"vintage or when men had pubes"

GLENN R. SMITH was a College Jock who posed Nude with a Wilson BasketBall for Dave Martin in 1974 and was one of the last 5 Dave Martin models before Dave Martin closed down his San Francisco Studio in 1974. GLENN had a Hairy Bush, Legs and Pits. GLENN was Married and just 21 years old.
GLENN R. SMITH was a College Jock who posed Nude with a Wilson BasketBall for Dave Martin in 1974 and was one of the last 5 Dave Martin models before Dave Martin closed down his San Francisco Studio in 1974. GLENN had a Hairy Bush, Legs and Pits. GLENN was Married and just 21 years old.
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ye bring this back please
I don't know. The image may well be in an earlier post in this thread, but Google didn't give me any search results.

They are Rudy Haber (left) and Renald Muchow a well-known "hand balancing" act.

See: x.com for more info
JAMES RICHARD DAWSON on the left, and PHILLIP ROGER DAWSON were twin Bothers and Sailors who posed for Bob Mizer in 1958. PHILLIP died in Vietnam in 1965. JAMES wrote in his 70s that Phillip and he were almost kicked out of the NAVY for posing for Bob Mizer.
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See below:

Gerringer Twins.JPG

Gerringer, Bob (L) & Ollie (R) 2.jpg

Gerringer, Bob (L) & Ollie (R).jpg