She'll never get the hang of it :nono:

the driver of that car is going to get very impatient waiting for his damn car to get clean if she keeps that shit up...some people just have terrible work ethics
Hey! I'm not paying you to take a bath you smelly whore. You do that on your own time!

Now, rub your tits on the gentleman's wind shield like you were paid to do!



Do they also vacuum the inside of my car? And if I pay them extra would they vaccuum my penis? With their mouth??


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
not only does she think her shit doesn't stink, but it also makes an excellent car polish
I'm paying you to clean my car, dammit! Now cut out the shit and get to work!
does this car wash offer happy endings?
I would pay good money to watch her not wash my car.