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Reality Girls Scissors
Reality Girls Scissors
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The Muscles of Morgan Del Ray: Clear HD

11/24/14 12:06 AM17 min542 MBmpg480p
Price16.99 EUR


Young Morgan Del Ray returns with her mean streak enlivened by new, bone- thin victim near her own age. "How's it feel getting beat up by a girl?" she asks him, kicking him with legs that are so strong they can kick in doors in one try. Morgan has an impressive combonation of upper body and leg strength, which, with her flexibilty, helps the hot girl to crane the new guy's neck to near failure in a gymnastic headscissors that has her touching her sneakers to her head. Her developed quads crush his neck as his face turns purple with her cranking on the pressure. "Get up, bitch boy," she says as he is dazed from her long headscissors. Kicks and punches to the gut make it as red as his face and he is in clear pain. She calls him a loser for getting beat up "by a girl who weighs 105 pounds." It's remarkable Morgan can pack as much muscle as she does into that few pounds. Whenever the caliper to measure BMI came out in school, Morgan would be the girl with the least body fat and wind up flexing for curious classmates. She has a six pack, arms and shoulders and triceps that flex involuntarily -- and those quads! They are deeply musculed and swallow about a third of the tiny, clean-cut guy's face when extended in straight headscissors that Morgan loves holding in place for long periods. Her calves panic him in figure fours as he prys at her yellow sneakers while his forhead veins bulge. After nearly each tap she gives him a breath then just puts her strong legs back to work. In bodyscissors she makes him moan, then smiles as just turning her knee in and turning up the pressure as her quad flexes makes him quit; and it's one long, last headscissors with her up on her palms for leverage and cranking on the power that makes him ask for a break from the pretty little brat girl who knows her body rules. Time: 17:37

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