  • @nannerz1994
    @nannerz1994 Год назад +13

    I love John being disappointed no one recognizes him.
    I'm so glad he's ok. He's so beloved.

  • @LynnIPoor
    @LynnIPoor Год назад +25

    I love John Mulaney! His special is hilarious. He's loved so much by family, friends, and fans. So glad he's gotten healthy. We want him around for a long, long time.

  • @emys.duenas7864
    @emys.duenas7864 Год назад +4

    🙌🙌🤣 John Mulaney the Best Comedy I like! Lol

  • @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491
    @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491 Год назад +16

    it is Great to hear that jimmy k is a loyal friend extremely rare

  • @sheridan7475
    @sheridan7475 Год назад +32

    I love John. I think he’s easier to listen to now, relaxing even… and I was cracking uppp watching this special ❤️🩵 I think he’s better than ever 🙏

  • @JonnyDIY
    @JonnyDIY Год назад +3

    Lucky John has such a good group of people who care for him. One day at a time my friend 💕👍

  • @priscillachapman9145
    @priscillachapman9145 Год назад +19

    This was a great interview with John. He did seem healthy and good. I sure hope so. 😻😻😻

  • @rickylahey4397
    @rickylahey4397 Год назад +10

    Jimmy has ALWAYS had a huge heart. Good job looking out bro! And John, damn proud of ya, most people give up and fade away, you did it right, worked your program, surrounded yourself with good people and came back strong. Please use this to inspire those in need of help like your friends did for you!! Understand how lucky you are!! 👍😁 And don't fall off again!!!!!

  • @charlottestewart5802
    @charlottestewart5802 Год назад +13

    Saw his special immediately because I know just how funny this guy is. He seems like a good guy and I wish him all the best!

  • @YOLOMCM1324
    @YOLOMCM1324 Год назад +6

    I’m so glad John is doing a lot better! Those friends are for sure legends and that’s how you know you got genuine friends. Thank all of those 12 amazing people for doing some good for a good friend in need!!!

  • @hawtmess66
    @hawtmess66 10 месяцев назад +4

    Love him. So funny. Congratulations on sobriety. Great friends

  • @dspiffy
    @dspiffy Год назад +23

    This makes me like Jimmy so much.

  • @melissa-wilson
    @melissa-wilson Год назад +45

    Mulaney is great! Idk if it's his comedy, honesty, or that 1950s voice that seals the deal. Happy to see Mulaney is thriving and not giving 2Fs of what people think.

  • @MKSouthernStar
    @MKSouthernStar Год назад +19

    Just watched the special, loved it! Great work turning such a painful subject into a laughs.

  • @vickyotters9207
    @vickyotters9207 Год назад +7

    Loved this special and as someone who’s struggled with addiction it was just strangely heartwarming/ helpful to watch.

  • @tint1122
    @tint1122 Год назад +28

    Mulaney is always hilarious! Love watching his interviews.

  • @stephenlander1085
    @stephenlander1085 Год назад +10

    "I'll do cocaine but I won't walk around outside without my shoes" actually seems very on brand for John Mulaney

  • @longlivedemocracy756
    @longlivedemocracy756 Год назад +7

    This interview had me crying. 😂 I’m so glad he was receptive to the intervention. It didn’t have to go that way. He’s so funny! Glad he’s better and hope he continues on this path! Peace and blessings!

  • @edrickarroyo6885
    @edrickarroyo6885 Год назад +5

    Seems like Jimmy is a real bro! Even more admirable to see that hes there like a big brother when you need him!

  • @laurenfarrell4588
    @laurenfarrell4588 Год назад +3

    Thank you John for your openness 🖤

  • @aynos629
    @aynos629 Год назад +15

    Sweet of Jimmy. And brave 😅. Well done, John Mulaney

  • @scazermazz
    @scazermazz Год назад +10

    Saw John's latest special. I was wondering when he was going to do the next one, I love his brand of humor. When I finally seen it I had to watch it twice.. I didn't know he relapsed.. There was a couple spots that was hard to listen to but I figured if he was going to talk about it, I should listen. I'm just glad he had the support system between his friends and family, then with Jimmy. I always knew Jimmy was a great guy, but what he did speaks volumes.

  • @PEGASUSleadmare
    @PEGASUSleadmare Год назад +2

    Oh to be loved beyond measure having friends like his. Blessed indeed.

  • @peterzeller5736
    @peterzeller5736 Год назад +26

    I'm always happy when a good comedian releases a special, not just for the special but because we get to see them in all these interviews.

  • @TheHannibalTV
    @TheHannibalTV 6 месяцев назад +2

    good for him

  • @anellawrites
    @anellawrites Год назад +59

    We don’t talk enough about how genuinely nice Jimmy is.

    • @jeffmutch7640
      @jeffmutch7640 Год назад

      Just wish he has the good sense of his friend, Adam Carolla.

    • @JimNortonsAlcoholism
      @JimNortonsAlcoholism Год назад

      Wish he was less political.

    • @anellawrites
      @anellawrites Год назад +11

      @@JimNortonsAlcoholism He does a great job highlighting the hypocrisy of the GOP.

    • @BrentNealy
      @BrentNealy Год назад +3

      @@anellawrites absolute truth

  • @dm0016
    @dm0016 Год назад +4

    John mulaney is an inspiration. His journey has been interesting to follow and watching him be the funniest and most honest he's ever been is just great.

  • @bregancool980
    @bregancool980 Год назад +30

    Wow. Hats off to Mulaney! He’s always so funny to me 🥰

  • @whazam74
    @whazam74 Год назад +2

    I've never seen Kimmel this genuine and close with a guest. I want to hear them talk more on a personal format

  • @cornonjacob
    @cornonjacob Год назад +6

    Jimmy missed a great opportunity at the commercial break to say "John's still gonna be here, because we took his shoes"

  • @iola80
    @iola80 5 месяцев назад +3

    I am so happy this man is alive

    @HUSHMONEYBAND Год назад +9

    So happy he’s doing better

  • @akmediascope
    @akmediascope Год назад +10

    Good save Jimmy. I'm so happy for John. He looks so good, perfect posture, good skin tone. He is a treasure. Love you guys so much!

  • @balancedaccounting2332
    @balancedaccounting2332 11 месяцев назад +5

    John Mulaney is my favorite comedian. He is just naturally hilarious and talented.

  • @raymondtorres-gy8uj
    @raymondtorres-gy8uj Год назад +4

    One of the best interviews i've seen in a long time....That was so funny....😂😂😂👍

  • @TurdFergusonsSon02
    @TurdFergusonsSon02 Год назад +5

    Hell yeah, John. Just started rehab myself. Congratulations 🎉

  • @jedfo64
    @jedfo64 Год назад +3

    I’ve always enjoyed John’s humor So glad to see him back at it Jimmy Kimmel is even more kind and caring than I ever knew We should all strive for that ❤❤❤

  • @summerintherockies9530
    @summerintherockies9530 5 месяцев назад +1

    So authentic, thank you for those laughs

  • @annaharlan7460
    @annaharlan7460 Год назад +7

    I pray that he stays clean and sober. What a funny guy.

  • @brendalarue4690
    @brendalarue4690 Год назад +2

    John, I'm so glad you got help! Please keep going to meetings-- we need your light now more than ever 🤩

  • @carolynkettle1690
    @carolynkettle1690 Год назад +10

    Wow…no idea….but I wouldn’t recognize his face but his voice I would recognize instantly…..good for him! 🙌🏽❤️🇨🇦

    • @LindaC616
      @LindaC616 Год назад +1

      His hair is styled differently here. Looks good on him