If you could be the greatest musician or athlete in the world...


persona non grata
Musician, simply because art is much more important and interesting than sports.
Look at how musicians stand the test of time. There are musicians from the first century that we still talk about! And everyone can name 10 composers. Do you think everyone could name 10 athletes from 1900 and earlier?

Both musicians and athletes inspire people to greater things, but I'd stick to music.

Hey. I'm a musician. :rubbel:

Jon S.

Look at how musicians stand the test of time. There are musicians from the first century that we still talk about! And everyone can name 10 composers. Do you think everyone could name 10 athletes from 1900 and earlier?
The only problem with that comparison is the fact that professional musicians have been around a lot longer than professional athletes. Even today, amateur athletes (aside from college and high school) are not well known. Professional athletes didn't really come about until around the turn of the 20th century (1900), though professional baseball players did come about in the late 1800's. Long story short, it's the professional athlete that gets the bulk of the attention even today, and there really weren't that many prior to 1900, so that's why it's much easier to name musicians from a long time ago, and athletes not so much......however, there are several professional athletes from way back then who are just as well known today, as they were 75-100 years ago.....so, with regards to elite professional athletes, they have shown the ability to survive the test of time.

That being said, I'd go with being the greatest athlete in the world and play professional baseball because of longevity, it not being as taxing on the body over the long haul and later in life, and most importantly because of the money. Hell, even mediocre baseball players can pull in $10+ million a year......and if I'm the greatest and in the elite class, I could easily command $25-$30 million a season & build from there as my career progresses. Of course I'd have to play for the Yankees, Red Sox, or Phillies these days because they are probably the only ones who could afford me. Ha ha ha! Many musicians unfortunately only receive pennies of every dollar that they earn through their music.....atheletes pretty much keep the lion's share of what they earn.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Many musicians unfortunately only receive pennies of every dollar that they earn through their music.....atheletes pretty much keep the lion's share of what they earn.

It's not about the money, dude! It's about the music!

Jon S.

It's not about the money, dude! It's about the music!

I totally agree & feel where you're coming from. It's just I was an ok athlete, and not much of a musician at all.......sooooooo, if being presented with the opportunity to be granted with the elite skills in either department.....I'd have to go with the one that would provide me with the best opportunity to make the most money.....and in this day and age, it's being a great professional athlete. If I were to go with something that would feed my passions the most and be the most rewarding (not counting money)....then musician would definitely be the way to go, as being a professional athlete really is only rewarding in the material (money) sense.


Closed Account
Musician. Then do a little producing, maybe record exec. ala Herb Alpert. Maybe some inventing like Les Paul.
Athlete would be the best job in the world in my opinion. You become filthy rich from playing a game. Sign me up. You don't even have to be in good shape or attractive to have a smokin hot wife (Phil Mickleson).

I'm obsessed with sports though, so it's a no brainer for me. Musician would be awesome as well, but still second place to athlete.


Closed Account
I'd be an athlete like a baseball player. Banging out homers and women and still be able to make it on time for batting and field practises.
Musician , Im not one for running around plus I like my drink , drugs and women too much , to give it up for shitty gold medals

Id rather be wasted and fucking some hot random chick :)
Very true but that was a bygone day , you dont really get athletes acting like that nowadays

Snort some coke off a hot chicks ass or go home & practise hitting a ball?

I know wot id pick lol :)